Kenpo Yahoo
I understood what Angela meant by pulling her strike a little. The few times I threw an attack at Mr. Mills with intent, speed, and power, I got pasted pretty good (Although, it wasn't as bad as some.... who shall remain nameless
). It was for a tip and not a demonstration of sparring skill. Even BJJ'ers and Judoka are taught certain moves at less than normal speed and with less than normal resistance. It was after all a TIP not a excerpt from "Street fights caught on tape." Take the tips for what they are intended to be.
What I think about the effectiveness of the material being shown has nothing to do with the fact that the tips are helping to promote the art of kenpo. In this regard, I think they are serving their general purpose. The AKKI catches flak just about everytime we release a video on the website. Fortunately for us, we don't give a damn. Mr. Mills has released around 6-7 videos for the members of the AKKI that include training material in the various aspects of our particular system. Most outsiders will never get to see these because they would be more interested in complaining about them than they would watching them.
However, if they are ever released to the general public it will be done knowing full well that people will ***** and moan about them. That's just a part of putting something out in the public eye. DEAL WITH IT!!!
When mathematicians think they have solved one of the millenium problems, they must publish their solution which must withstand public scrutiny for a set period of time. If you publish a TIP that can't stand up to the scrutiny of the public eye you have a couple of choices to make; do you try to explain it? yell at people who don't GET IT!!!? Or do you say,"Who cares?"
It's your call.

What I think about the effectiveness of the material being shown has nothing to do with the fact that the tips are helping to promote the art of kenpo. In this regard, I think they are serving their general purpose. The AKKI catches flak just about everytime we release a video on the website. Fortunately for us, we don't give a damn. Mr. Mills has released around 6-7 videos for the members of the AKKI that include training material in the various aspects of our particular system. Most outsiders will never get to see these because they would be more interested in complaining about them than they would watching them.
However, if they are ever released to the general public it will be done knowing full well that people will ***** and moan about them. That's just a part of putting something out in the public eye. DEAL WITH IT!!!
When mathematicians think they have solved one of the millenium problems, they must publish their solution which must withstand public scrutiny for a set period of time. If you publish a TIP that can't stand up to the scrutiny of the public eye you have a couple of choices to make; do you try to explain it? yell at people who don't GET IT!!!? Or do you say,"Who cares?"
It's your call.