Last Poster #6

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A tad chilly today, but not too bad.
Actually, all we need is a castle. But it's got to be the right castle. Already occupied of course, just for the sake of conviviality. I say let it be the Castle Anthrax from the Holy Grail.

Now there's an idea. I don't see any issues there. Let's see if Zoot has turned from her wicked ways.
Meh... I lived in Rochester, NY for five years. It's called "winter".

I Lived in Massachusetts for about 2 decades and I have lived in proximity to the Adirondacks for close to 4 decades....I know.

But one thing I have only encountered regularly here in the Adirondack region is this evil mist. Scrape your car windows, get in start driving, the windows freeze over again instantly. Repeat this multiple time...or give up and just sit and weight until the inside of the car is hot enough to heat the windshield. Seen it in Massachusetts and New Hampshire on rare occasions, but here it is a regular weather event in winter
You would think...folks that grew up in my area of the North American Tectonic plate would know how to drive in a little bit if snow...... we had a freak snow squall come though this morning and it left a dusting on the roads....... there were 75 accidents in my area this morning and traffic was backed up everywhere. Took my wife 15 minutes to get 2 miles and took me 30 minutes to get my youngest to school, on what is normally 10 to 15 minutes. After that...I went home and rearranged my garage for winter.. and went to work later...... no traffic at all... hour later than usual
You would think...folks that grew up in my area of the North American Tectonic plate would know how to drive in a little bit if snow...... we had a freak snow squall come though this morning and it left a dusting on the roads....... there were 75 accidents in my area this morning and traffic was backed up everywhere. Took my wife 15 minutes to get 2 miles and took me 30 minutes to get my youngest to school, on what is normally 10 to 15 minutes. After that...I went home and rearranged my garage for winter.. and went to work later...... no traffic at all... hour later than usual
It amazes me when this happens. A lot of people have lived in the northeast their entire lives, and yet still can't handle the snow.
That's just silly, no one is going to bore through the earth to go to the beach...well possibly the Morlocks, but that would be in the future
Yes, and Morlocks are the dominant race in the future. Don't you want to be a part of the dominant race? Then start digging.
You would think...folks that grew up in my area of the North American Tectonic plate would know how to drive in a little bit if snow...... we had a freak snow squall come though this morning and it left a dusting on the roads....... there were 75 accidents in my area this morning and traffic was backed up everywhere. Took my wife 15 minutes to get 2 miles and took me 30 minutes to get my youngest to school, on what is normally 10 to 15 minutes. After that...I went home and rearranged my garage for winter.. and went to work later...... no traffic at all... hour later than usual
not feeling so bad about the mass panic in my area, in the deep south of the north american tectonic snowflake in the sky, and they all drive in the ditch!
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