Legalize the Illegals??

There ya go, lets annex Mexico and legalize the Marijuana trade and that will solve all the problems with illegal immigration....:ultracool

Well not necessarily ALL the problems... but it would've given us a much smaller border to patrol and while I differ on the legalization of marijuana the drug trade would have a more difficult time smuggling into this country.

Of course the USCG would have to be expanded :D
Well not necessarily ALL the problems... but it would've given us a much smaller border to patrol and while I differ on the legalization of marijuana the drug trade would have a more difficult time smuggling into this country.

Of course the USCG would have to be expanded :D
Yeah I respect you're opinion on the Marijuana issue. I have mixed feelings about that as well. I do know that Marijuana is considered a gateway drug. But I do not see it as any more harmful than Alcohol is. Why not legalize it, regulate it, and collect taxes on it....Doesn't mean you need to go run out and smoke it but all those knuckleheads out there who choose it can do so legally while contributing to the erosion of the defecit.....:)
Yeah I respect you're opinion on the Marijuana issue. I have mixed feelings about that as well. I do know that Marijuana is considered a gateway drug. But I do not see it as any more harmful than Alcohol is. Why not legalize it, regulate it, and collect taxes on it....Doesn't mean you need to go run out and smoke it but all those knuckleheads out there who choose it can do so legally while contributing to the erosion of the defecit.....:)
Ya, well there's more to marijuana than being just a "gate-way drug" and as a recovering addict I should know. Only now are they beginning to see the effects over the long term from heavy usage. Still legalization isn't the topic here. :wink1:

Well the legalization of marijuana isn't the topic... the legalization of illegal immigrants is... :D
Illegal immigration is a huge problem... and it's not going to go away. This measure is a barely workable compromise -- and it'll do as well as the amnesty in the 80s did at solving the problem.

There is no easy solution; we cannot reasonably seal our borders and tell the rest of the world to screw themselves. We currently enjoy single digit unemployment; that means we really do NEED the workers. What we don't need is a flock of illegals undercutting a reasonable labor market so badly that we don't have many home-grown carpenters, masons, and so on. We don't need the illegal aliens that are simply working and sending the money out of the country, with no intent to become part of our society or culture, and every intent to return "home" after several years. (And plenty of them do it...)

I don't have any magic solutions. I like the idea of making the people who came here illegally pay some sort of penalty; I don't like that this essentially lets them jump to the head of the line in front of people who played by the rules.

And I've got real issues with the illegal aliens marching and demonstrating against political activity here in the US. Or illegal aliens seeming to have more rights than legit US citizens!
And I've got real issues with the illegal aliens marching and demonstrating against political activity here in the US. Or illegal aliens seeming to have more rights than legit US citizens!
So do I. That these people have the audacity to protest and try to put their flag above the country they're in. If they were legal citizens then perhaps they have the right to make their point by lawful protest and adhering to the constitutional rights to assembly and all of that. But never, NEVER place one country's flag over the home country's. That was just so wrong on so many levels.
And here we have quite literally going behind our backs in secretive meetings to find a compromise, then saying: "Hey folks we're now going to do this... oh and don't bother trying to go to the polls or voting or writing to your congressman/representative because we've already set the plan in motion... but thanks for caring though."

We the people of these United States still have the right to throw every single one of those airheads out of the capitol building and put in newer faces. But unfortunately we the people can't even guarantee to ourselves that the new faces we put in won't (eventually) get just as corrupted or power hungry or complacent while in office.

Has anyone gone and talked to President Fox about this problem? Are they meeting with him? It would seem so. But what is HE doing about his people wanting to leave for greener pastures... probably doesn't seem to care, it looks like.
Has anyone gone and talked to President Fox about this problem? Are they meeting with him? It would seem so. But what is HE doing about his people wanting to leave for greener pastures... probably doesn't seem to care, it looks like.

First off, there is just so much wrong on the illegal issues being brought up in here and on capital hill its outrages.

