Liberal Media / Conservative Media

michaeledward said:
While Kennedy did play a part in the Big Dig ... to blame a Senator for state deficits, social services and welfare is a bit disengenous, isn't it?

I'm sure you understand civics enough to realize that a Senator serves the citizens of the state at the federal government level. The state services you mention are controlled by your local representatives on Beacon Hill, and the State Governor.

Nobody's blaming him for it all. But he hails from the hub of it all.

So he's not a big tax hiker, tax spender, socialist, anti-gun thug nor does he get voted for by the same people who do want more state programs and welfare?

I'm sure you understand English enough so your probably just twisting words.
Man, I just love these lessons.

MisterMike said:
Nobody's blaming him for it all. But he hails from the hub of it all.
MisterMike said:
Who CAN respect the Sr. Massachusetts senator???
MisterMike said:
It's the black hole where Kennedy hails from that is sucking the taxes from the rest of the state. Big Dig, gargantuan deficits, from a state 1/10th the size of Texas. Welfare and social services are so easy to get it draws people from out of state, not to mention the homosexuals now who will soon be wanting state benefits. Nevermind the schools are the worst in the country.
So he's not a big tax hiker, tax spender, socialist, anti-gun thug nor does he get voted for by the same people who do want more state programs and welfare?

I'm sure you understand English enough so your probably just twisting words.
As near as I can see ... all of those are your words. And it does appear to me, that you are indeed blaming him for it all. That may not be what you meant, but it is what you said. Although, you do point out the logical fallacy that just because Senator Kennedy is from a location, he is not the cause of the actions that take place in that location.

Further, even if Senator Kennedy is a, . . . umm, how did you put it . . .
MisterMike said:
big tax hiker, tax spender, socialist, anti-gun thug
. . . the programs you are railling against, and leaving the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to get away from, are not in place because of Senator Kennedy.

A Senator serves the citizens of a state in Washington DC. The Services that you describe as contributing reasons for your departure from the Commonwealth are State services, and not reflective of the work of the Senator.

And, speaking of gargantuan deficits, I am not even going to touch President Bush's, and the Republican controlled congress's budgets from the past 3 years.
michaeledward said:
Man, I just love these lessons.

As near as I can see ... all of those are your words. And it does appear to me, that you are indeed blaming him for it all. That may not be what you meant, but it is what you said. Although, you do point out the logical fallacy that just because Senator Kennedy is from a location, he is not the cause of the actions that take place in that location.

Further, even if Senator Kennedy is a, . . . umm, how did you put it . . .
. . . the programs you are railling against, and leaving the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to get away from, are not in place because of Senator Kennedy.

A Senator serves the citizens of a state in Washington DC. The Services that you describe as contributing reasons for your departure from the Commonwealth are State services, and not reflective of the work of the Senator.

And, speaking of gargantuan deficits, I am not even going to touch President Bush's, and the Republican controlled congress's budgets from the past 3 years.

You can read all that and STILL not get the point that I only associated Kennedy with Boston. The SAME people who are creating/using/voting for these failing wasteful programs are the SAME people who vote for Kennedy, who presses for the same types of legislation in D.C.

Nooooowhere did I BLAME him but I certainly do not respect him.
How one becomes an, "anti-gun thug," is a bit beyond me.

Nevertheless, I take such posts as these as signs of the continuing decline of civility. I despise Tom de Lay's politics and actions, but he remains, "Congessman DeLay," a leading member of our legislature--and, if you'll note, I do not pass loud, aggressive public judgment on his character.

It is not a good sign, socially speaking, that the Michael Savages of the world feel free to say, and write, that their fellow Americans are traitors and pigs and whatever else their febrile little minds come up with.

Certainly, there is a long, funny, and honorable tradition of citizens making rude fun of their leaders. Good for them.

However, I take offense at those who feel free to publicly, loudly, attack people who--whatever one's reservations about their private life--insult people who have spent their lives in public service, and who have lost two brothers to that service.

