Last Poster #6

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Well.... having had some of the Chernobyl fallout, I can honestly tell to all - radiation doesn't do squat for your superpowers either. Very disappointing, really.

30+ years of incidental radiation in the ER, plus 6 months of daily intentional irradiation, and I have yet to develop any superpowers.
I think the comic books lied to us.
Beer is icky. Have some bacon instead.

That reminds me, I made Vegan Corn Bread this past weekend, two varieties..... one with organic non-bleached flower and one with Wheat Flour....Both are delicious and nether had any bacon...or beer for that matter....but I do have a recipe for beer bread somewhere I shall have to find and make soon...can use either regular wimpy beer...or rough and tough manly dark beer...none of that disgustingly slimy sissified bacon filth required in that either
30+ years of incidental radiation in the ER, plus 6 months of daily intentional irradiation, and I have yet to develop any superpowers.
I think the comic books lied to us.

I have had all sorts of ex-rays and they gave me superpowers..... I have the ability to not give in to the evils of bacon :D
I have reached the BS thresh hold for the week.
Removed myself from facebook (nothing deleted, just the shortcuts hidden)
Before I tell a few people what I really think about them.
Civility is overrated in these interesting times!
Glad to hear it's holding out okay. You've reminded me that I need to get back to my bag work. Not likely to do much kicking - having extra problems with my right knee at the moment (and MRI wasn't helpful), but I can still get in the exercise.

I really like working 1-minute rounds on that. I give more each round when I do those, and end up more tired at the end than if I do half as many 2-minute rounds.
Yeah bagwork is alot of fun.. I must do it more too. And for sure 1 minute or even 30s blasts are great fun. Then a minute or two active recovery light hitting focusing on technique in between.

Ah yikes, hope your knee is okay mate and that it gets better
Nah. I've seen plenty of people who could walk at that level (not straight, but they could walk...).
The world record is something like 1400. It was a man in Poland who was driving a truck full of pigs to the market (yes. Driving.).

With hard work and dedication, it is possible to become a World Class, Olympic Caliber Alcoholic and walk around at levels that would render a regular person unconscious.

I've seen a guy have a withdrawal seizure with a BA of around 350.

The way BA is measured, that 1400 BA means that 1.4% of the mans blood was alcohol. Some of the "light" beers have alcohol levels of around 2-2.5%, so his blood was nearly as strong as beer.

In the ER, we have a thing called "The 500 Club." To qualify for membership, you have to have a BA of 500 or more, and be functional. You don't have to walk straight, but you do have to be coherent.
And you cannot have Performance Enhancing Drugs in your tox screen. If you're on meth or cocaine, you'll be awake past the point that you would have passed out otherwise. You gotta have standards...

The highest I've personally seen was a guy who was awake at 820.
Wowza :s
Yeah bagwork is alot of fun.. I must do it more too. And for sure 1 minute or even 30s blasts are great fun. Then a minute or two active recovery light hitting focusing on technique in between.

Ah yikes, hope your knee is okay mate and that it gets better
Thanks. I'm hoping getting back to training will help. It won't, but that's the story I'm telling myself. :D

I have a bag routine I was working on. 10 1-minute rounds, with 30-second rest between. My aim was to barely be able to keep my hands up the end of the last round (using 16 oz. gloves), so I had to work hard early on to wear muscles out.
No, but they do lead you to believe that you have super powers. The most common example of this is "beer muscles" or "meth muscles".
To be fair, I think being able to drink that much and not die is it's own superpower. I defy anyone reading this to try and get a BAL of 500 without dying or going unconscious (note:please dont actually do this)
Thanks. I'm hoping getting back to training will help. It won't, but that's the story I'm telling myself. :D

I have a bag routine I was working on. 10 1-minute rounds, with 30-second rest between. My aim was to barely be able to keep my hands up the end of the last round (using 16 oz. gloves), so I had to work hard early on to wear muscles out.

Ah nice, quite like that routine, I may steal it hehe ;D

Bagwork is unique like that, you can get bloody exhausted even in very short spaces of time (well, I guess alot of different exercises you can do that, but bagwork seems to really exhaust me well)
Moved some branches and logs today. It rained. Also we got the truck stuck. That and the trailer attached to it. On the bright side though it's not my truck and we didn't have to walk home.
Ah nice, quite like that routine, I may steal it hehe ;D

Bagwork is unique like that, you can get bloody exhausted even in very short spaces of time (well, I guess alot of different exercises you can do that, but bagwork seems to really exhaust me well)
Yep, and you can turn it up or down to fit your available energy for the day. I just make my goal to be exhausted at the end, whatever that takes. There have been days that didn't take so much.
Moved some branches and logs today. It rained. Also we got the truck stuck. That and the trailer attached to it. On the bright side though it's not my truck and we didn't have to walk home.
I'm now picturing you waving at the people in the stuck truck as you drive away.
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