Liberal Media / Conservative Media

I am astonished I have not come across this guy on TV yet. I must admit my interest is peeked now. :D
MisterMike said:
I am astonished I have not come across this guy on TV yet. I must admit my interest is PIQUED now. :D
Try the AM radio. Or just look him up on the internet.... YOU are just going to love him.(no offense and sorry for the spelling correction I couldn't resist) LOL
I will admit I come from a conservative base and out here we have a guy, Jay Severin, on the radio who adds a bit of flare to his show. But if Savage is out there like a Howard Stern I probably won't 'love' him. I do like Laura Ingraham though ;)

Ohyea, I meant 'peeked' anyways.
I find it odd how much Jay Severin and I are in agreement on the current status of the US occupation in Iraq ... although, I would never recommend "nuking them" ... but other than that . . .

Everything else Jay says, however, I think is hogwash. ... but again, and for the moment, Jay is a local personality, so I don't want to dwell on him too much.

Laura Ingraham has never seen a Bush policy she doesn't support. The level of respect she shows to the senior Massachusetts Senator speaks volumes. Even if I disagree vehimently with someone so prominent in the government, I do not speak so unkindly about them. And I don't think she is using the language she does for humor purposes.

As for Michael Savage, on radio ... he is just another of the rabid voices of extremism (on the right) ... on Television, he was an FCC fine waiting to happen ... which is why he is gone.
Touch'O'Death said:
Actualy it was the reason he was fired from MSNBC; so, I'll pretend you didn't say that or you just don't know what your talking about... you decide. :asian:
No, he got fired because someone called and purposely got Savage pissed off and Savage called the caller a sodomite. Wow, that is such a bad word. Come on.

I think MSNBC was waiting for Savage to do something, even if it wasn't that bad at all because MSNBC because they wanted to a hardbound conservative off the air. Pretty unfair if you ask me.
Cobra said:
No, he got fired because someone called and purposely got Savage pissed off and Savage called the caller a sodomite. Wow, that is such a bad word. Come on.

I think MSNBC was waiting for Savage to do something, even if it wasn't that bad at all because MSNBC because they wanted to a hardbound conservative off the air. Pretty unfair if you ask me.
So he called him a sodomite and he told him he hoped he got AIDS and died. Secondly if he can't control his temper as a "Proffessional" I guess he doesn't belong on the air, does he? I think that's pretty fair, don't you?
MisterMike said:
I will admit I come from a conservative base and out here we have a guy, Jay Severin, on the radio who adds a bit of flare to his show. But if Savage is out there like a Howard Stern I probably won't 'love' him. I do like Laura Ingraham though ;)

Ohyea, I meant 'peeked' anyways.
There is nothing Stern about Michael Savage & How come you mean to mispell words? now I'M curious.
Cobra said:
No, he got fired because someone called and purposely got Savage pissed off and Savage called the caller a sodomite. Wow, that is such a bad word. Come on.

I think MSNBC was waiting for Savage to do something, even if it wasn't that bad at all because MSNBC because they wanted to a hardbound conservative off the air. Pretty unfair if you ask me.
A transcript can be found here:

A couple of points:

Savage regularly uses the term 'sodomists' to refer to homosexuals. In this conversation, he seemed to guess the caller's sexual preference by the caller's speaking inflections.

When Savage refers to 'sausage', in the context, I don't think he was refering to a food.
michaeledward said:
I find it odd how much Jay Severin and I are in agreement on the current status of the US occupation in Iraq ... although, I would never recommend "nuking them" ... but other than that . . .

Everything else Jay says, however, I think is hogwash. ... but again, and for the moment, Jay is a local personality, so I don't want to dwell on him too much.

Laura Ingraham has never seen a Bush policy she doesn't support. The level of respect she shows to the senior Massachusetts Senator speaks volumes. Even if I disagree vehimently with someone so prominent in the government, I do not speak so unkindly about them. And I don't think she is using the language she does for humor purposes.

