Green Belt
Dark Kenpo Lord said:Main Entry: bas·tard·ize
Pronunciation: 'bas-t&r-"dIz
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -ized; -iz·ing
1 : to reduce from a higher to a lower state or condition : [size=-1]DEBASE[/size]
2 : to declare or prove to be a bastard
3 : to modify especially by introducing discordant or disparate elements
- bas·tard·i·za·tion/"bas-t&r-d&-'zA-sh&n/ noun
In a word, I'd say YES. And you probably learned alot of other techniques differently as well.
Dark Lord
Now i'm not saying I learned from Ed Parker, but wouldn't you be saying something to the effect that Mr. Parker taught a bastardized version of his own system? Or did he teach everyone to bastardize his system.
I guess I don't understand.