Now.. Fox is no longer President of Mexico. Felipe Calderón won the dec 2006 election. But fox was corrupt..(which Mexican Presidents hasn’t been?? In response to non mexican (illegal immigrants) entering into mexico from the south Fox closed its lower boarders with the military. The reasoning. The new immigrants were causing job losses to Mexican citizens due to lower wages accepted by the illegals. Gee ... get a friggen clue America (U.S.) I have to put U.S. here because people (and lawyers) from south of our boarders state that This is all America and we all deserve the rights Of America... friggen panty wastes.

Here is something else you should read. ItÂ’s importantÂ…

1. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no
special ballots for elections, and all government business will be
conducted in our language.

2. Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote, no matter how long
they are here.

3. Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political office.

4. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no
food stamps, no health care, nor any other government assistance programs.

5. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount
equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.

6. If foreigners do come and want to buy land that will be okay, BUT
options will be restricted. You are not allowed to own waterfront
property. That property is reserved for citizens naturally born into
this country.

7. Foreigners may not protest; no demonstrations, no waving a
foreign flag, no political organizing, no "bad-mouthing" our president
or his policies. If you do you will be sent home.

8. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be hunted down
and sent straight to jail.
Harsh, you say ?...

The above laws happen to be the immigration laws of " MEXICO " !
Originally Posted by jks9199
And I've got real issues with the illegal aliens marching and demonstrating against political activity here in the US. Or illegal aliens seeming to have more rights than legit US citizens!

So do I. That these people have the audacity to protest and try to put their flag above the country they're in. If they were legal citizens then perhaps they have the right to make their point by lawful protest and adhering to the constitutional rights to assembly and all of that. But never, NEVER place one country's flag over the home country's. That was just so wrong on so many levels.


You think that pisses you off... after last years inciden of the illegals waving mexican flags and then realizing what a back lash it cause amoungst americans that they changed to the U.S. flag... they again on May 1st were waving mexican flags.. not in the same number.. but they are starting it up again.. (or is it just because they are so friggen stupid they cant get it in their heads that Americans don't want to see a flag of a second rate country with second rate people trying to tell us what to do. So on may day of this year... Another protest was occured.. And on camera... this is what happened..

Immigration reform protest Organizer Javier Rodriguez was interviewed on cnn today (May 1 2007) He demanded citizenship for the 13 million (he expressly related that it was no longer 12 million from last year but now 13 Million "immigrants" who were demanding u.s. citizenship.) Rodriquez stated that Amongst his and other protestors demands were the Impeachment of Bush and Cheney, and the withdrawal of troupes out of Iraq. Amazing.. absolutely amazing. They not only break our laws, demand rights that they are not entitled to, but now want to run our politics..

You want to hear something even more amazing... Rodriquez also stated that 600,000 illegal mothers were facing deportation (back to mexico) leaving behind their 3 million.. yes.. he said 3 million children behind in the states... WTF!!!.. what!!??!! an average of five fricking children per mother!!!!

Do we want this type of person in the u.s!!!???.. People who ignore our laws.. take away the resources of our children in our schools which are so all ready so over crowded now that the student to teacher ratio is unmanageable. If you didn't see the pictures on the news today you missed more ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS called "immigrants" by the news media because they feel it is politically incorrect to actually call the group what it is ILLEGAL.

Please feel free to clean up my rant and pass it around.. to your friends and family. I truly believe it is time to put an end to this madness. It is now time to start to band together and stop this crap. Write your house of representitives. Write your Senators. Write the President. Write the newspapers that feel its inappropriate to call Illegal Immigrants ILLEGAL.. and then refuse to buy those newspapers until they do. Call up you t.v. news station and tell them.. they are called illegal immigrants because thats what they are by definition....PEOPLE, ITS TIME TO STAND UP AND END THIS ********
You think that pisses you off... after last years inciden of the illegals waving mexican flags and then realizing what a back lash it cause amoungst americans that they changed to the U.S. flag... they again on May 1st were waving mexican flags.. not in the same number.. but they are starting it up again.. (or is it just because they are so friggen stupid they cant get it in their heads that Americans don't want to see a flag of a second rate country with second rate people trying to tell us what to do. So on may day of this year... Another protest was occured.. And on camera... this is what happened..
You can call these people arrogant, ignorant, audacious, or whatever but I have to say that a good majority of the mexican-americans that I've known personally have been far from stupid. Some have higher degrees of education than I have. That they're being offensive with their flag waving and everything else is no reason for US (U.S.) to be as offensive. It won't help relations and by not doing so makes US look better eh?