As for Michael Savage, on radio ... he is just another of the rabid voices of extremism (on the right) ... on Television, he was an FCC fine waiting to happen ... which is why he is gone.

I don't think Laura was in support of opening the Mexican border, or letting the illegals receive permanent status here.

Who CAN respect the Sr. Massachusetts senator??? Maybe not humor, but these shows do require a bit of entertainment value otherwise no-one would listen.
MisterMike said:
If the number one paper in the world (NYT) is openly liberal, that ought to give you a hint.
If you are claiming that the New York Times is 'Openly Liberal', please review this article.

The fact that the New York Times would publish articles that were in support of the US invasion of Iraq, without appriopriate editorial oversight and vetting, seems to disavow the claim.

A liberal paper would have used every opportunity to make statements against the planned invasion. A liberal paper would have featured more prominently the articles that countered claims used to support the invasion, when they were discovered.
MisterMike said:
Who CAN respect the Sr. Massachusetts senator??? Maybe not humor, but these shows do require a bit of entertainment value otherwise no-one would listen.
The citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts seem to have enough respect for the senator to re-elect him seven times.

And, if the people of Massachusetts aren't good enough for you, how about this.

The 2003 George Bush Award for Excellence in Public Service is presented to
Edward M. Kennedy
United States Senator
The 2003 Recipient of the George Bush Award for Excellence in Public Service

Regards - Mike
Media/information formats (television/radio/print/internet) are motivated by profit. There may be a mission statement and a business philosophy along with a target demographic audience that they are tailoring to in the market, but in the end they are a private business organization working for profit. Their chosen product is information. How they sell that product to that market will increase of decrease sales.

Since the "media" is a bunch of private/independent organizations it is impossible to label all of them as left, right, liberal or what ever.

In the end they are like any business. In an analogy that would compare Media industry to car sales, some will be the economy class/appeal to the masses type of used car/shlocky 'cheap' stuff (stereotypic used car salesman, screaming advertising dealership types) and some will be the 'high style' sleek luxury class stuff (Beamers, Jaguars....). From one end of the analagous extreme to the other there is a 'tone' and 'mood' that is emphasized that accomplishes:

1. Providing the service/product that the business is producing.
2. The 'air' or style that fits the business philosophy/mission and attracts a certain demographic.

No matter how noble or honorable intentions may be, some decisions in the commercial information industry will be for profit purposes.

I haven't even gone into the personal biases of the writers, editors, chief editors, owners.... that either consciously or unconsciously influence the slant of the information and the choice of ommisions/inclusive info.
Paul, that is a fairly clear description of the process and industry.

Yet we are somehow beseiged by claims of the 'liberal media'. I believe another posted said, "I think most would agree that the slant is more toward the left."

In fact, I started this thread because someone said they read a review of an item, and based their opinion of the item on the review. And, I was reading a book that claimed the 'reviews' are more important to society than the 'things'.

Others claim, as you seem to be doing, that the only bias in the media is a 'profit bias'.

Is that so? I'm curious. Because from my point of view, the right has a far larger voice in the media. The left is nowhere to be found on my radio dial. (Well, that's not true ... WTKK in Boston has a liberal talk show on Saturday mornings from 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM - "Fighting for our rights!" - thankfully, I go fishing on Sunday mornings.).

michaeledward said:
Paul, that is a fairly clear description of the process and industry.

Yet we are somehow beseiged by claims of the 'liberal media'. I believe another posted said, "I think most would agree that the slant is more toward the left."

In fact, I started this thread because someone said they read a review of an item, and based their opinion of the item on the review. And, I was reading a book that claimed the 'reviews' are more important to society than the 'things'.

Others claim, as you seem to be doing, that the only bias in the media is a 'profit bias'.

