Last Poster #6

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15F outside, here. And the furnace was dead when we woke up this morning. Happily, it took the repair guy all of 45 minutes to get here, so hopefully it'll be fixed soon.
15F outside, here. And the furnace was dead when we woke up this morning. Happily, it took the repair guy all of 45 minutes to get here, so hopefully it'll be fixed soon.
oh, wow! that must be a record!
you fix him breakfast, coffee?
Or just pay a huge emergency fee on top of the repair bill?
15F outside, here. And the furnace was dead when we woke up this morning. Happily, it took the repair guy all of 45 minutes to get here, so hopefully it'll be fixed soon.
Not good - hope it gets fixed. Being without heat is miserable. Stay warm, man.
A lady tried to convince me that she had two shots of vodka, despite a BAL of around 500 (think BAC .5 ...not .05, .5). Yeah, I'm not buying that.
They were two shots. Injected...

BAC anywhere close to .5%, I'm surprised she was at all able to answer.
Nah. I've seen plenty of people who could walk at that level (not straight, but they could walk...).
The world record is something like 1400. It was a man in Poland who was driving a truck full of pigs to the market (yes. Driving.).

With hard work and dedication, it is possible to become a World Class, Olympic Caliber Alcoholic and walk around at levels that would render a regular person unconscious.

I've seen a guy have a withdrawal seizure with a BA of around 350.

The way BA is measured, that 1400 BA means that 1.4% of the mans blood was alcohol. Some of the "light" beers have alcohol levels of around 2-2.5%, so his blood was nearly as strong as beer.

In the ER, we have a thing called "The 500 Club." To qualify for membership, you have to have a BA of 500 or more, and be functional. You don't have to walk straight, but you do have to be coherent.
And you cannot have Performance Enhancing Drugs in your tox screen. If you're on meth or cocaine, you'll be awake past the point that you would have passed out otherwise. You gotta have standards...

The highest I've personally seen was a guy who was awake at 820.
Wow... My personal record was a .43 -- he was barely functioning.
Nostalgia....I am watching the old Adam West Batman show....this was my favorite show when I was very VERY young
Nostalgia....I am watching the old Adam West Batman show....this was my favorite show when I was very VERY young
I haven't seen that in years. I should watch some. And I miss Mayor West on Family Guy. He was easily one of our favorite parts of the show.
I am just a cranky old lady, me thinks.

I am contemplating to yell 'GET OFF MY LAWN!" at the world.
Then crawl intt my bed.
I might have killed another glass cooktop by melting a cutting board to it.
I could have sworn it was far enough away from the burner!
I need a gas range.
I'm only a few years away from officially being a cranky old man...and let me tell you, I can't wait....then folks better look out because I can say EXACTLY what is on my mind......and life then gets much lass stressful ;)
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