Last Poster #6

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Hehe! Nah basically drape my leg over a chair at the lunge part so I'm not on my foot, and for the other leg I was still able to do it seeemi-normal.. hard to explain, but transitions were more like a sloth going for a leisurely stroll XD
Do sloths ever go for an other kind of stroll?
I have had some success in the past putting an old drive into a new PC. It's not ideal, but I've made it work more than once. You get the benefit of all the new hardware (once all the drivers are updated), and most software (Windows being a notable exception sometimes) doesn't realize it has changed computers.
I think the drive is waving the white flag. Hence the transfers.
now in the spirit of Christmas I am going to share...... this ding dang earworm that just WILL NOT STOP!!!!!!

You, Xue, you! I caught it. I don't want it so I reached into the memory banks to fetch either Jingle bells or the Little Drummer Boy. I mishandled my head and got Who Let the Dogs Out.

Mele kalikimaka

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

Nollaig Chridheil Huibh Agus Bliadhna Mhath Ur!

Nollaig faoi shean agus faoi shonas duit agus bliain nua faoi mhaise dhuit!

Nollick ghennal as blein vie noa!

Nadelik lowen ha blydhen nowydh da!
Merry Christmas, Merry Yule, Happy Hanukkah, and whichever other holidays others out there happen to celebrate this time of year. I hope everyone is enjoying time with family and friends.
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