Master Black Belt
ok here's what I've been taught, hopefully my description is accurate enough:
I do this technique from 'neutral'. The arms are raised high to frame the attack. The lead (right) arm in particular is chambered high in preparation for the downward-block.
As the kick comes in, I push-drag off center-line. As the right foot plants with a PAM, I simultaneously execute the right downward-block along the 9-3 line, along with a left 'slap-check' to the right shoulder. So at that point in time, my left hand is specifically placed onto the top of the right shoulder, bracing my upper body and providing stablity to the blocking arm. I'm in a right-neutral-bow still (but now positioned off the line of attack). Should the attacker be punching also, this placement of the left hand allows it to be easily brought up into a parry/check position.
I'm not expecting to have the need to deal with any punch though - firstly because I've moved off center line, but also because the attacker will be spun round further: the specific angle the block takes (perpendicular to the attack), along with the 'slap-check' and 'PAM' makes this possible. So he'll find it really difficult to make any kind of effective punch at me.
I'm still having difficulty seeing how push-dragging back along the 12-6 line is going to do you any favours: The kick is still coming straight at you, right? When the blocking arm makes contact with the attacker's leg, it will strike the top of the leg because your arm will need to be across your own center-line in order to catch the leg. The amount of force that is available to block the leg sideways is limited because the blocking arm is not (in my mind) ideally placed in this position. Because you are striking the top of the leg, I see you redirecting the stronger kicks into your hip area. ouch.
I would say, a downward-block is most effective when it has completed it's 'full travel' and is extended out to your side. By trying to 'downward block' at one's center-line instead of at the side, the blocking arm has barely begun it's movement. Doesn't seem very strong to me.... The parrying motion that has been described so far would also have less of an effect on the attacker. As he's 'pulled in' to you, would this not aid his punching potential rather than take it away? his width has not been cancelled...
I'm sticking to my guns: Move off-center, cancel his width, take away his weapons. All good kenpo principles. By not doing this, one would always have to deal with the potential incoming punch. Sure, you can do it, but the technique becomes much more risky for a beginner. Give people something simple and effective at first, and play around with variations and 'parrying blocks' (yuck) after they have a firm grasp of the basics.
just my opinion of course..![]()
Opinion noted. The way it's done in other circles (call it motion kenpo if you will by your terminology) uses the push drag to aid the block in causing a minor deflection instead of major deflection. Back-up mass powering the block in the reverse direction. The major deflection along the 9-3 line doesn't allow the block to automatically recock the weapon which is a fundamental concept of the motion interpretation. Blocking along the 11-5 line or 10-4 line automatically pulls the elbow back and cocked for the next move while clearing the hip and side as well. That's the main point to this technique in the "motion interpretation". A major redirection is not wanted in this technique as this technique is introducing the concept of disrupting the opponent's balance by elongating his base. Up to this point on the yellow belt chart that hasn't be done yet. We're also borrowing the attackers forward momentum and letting them run into the elbow. This extra force is lost if a major deflection block is used as the attackers momentum is sent on a line that no longer runs parrallel with our line of force. The opponent is not spun because the technique is teaching how to access the frontal centerline which is a recurring theme in the motion Yellow Belt Chart as every technique on that chart makes the frontal centerline available (Even Grasp of Death or The Pincher depending on what line you learned it from). Then on Orange the rear centerline begins being accessed. The attackers follow up punch would be braced off of one leg which isn't terribly powerful (no base, PAM, BAM or Bracing Angle present) and that's what the left hand is there to address if needed and quite easily as well with another minor deflection (parry) or major deflection (block) depending on the desired positioning. The major deflection block you speak of is done on Orange in Buckling Branch and uses a long range kick to account for the increased distance/depth caused by spinning the opponent away instead of spinning the opponent outside of contact penetration range when they were already there and then shuffling back into that same range we just negated. Also spinning the attcker unloads the right hand but loads the left for spinning backfists, kicks, etc which have far more impact potential than a lead right after a kick (but also needs a slightly longer time to execute). Pros and Cons to everything.
Short version. Stick to your guns as it works that way with pros and cons. But the "other" way works as well with it's own pros and cons. You like To-MaY-Toes I like To-MaH-Toes. Sam Ting.