Last Poster #7

Much better morning today
30 minutes work on striking, heavy bag & upper cut bag, with some foot work
10 minutes working with iron palm and arm training (ouch)
about 10 to 15 minutes footwork
Forms, Wing Chun, Sun Taijiquan, My Taijiquan and a bit of Chen
More striking using what is in the Taijiquan form
Wing Chun turning drill with a dash of JKD thrown in

It was a good morning.
I want to like my PRS 35th Anniversary in purple…
I'm finally back. Covid kicked my butt, and after i recovered I was out of training for a bit. I regret not stopping in here though. This time my body was off the mat, and so was my mind. Usually my mind will always be on the mat even when I'm not training. But life can be tricky sometimes. Hope everyone is doing good.
I'm finally back. Covid kicked my butt, and after i recovered I was out of training for a bit. I regret not stopping in here though. This time my body was off the mat, and so was my mind. Usually my mind will always be on the mat even when I'm not training. But life can be tricky sometimes. Hope everyone is doing good.
covid is a b$$$$. It does blank your mind. Glad to see you back
I'm finally back. Covid kicked my butt, and after i recovered I was out of training for a bit..
It astounds me that many people dismiss COVID as ‘a bit of a heavy cold’ when it clearly is much more.

I’m glad you’ve made a good recovery and your mind is focussed again, on doing what you love.
covid is a b$$$$. It does blank your mind. Glad to see you back
I caught it in October. Tested negative 1 week before my belt test. Went back to the dojang and saw people who were behind me when I last trained testing for the same belt I was. Tried to do my forms but they weren't as crisp. I told my teacher that I didn't think I would pass the test and didn't want to waste his time. Lost motivation. Trained at home for a bit then questioned things. Then eventually stopped training altogether for months. But now I have the fire back that I had before. But yeah it was the sickest I've ever been. I was out of training for about a month, then I lost my motivation. But now my head is finally in the right place. It's crazy how it all derailed me though. I'm glad to be back here.
I'm finally back. Covid kicked my butt, and after i recovered I was out of training for a bit. I regret not stopping in here though. This time my body was off the mat, and so was my mind. Usually my mind will always be on the mat even when I'm not training. But life can be tricky sometimes. Hope everyone is doing good.
Welcome back man, sorry to hear just how unwell you've been... certainly takes me out completely when I get it.. ease yourself back into everything slowly, great to have you back here :)
It astounds me that many people dismiss COVID as ‘a bit of a heavy cold’ when it clearly is much more.

I’m glad you’ve made a good recovery and your mind is focussed again, on doing what you love.
Luckily, up until now, I have had Covid 4 times (OK that's not lucky), but for me it has basically been a bad cold, that is all. But I do know folks that have had much worse symptoms and lingering issues,
Luckily, up until now, I have had Covid 4 times (OK that's not lucky), but for me it has basically been a bad cold, that is all. But I do know folks that have had much worse symptoms and lingering issues,
I’ve heard comparisons to the flu and that makes sense to me. Some strains of the flu are more virulent than others.
Welcome back man, sorry to hear just how unwell you've been... certainly takes me out completely when I get it.. ease yourself back into everything slowly, great to have you back here :)
Thanks bro. Good to see you're still on here.
Luckily, up until now, I have had Covid 4 times (OK that's not lucky), but for me it has basically been a bad cold, that is all. But I do know folks that have had much worse symptoms and lingering issues,
There have been people where my brother works, who get it and can still work a physical labor job and still pass it on. To them it's like a cold. Mine was like picture a bad flu mixed with a bad cold and some bronchitis thrown in. I think it's very possible that most of America has already had it, some had bad cases and definitely knew, others had a cold that went away and it was really covid but they never knew. I never thought I would see a pandemic in my time but every 100 years or so society is due something. I just hope this opened the eyes of the powers that be, and that they will watch this stuff more closely in the future. I'm personally watching delta force 2 right now lol very closely lol number 1 was awesome, that scene when Chuck pulls the mattress back and sees the terrorist under the bed and sprays him with the uzi then says "sleep tight sucker" that validated all the Chuck Norris facts for me right there. I don't call them jokes anymore I have seen evidence and now consider them facts. I'm not scared of the boogeyman anymore, now I'm scared of Chuck Norris.
There have been people where my brother works, who get it and can still work a physical labor job and still pass it on. To them it's like a cold. Mine was like picture a bad flu mixed with a bad cold and some bronchitis thrown in. I think it's very possible that most of America has already had it, some had bad cases and definitely knew, others had a cold that went away and it was really covid but they never knew. I never thought I would see a pandemic in my time but every 100 years or so society is due something. I just hope this opened the eyes of the powers that be, and that they will watch this stuff more closely in the future. I'm personally watching delta force 2 right now lol very closely lol number 1 was awesome, that scene when Chuck pulls the mattress back and sees the terrorist under the bed and sprays him with the uzi then says "sleep tight sucker" that validated all the Chuck Norris facts for me right there. I don't call them jokes anymore I have seen evidence and now consider them facts. I'm not scared of the boogeyman anymore, now I'm scared of Chuck Norris.
IMO Delta Force 1 was better than 2.... please don't tell Chuck I said that.....





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