Leading senior citizens to the "Dark Side" - Right or wrong?

The dark, dark side is the 94 likes, and 0 dislikes of that video, before we even start translating the comments, the first of which was enough to sum the rest up. "This is the real inner fist master, not many know this", basically.

You and I see that video and are dumbfounded by its stupidity, but for some reason Youtube claims everyone loves this video. It's just like the Lizard Illuminati.

These are the guys that make me consider some dojo busting.
The dark, dark side is the 94 likes, and 0 dislikes of that video, before we even start translating the comments, the first of which was enough to sum the rest up. "This is the real inner fist master, not many know this", basically.

You and I see that video and are dumbfounded by its stupidity, but for some reason Youtube claims everyone loves this video. It's just like the Lizard Illuminati.

OMG!! are they back again?!?
The chain schools around here vary from instructor to instructor in the quality of training. Some folks would lump them all together as "Mcdojo'". but that is not always the case. The ones that drive me nuts are the schools that offer the "Martial Art of the DAY". Karate schools suddenly teach Gracie jujitsu,muay tai, or the latest rage, krav maga. And we can't leave out jeet kundo! Not all, but at least some of these instructors may have taken a couple of seminars, and/or got a DVD and sent their money in. Maybe I am old fashioned, but it just isn't right.
These are the guys that make me consider some dojo busting.
For Some unknown reason, the personal challenge culture just disappeared in the past 50 years. I still remember that the long fist GM Han Ching-Tang tried to challenge the Taiji master Yang Chen-Fu back in 1930.

Allow me to quote someone said in another forum that I agree 100%.

"I have zero interest in pushing people out of their stance as practicing like that will ruin you for actual fighting. Making aging boomer hippies take a step back and acting like that's "winning" or pretending that means you have "good taiji" (whatever that means) has always completely baffled me."
The "dark side" of Taiji is to use the invisible energy to make a guy jump backward.

Jump backwards repeatedly with barely a touch? I'd like to see that work on me! My leg joints hurt so much, I simply don't jump ... or run much. Cardio on a bike is a better bet. So yeah, I'd like to see that guy magically get me to jump like that!
Man you are so right on target here! Qanon and fa Jing and lizard people believers make me want to start my own cult of verifiable truths. Wait, that won’t make money though.
Strictly speaking, this is Fa Jin. I’m not sure what the “shock” stuff in that other video is called.

Strictly speaking, this is Fa Jin. I’m not sure what the “shock” stuff in that other video is called.

The caption with that video says:

He's demonstrating explosive power. "The fa jing release of energy is akin to a sneeze; the entire body opening and closing in an instant."

You know, what with COVID and everything, it might be easier to skip all that and just train sneezing for self defense. I mean, who's going to mess with somebody violently sneezing and spraying snot all over the place? :p
Jump backwards repeatedly with barely a touch? I'd like to see that work on me! My leg joints hurt so much, I simply don't jump ... or run much. Cardio on a bike is a better bet. So yeah, I'd like to see that guy magically get me to jump like that!
Would be good to introduce a little vigor. :)
The caption with that video says:

He's demonstrating explosive power. "The fa jing release of energy is akin to a sneeze; the entire body opening and closing in an instant."

You know, what with COVID and everything, it might be easier to skip all that and just train sneezing for self defense. I mean, who's going to mess with somebody violently sneezing and spraying snot all over the place? :p
Reminds me of an inappropriate joke.
Jump backwards repeatedly with barely a touch? I'd like to see that work on me! My leg joints hurt so much, I simply don't jump ... or run much. Cardio on a bike is a better bet. So yeah, I'd like to see that guy magically get me to jump like that!
The jump amazes me the most because everyone does the same jump.
For Some unknown reason, the personal challenge culture just disappeared in the past 50 years. I still remember that the long fist GM Han Ching-Tang tried to challenge the Taiji master Yang Chen-Fu back in 1930.

Allow me to quote someone said in another forum that I agree 100%.

"I have zero interest in pushing people out of their stance as practicing like that will ruin you for actual fighting. Making aging boomer hippies take a step back and acting like that's "winning" or pretending that means you have "good taiji" (whatever that means) has always completely baffled me."
You are 100% correct. The quote you posted is also 100%. I’m just grousing when I say that I would consider it. Phonies and charlatans that take peoples money for that crap just irritate me.
Strictly speaking, this is Fa Jin. I’m not sure what the “shock” stuff in that other video is called.

To me this is a tool. Taken out of context and without physical application it is as useful as an ironing board in a swimming pool. The shock guy is what happens when some fool sees some hidden wisdom in the secret underwater ironing technique.
Strictly speaking, this is Fa Jin. I’m not sure what the “shock” stuff in that other video is called.

Chen Xiao Wang has never made his opponent to jump up and down. I believe even in the Taiji community, some Taiji masters still won't believe such jumping up and down skill is real.

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