I take offense at Savage, Rush and the others who have no reservations whatsoever about insulting people like Bob Kerrey (a CMH holder) or John McCain (a pretty heroic POW, in my book, and by the way, why exactly weren't the likes of our esteemed Sec'y of Defense in the least abashed about telling a survivor of prison camps and torture that, perish forbid, we weren't doing anything wrong in Iraq prisons and anyway we'd suspended the Geneva Conventions as we saw fit?) or George McGovern (combat bomber pilot, WWII) or all the rest of them, who fought for their country and just so happen to hold different views.

I even take offense at people who insult as loudly as they can the Bill Clintons of the world, who (whatever one's reservations about their private lives) grew up with nothing, busted their *** to get their education, and gave up a lot for public service.

Especially when they then turn around and complain that the problem with this country is our decaying ethics.
The Clinton's went in to service to give up a lot??..I think they went in to get a lot.
Gee, musta missed the Kennedys riding in to take guns from the cold dead hands of decent Amurricans.

And gee, guess ya didn't want to tangle with the real point of that post, didja?
rmcrobertson said:
And gee, guess ya didn't want to tangle with the real point of that post, didja?

Gee - and the both of you are such models for the rest of us.

Hey is there something wrong with spelling Americans, or are you too ashamed to be one?
MisterMike said:
Gee - and the both of you are such models for the rest of us.

Hey is there something wrong with spelling Americans, or are you too ashamed to be one?
I don't mean to disrespect rmcorobertson in any way, I barely know him. But it seems to me on observing his posts, he seems very liberal wich isn't bad at all. But it seems to me that almost very extreme liberal hates being American. Now I'm not assuming rmc hates America and isn't proud to be one, I just wanted to point that out.

If you have also noticed, liberal news channels and radio always seem to put America down all the time. So already when you are listening to those stations or news channels, you get the bias Anti-American crap already. Just wanted to point that out too.
Good to see the point confirmed: "conservatism," has sunk so low, intellectually and morally speaking, that dissent can only be labelled un-Amerikan.

Barry Goldwater would be ashamed of such discussion. But then, as I've come to realize, he was the real thing.

In brief, can't you use commas properly? Or are you too ashamed of being a comma to use one?

Still waiting to see addressed the point about shameful attacks on Americans who have given their country a great deal, even if we don't like their politics. It's people like that who called Robert Oppenheimer a traitor.

But keep going. Nothing could possibly illustrate the bankruptcy of "conservative," claims as well.
Cobra said:
I don't mean to disrespect rmcorobertson in any way, I barely know him. But it seems to me on observing his posts, he seems very liberal wich isn't bad at all. But it seems to me that almost very extreme liberal hates being American. Now I'm not assuming rmc hates America and isn't proud to be one, I just wanted to point that out.

If you have also noticed, liberal news channels and radio always seem to put America down all the time. So already when you are listening to those stations or news channels, you get the bias Anti-American crap already. Just wanted to point that out too.
Who are the 'very extreme liberal' persons you are referring to?
Who are the 'liberal news channels and radio you are referring to?

I am a very extreme liberal (self-proclaimed). Why do you assume I hate being American? What actions have I taken, or statements I have made that allow you to make such a statement?

And please help me understand what channels and stations I should tune into so that I can see and listen to the 'correct' American way of doing things.
Okay ... Here's the tally so far. Personalities first.
  • Rush Limbaugh - Conservative
  • Michael Savage - Conservative
  • G Gordon Liddy - Conservative
  • Sean Hannity - Conservative
  • Bill O'Reilly - Conservative
  • Glenn Beck - Conservative
  • Laura Ingraham - Conservative
  • Howard Stern - Liberal
Media Outlets
  • New York Times - Liberal
  • New York Times - Contested Liberal Status
  • FOX - Conservative
  • Air America - Liberal
  • CNN - Liberal
  • MSNBC - Liberal
I'm not sure what this claimant means
  • Major News Networks - Liberal
And, for good measure, one local personality
  • * Jay Severin - Conservative (Local)
Where are the strong voices of liberalism that dominate the media? Who on the left speaks with so clear an strong a voice as those listed here on the right?

