Last Poster #6

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it's Murloc

That. Is officially. Adorable. What does it eat and where do I adopt one?
not feeling so bad about the mass panic in my area, in the deep south of the north american tectonic snowflake in the sky, and they all drive in the ditch!
Even where we are - in the mountains of North Carolina, where people really should know better (you would THINKS!), "snow flurries" might as well be "the sky is falling". The hospital system I work for actually has an entire protocol - how to get the personnel in, where they can stay if they get snowed in, etc.
My first February in the Adirondacks, a bit over 30 years ago.
Temperatures where in the 20s
Then there was a snow storm that dropped 3 feet of snow
Then there was a freezing rain storm that melted about 6 inches of the snow
That left us with 2.5 feet of snow with a 2 inch coating of ice on top
Then for the rest of the month the temperature was at -20F not including windchill which was around -30F to -40F
It amazes me when this happens. A lot of people have lived in the northeast their entire lives, and yet still can't handle the snow.
What really amazes me is the folks down here who think they know how to drive in the snow, and are certain that means the rules of physics don't apply to their SUV. They're easy to spot: they're the ones in the ditch.
Even where we are - in the mountains of North Carolina, where people really should know better (you would THINKS!), "snow flurries" might as well be "the sky is falling". The hospital system I work for actually has an entire protocol - how to get the personnel in, where they can stay if they get snowed in, etc.
last year we had a snow day, they called the nurses in early, and set up sleeping quarters for them...
but we don't have snow all..

(I wish I had saved the picture from the 'light dusting' though: somebody actually turned the sand truck over!
Over, on the side, sand spilling out!
Man I could get myself in a whole lot of trouble today...... probably should just sit here, keep quiet, and drink my tea
But, is everything ready for my meeting?

Did you fill out the proper form?

Actually had something like this today, at the last minute, wanted to know if things were all set for their video conference......nope...didn't know you had one...well we scheduled the room....yes, yes you did....well why isn't it set you know where we need to connect to, and did you use the form I told you about last time?...ahhhhh no......well then..... umm never mind, we'll just call them and make it a phone conference...good idea
Well, once again my house if on the line between 2 predicted snow totals.....5 to 7 and 6 to 12....which always means at my house it is 5 to 12 inches. Go just a couple miles south of me and they are solid 5 to 7...go just a couple miles north of me and they are solid 6 to 12
Well, once again my house if on the line between 2 predicted snow totals.....5 to 7 and 6 to 12....which always means at my house it is 5 to 12 inches. Go just a couple miles south of me and they are solid 5 to 7...go just a couple miles north of me and they are solid 6 to 12

It was only 60F today. I had to wear a light jacket!
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