Last Poster #6

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Well finally broke down and bought the wife a new ride.

We went with a dodge durango
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Her last vehicle made it 6 years and 170,000 miles....hope this one does the same

Well I finally broke down and bought the wife a new ride too....but when I say broke down I mean I had no idea we were looking at cars that day, she asked me to meet her at the dealership and test drive a car or two....and then I was told I was no longer needed she was going to buy it now and I could go home
Well I finally broke down and bought the wife a new ride too....but when I say broke down I mean I had no idea we were looking at cars that day, she asked me to meet her at the dealership and test drive a car or two....and then I was told I was no longer needed she was going to buy it now and I could go home

We really did broke down.

Went in because the van was having trouble starting. Found out the TIPM had went out. They wanted $1,500 to replace the TIPM on a van with 160000 miles.

Seemed like a good time to buy a new one. (We had been discussing it prior but this forced us to pull the trigger)
We really did broke down.

Went in because the van was having trouble starting. Found out the TIPM had went out. They wanted $1,500 to replace the TIPM on a van with 160000 miles.

Seemed like a good time to buy a new one. (We had been discussing it prior but this forced us to pull the trigger)

We weren't discussing it, her car was running came as a complete surprise to me.....but now she has a new car....and now were discussing replacing mine....apparently her new car is offended by my old car :D
I am sure your old car isn't as offensive as mine.
(It has not moved out of the driveway in a couple of weeks...steep hills and gone breaks do not mix well)
We really did broke down.

Went in because the van was having trouble starting. Found out the TIPM had went out. They wanted $1,500 to replace the TIPM on a van with 160000 miles.

Seemed like a good time to buy a new one. (We had been discussing it prior but this forced us to pull the trigger)
Was in a similar place last March... Starting to spend a several of car payments in random lumps throughout the year, and it was time to just budget a new car payment each month, rather than come up with several at a time...
Got to love it when there is a procedure in place to follow for scheduling meetings...and people don't follow the procedure so the proper people are never informed...and then they get all sorts of indignant when things don't get done....pointing fingers, yelling, placing blame and then all you need to say is...did you follow procedure....the answer is ALWAYS no..... well then..... guess whose fault it is.....
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