By the way ... I don't think any of the personalities listed are strong conservatives. Where is George Will, William Buckley, Michael Kinsley, Cal Thomas ... and the like? Certainly, they are out doing battle with the liberal behemoths such as, Elenor Clift, Anna Quindlen and Molly Ivins.

Again, thanks for playing all.
michaeledward said:
By the way ... I don't think any of the personalities listed are strong conservatives.
You're kidding, right? Limbaugh? Hannity?

BTW, I don't see CNN, MSNBC or The NY Times as "Liberal." Air America Radio is liberal.
Phoenix44 said:
You're kidding, right? Limbaugh? Hannity?

BTW, I don't see CNN, MSNBC or The NY Times as "Liberal." Air America Radio is liberal.
No, I am not kidding. I do not think that Limbaugh and Hannity can stand on the same conservative ground as George Will. While Limbaugh and Hannity may hold similar points of view as Mr. Will, they are not nearly so articulate in voicing those points of view, nor are they as persuasive. Some of that may be because they are primarily known in television and radio, which can not be as coherent has their print colleagues. Arguing for a particular point of view for 60 minutes on radio (Minus 12 minutes of commercials) allows for some pretty incoherent ramblings. Whereas putting your thoughts into a 1200 word column forces a measure of clarity of thought.

By the way, I agree that CNN, MSNBC & the New York Times are not what I would call liberal either. However, some in this thread made that case.

Cobra said:
I don't mean to disrespect rmcorobertson in any way, I barely know him. But it seems to me on observing his posts, he seems very liberal wich isn't bad at all. But it seems to me that almost very extreme liberal hates being American. Now I'm not assuming rmc hates America and isn't proud to be one, I just wanted to point that out.

If you have also noticed, liberal news channels and radio always seem to put America down all the time. So already when you are listening to those stations or news channels, you get the bias Anti-American crap already. Just wanted to point that out too.
Without yet reading Roberts response, which I'm sure will be interesting, let me tell you that you have been told liberals hate america by those politicaly opposed to their beliefs. Try forming your own opinions for once, or at least point out what is and what is not american so we can tear your petty argument to shreds.
Thank you,
Hey, I found some evidence that the 'Liberal' National Public Radio ... may not be so Liberal after all ...

Newsday May 25 said:
Watchdog Group Report
by Peter Goodman

Despite a perception that National Public Radio is politically liberal, the majority of its sources are actually Republicans and conservatives, according to a survey released today by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, a left-leaning media watchdog.

"Republicans not only had a substantial partisan edge," according to a report accompanying the survey, "individual Republicans were NPR's most popular sources overall, taking the top seven spots in frequency of appearance." In addition, representatives of right-of-center think tanks outnumbered their leftist counterparts by more than four to one, FAIR reported.

Citing comments dating to the Nixon administration in the 1970s, the report said, "That NPR harbors a liberal bias is an article of faith among many conservatives." However, it added, "Despite the commonness of such claims, little evidence has ever been presented for a left bias at NPR."

The study counted 2,334 sources used in 804 stories aired last June for four programs: "All Things Considered," "Morning Edition," "Weekend Edition Saturday" and "Weekend Edition Sunday." For the analysis of think tanks, FAIR used the months of May through August 2003.

Overall, Republicans outnumbered Democrats by 61 percent to 38 percent, a figure only slightly higher now, when the GOP controls the White House and both houses of Congress, than during a previous survey in 1993, during the Clinton administration.
michaeledward said:
Hey, I found some evidence that the 'Liberal' National Public Radio ... may not be so Liberal after all ...

Jsut because the sources were Republicans, does not mean that the stories did not have a left-of-center slant. An interview with Don Rumsfeld does not make a newspaper right-of-center.

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