This is why it's really important to know your importer.
Wing Lam, for instance, sells quality stuff. I'm sure the occasional crap leaks in, but overall I consider them trustworthy.
Shop from the world's largest selection and best deals for traditional weapons. Shop with confidence at Wing Lam Enterprises store! High quality weapons, apparel, training materials, and more.
He does, but a lot of this stuff comes from Lung Chuan and very little further information is given. Lung Chuan stuff is available From a lot of places, and the city/region is famous for sword making, I believe historically as well as currently. The Lung Chuan swords tend to look very much the same, but I don’t know how many actual makers are there, if they all pool their stuff together for sale or if there is any way to distinguish one from the other, or if it matters in this case. Maybe they are all being made to the same standard.
I have seen on Wing Lam’s website and on others, a claim to have a higher grade of steel delivered to the manufacturers, to be used exclusively for them. Since Ive seen this claim made by more than one retailer, I don’t know what to make of it. Maybe it is true, maybe it’s just something that they say knowing that most of us are in no position to investigate.
I’ve bought a couple blades from WLE for which I built new hilts. One was a gift for my Wing Chun Sifu, the club paid for the materials and I did the work. The other, I still have and I do like it. But I am not in a position to state with certainty if either of these are of superior quality steel and heat treatments.
The only ones that I own, that I can say with confidence they are quality steel and workmanship, are the blades made by Angus Trim. He is from the Pacific Northwest, I don’t know if he is still making them at all, but I believe his work is well respected in the European sword groups.
For those that come from China, at least the Lung Chuan, I sort of take it on faith. There are some smaller craftsmen in China that have begun making swords, perhaps their work is more documented and information shared with the public, so one could know with more certainty. From what I’ve seen, they can also be rather expensive. But sometimes you get what you pay for.