I don't have that problem. I'm quite good at being concise and getting right to the point. Why, just the other day I managed to explain a complex topic in less than 4,000 words. Well, I"m pretty sure it was fewer (that's the more correct word, isn't it?) than 4,000 words. It might even have been fewer (see? used that again) than 3,000, though that's unlikely. In any case, I certainly got my point across after only a few tries, and without wasting a lot of time or words. That's the key - to get to the point and get done, then move on when the point has been made.
I often barely speak when others are around, especially on forums. Basically, if I can say it at all, I can get it out of the way very quickly. Anyone who knows me at all well can vouch for the fact that I rarely open my mouth, except to utter extremely profound thoughts, and those only in concise and compact language. Sure, I occasionally go back to provide background to support my original statements, but that's only to be expected. And sometimes I need to clarify context, because that can shift the other person's understanding a lot. But the point is that I don't use more words than absolutely necessary in any given situation. Though the amount (or is it number?) of words needed can obviously vary by situation. (I say "obviously" there, but not in a patronizing way, simply to acknowledge that it's something you probably already knew, but I needed to point out to make my point clearer.)
Just pay attention to my posts, and you'll soon get the hang of it. Soon you, too, will be posting with concise language that gets right to the point.