Is that so? I'm curious. Because from my point of view, the right has a far larger voice in the media. The left is nowhere to be found on my radio dial. (Well, that's not true ... WTKK in Boston has a liberal talk show on Saturday mornings from 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM - "Fighting for our rights!" - thankfully, I go fishing on Sunday mornings.).

I'd say that most of the accusations about Right, Left.... are motivated by personal disagreement with the presentation more than an accurate assessment of specific formats/companies. If the "right" has a more powerful voice it is because it is more sensational sounding and stirs up the left. The left reacts and gets angry, creates arguments vocally and in their heads then BUYS/WATCHES for what will happen next because they are incensed.....

People say that part of fulfillment is making a living at something you love. That is what they are doing.
loki09789 said:
I'd say that most of the accusations about Right, Left.... are motivated by personal disagreement with the presentation more than an accurate assessment of specific formats/companies. If the "right" has a more powerful voice it is because it is more sensational sounding and stirs up the left. The left reacts and gets angry, creates arguments vocally and in their heads then BUYS/WATCHES for what will happen next because they are incensed.....

People say that part of fulfillment is making a living at something you love. That is what they are doing.
Kinda sounds like the reasons I post here sometimes. ;)
Could it possibly be that the reason there are accusations of a "liberal media" is that more "liberals" tend to watch/read media outlets than "conservatives" (after all, if the media really is so "left-winged", why would you bother? Or, as our eminent *chuckles* president put it, "Eh, opinions.")??

After all, yah gotta satisfy your target audience, neh?
michaeledward said:
The citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts seem to have enough respect for the senator to re-elect him seven times.

And, if the people of Massachusetts aren't good enough for you, how about this.


Regards - Mike

None of it is enough for me. You could draw a line down the middle of Massachusetts and show how Boston and the surrounding areas are the brick while the rest of the state tries to swim. It's the black hole where Kennedy hails from that is sucking the taxes from the rest of the state. Big Dig, gargantuan deficits, from a state 1/10th the size of Texas. Welfare and social services are so easy to get it draws people from out of state, not to mention the homosexuals now who will soon be wanting state benefits. Nevermind the schools are the worst in the country. Glad to be leaving soon...
MisterMike said:
None of it is enough for me. You could draw a line down the middle of Massachusetts and show how Boston and the surrounding areas are the brick while the rest of the state tries to swim. It's the black hole where Kennedy hails from that is sucking the taxes from the rest of the state. Big Dig, gargantuan deficits, from a state 1/10th the size of Texas. Welfare and social services are so easy to get it draws people from out of state, not to mention the homosexuals now who will soon be wanting state benefits. Nevermind the schools are the worst in the country. Glad to be leaving soon...
Your state is definantly a testing groung for Gay Marriage. The bennefit issues has always been the reason I opposed gay Marriage. I think it would cripple the military. Anyways are you just moving across the border or are you moving to a completly different area of the country?
MisterMike said:
None of it is enough for me. You could draw a line down the middle of Massachusetts and show how Boston and the surrounding areas are the brick while the rest of the state tries to swim. It's the black hole where Kennedy hails from that is sucking the taxes from the rest of the state. Big Dig, gargantuan deficits, from a state 1/10th the size of Texas. Welfare and social services are so easy to get it draws people from out of state, not to mention the homosexuals now who will soon be wanting state benefits. Nevermind the schools are the worst in the country. Glad to be leaving soon...
While Kennedy did play a part in the Big Dig ... to blame a Senator for state deficits, social services and welfare is a bit disengenous, isn't it?

I'm sure you understand civics enough to realize that a Senator serves the citizens of the state at the federal government level. The state services you mention are controlled by your local representatives on Beacon Hill, and the State Governor.
Touch'O'Death said:
Your state is definantly a testing groung for Gay Marriage. The bennefit issues has always been the reason I opposed gay Marriage. I think it would cripple the military. Anyways are you just moving across the border or are you moving to a completly different area of the country?

I'm hopping over the line to NH. I am also intersted in the Libertarian Free State Project.

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