Please feel free to clean up my rant
I think you're a big enough fella to do this on your own eh?

I can appreciate the emotion that's behind your rant and to some degree I'm with ya. But lets keep it civil. The mods are watching :wink2:
ILLEGAL ALIENS - what do you not understand about ILLEGAL????

If you are here in this country without being a born citizen, naturalized citizen, or here on a visa- get the hell out!

I am so tired of hearing that we should legalize those that made it here.

If I showed up in Spain and didn't have papers- do you think they would say " Oh, well , that's ok, we will GIVE you residency" Hell no!

I am also tired of having to push the spanish or English button on my ATM as well- if you live in America - learn to speak ENGLISH .
Our country was built on certain principles such as "In God we trust"
If you want to worship Allah or Mohammed, or Vishna, or whatever - that is your right, we founded this country on the right to be who you are
But I will be dammned if I am going to sit still and have somebody tell me I have to be observant of ebonics, or Espanol, or I have to learn to live with instructions sheets that are multinational.

Maybe I am being a bit cynical, but I once saw a cartoon of a guy yelling death to America and stomping on an American flag wearing his turban. Then in the next frame he is behind bars demanding his rights.

You live here- you accept the norm
If you go to Iraq, you accept the norm, if you go to England - you drive on the left hand side- because that is the norm.
When in Rome!!!!!!!!!!

They have a Black actors guild- but are there any white people in it?

But heaven forbid they have a white actors guild there would be hell to pay.

I am dumbfounded by the double edged sword that we have to live our lives by.

Gone are the days when Police officers were respected- not allowed to walk away from drunk driving tickets or leaving the scene. They were accountable.

Ministers were above reproach - not sex offenders
Boy Scout Leaders were good and just- Not sexual predators

Presidents were admired for their political abilities- not what sexual romps they were able to pull off in the oval office.

When I was younger nobody wore a helmet riding their bikes except the slow kids.

I suppose I am just getting old and like to whine about what I cannot change
I suppose I am just getting old and like to whine about what I cannot change
Heh, just ask God to grant you the serenity to accept what you cannot change. The courage to change what you can and wisdom to know the difference. That one by Niebold applies to everyone!
You know I'm _really_ not a liberal, I've even been accused of being somewhat 'right wing'... but. I have to go back and realize that almost _all_ of my ancestors immigrated here.

Then you weigh the fact that these people ARE working here now, if we do find an amicable way to legalize them, get them documented, paying taxes (I know many are already), and ease the strain on the INS...

Anyway, I'm not sure if this is the answer yet, but I'm listening with open ears.
The key word here is immigrated as in came thru the legal channels, not swim a river and cross illegally- Key word ILlegally!!!
If you want to immigrate to the US legally- fine- if you sneak in - you should be prosecuted!!!!! I don't care if you did find a job- you are ILLEGAL!!!
This could go on forever,,,i moved from so cal to missouri about 16 years ago and there are a lot of spanish speaking only people here as well as all over the rest of the country that drive with no insurance, stay in their own little community, display THEIR country's flag everywhere, publically protest at any and everything they can think of that is going on back in THEIR country and then state well back in MY country, blah blab blah, well if YOUR county is so great, what the hell are you doing here.
The key word here is immigrated as in came thru the legal channels, not swim a river and cross illegally- Key word ILlegally!!!

FWIW, my great-grandfather came to this country illegally. He was at Ellis Island and was going to be deported when he jumped 'over the wall' (as is was explained to me) and escaped into the country.

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