Last Poster #6

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If not dead, at least extremely adept at shouting "get off my lawn" ;)
Yes, that's the expectation... Meanwhile... he spends his free time roaming Eastern Europe with his son and his camera, and I do all that Zumba, POUND, Barre, and mud runs. Just can't seem to settle in our rocking chairs just yet.
The majority of Europe has the age of consent set at 14-16, only 4 countries set it higher.

And let's be honest here, the US is no beacon in this matter with it's own federally set age of consent being just 12 (state regulations differ, and introduce things like age gaps...)

Before you made that statement, were you aware of the fact that it's not technically (and certainly not universally) illegal to 'have relations' with a 12 year old in the US? I know most are very misinformed...

Lets be honest here, I never said the US is a beacon in this matter or any matter, it was you who made the claim that "civilized" countries allowed sex with minors/children.

First lets put this in perspective... This will not go well with me if you go this route, I am against any age of consent less that 18 since I consider it Child abuse and I am rabidly against any form of child abuse and I haven no qualms telling any one how I feel on this topic. And I am very aware of various states differences and I do not agree with them, However is one has sex with a 12 year old in Connecticut does not mean you will not be arrested and charged with statutory rape. Age differences between partners matter and that goes for many US States who have ridiculously low ages of consent.

And you need to get your fact straight before you start this with me as well, but I highly recommend you do not start this with me. Here read up on it Ages of consent in the United States

Like I said, if what you are talking about is civilized then I am happy to live in an uncivilized state... and I will warn you, I am not the one to have a civilized conversation with on this topic...sorry I do not condone child abuse no matter what the government you refer to says
Well, do be fair to Prince Rezanov - this was all happening in the early 19th century. So, completely different standards at the time.

An old friend and I were going over the perception of age in literature and having some fun with it. He and I go back over 20 years, grew up in the same city, went to school within walking distance of one another, and went to college together back in Ukraine. So... very similar education. When "Romeo and Juliette" is staged at theaters, many middle-aged actresses come to audition for the roles of Lady Capulet and Lady Montague - forgetting these women were likely about 27-28 years old. The "old woman" Raskolnikov kills in "Crime and Punishment" is 43, he himself is in his mid- to late twenties, and prostitute Sonechka Marmeladova is something like 16 - 18. Anna Karenina is 26, her lover Vronski is 23, and her "old husband" is 46. There is an entry in 16-year old Pushkin's diary, "We were all gathered, when a very old man walked in." The "old man" in question was 36-year old Karamzin.

My friend and I are both 43 and we decided we had better not dwell on the matter too much, otherwise we might arrive at the conclusion we should both be dead by now.

That statement was not in reference with your Russian Prince/Explorer. I am treating that with obvious humor...however the statement was made to another poster who seems to thing it is civilized to have low age of consent and I am adamantly against that. So I understand fully what you are saying and I am a proponent of you cannot judge all things from the past by the standard of today. But I think it best to let the part of the topic, that elicited that response, go. I would really hate to see this thread locked.
it was you who made the claim that "civilized" countries allowed sex with minors/children

16 isn't considered a minor or a child in this regard here, or in the majority of the US.

Sex with a child is never acceptable which is why I did no such thing as suggest it was.

First lets put this in perspective... This will not go well with me if you go this route, I am against any age of consent less that 18 since I consider it Child abuse and I am rabidly against any form of child abuse and I haven no qualms telling any one how I feel on this topic. And I am very aware of various states differences and I do not agree with them, However is one has sex with a 12 year old in Connecticut does not mean you will not be arrested and charged with statutory rape. Age differences between partners matter and that goes for many US States who have ridiculously low ages of consent.

So 16 is ridiculously low then?

How about the 8 states that chose 17 as the basic standard?

What magic happens at midnight on your 18th birthday that means you're more "adult" than the previous day?

What about a 19 year old with learning difficulties? Tough crap because they're an adult so not open to the same sort of abuse?

And you need to get your fact straight before you start this with me as well, but I highly recommend you do not start this with me. Here read up on it Ages of consent in the United States

As I said, the vast majority of states consider 16 acceptable, and in most circumstances well under 16 as well.

Also, you started it.

I will warn you

To be honest, all I can think of when someone goes down this sort of online threat route is "yeah, whatever, where did I leave my bacon?"

It was you who chose to attempt to turn this into an argument because of a flippant comment.
Before you made that statement, were you aware of the fact that it's not technically (and certainly not universally) illegal to 'have relations' with a 12 year old in the US? I know most are very misinformed...

For an adult it is. No state allows adults to have sex with a 12 year old.

In the state I live in sex with a 12 year old is 1st degree rape.
Peace, people! It was not my intention to unleash a firestorm. I was very obviously being humorous and was referring to a completely different era and place, whose standards and morals we are not in the position to judge. Come on, folks, this isn't Facebook - can we just agree to disagree in a civilized manner?
People are getting cranky. We need a new village idiot to join, to unite us all in mockery.
It's the holidays. Remember I told you about that modifier added to cardiology procedures that tells me someone came in through the ER? Modifier 25. They are DEFINITELY on the rise. People get cranky and jumpy, give themselves heart attacks, and end up in a hospital stuck full of wires. Moral of the story - monitor your crankiness. Avoid modifier 25.
16 isn't considered a minor or a child in this regard here, or in the majority of the US.

Sex with a child is never acceptable which is why I did no such thing as suggest it was.

So 16 is ridiculously low then?

How about the 8 states that chose 17 as the basic standard?

What magic happens at midnight on your 18th birthday that means you're more "adult" than the previous day?

What about a 19 year old with learning difficulties? Tough crap because they're an adult so not open to the same sort of abuse?

As I said, the vast majority of states consider 16 acceptable, and in most circumstances well under 16 as well.

Also, you started it.

To be honest, all I can think of when someone goes down this sort of online threat route is "yeah, whatever, where did I leave my bacon?"

It was you who chose to attempt to turn this into an argument because of a flippant comment.

Have a person in my family who was a victim of this type of thing and I take these types of conversations very seriously. And know more about the laws and the way they apply to multiple folks in multiple condition than you ever will in this country in which I live

So...lets just drop won't end well
So...lets just drop won't end well

I'll drop it the very second you stop with the "it won't end well" crap, because honestly that gets right on my tits.

It's effectively a threat, and I don't like threats. I don't take well to being threatened, and I'll most likely just keep poking just to see exactly how you'll attempt to make it not end well.

I can agree to disagree and not partake in any further discussion if asked nicely, but I flatly refuse to submit to bullying.
I'll drop it the very second you stop with the "it won't end well" crap, because honestly that gets right on my tits.

It's effectively a threat, and I don't like threats. I don't take well to being threatened, and I'll most likely just keep poking just to see exactly how you'll attempt to make it not end well.

I can agree to disagree and not partake in any further discussion if asked nicely, but I flatly refuse to submit to bullying.

I'm not is plain old fashion anger due to a topic you seem to want to pursue that I find highly offensive and I have made that clear and given reasons why, but you weem toi want to persist

As to not ending is a reference to what I mentioned earlier...thread lock...don't want that to happen to asking nicely....not gonna lets give each other a time out ...nice talking to you
It is (attempted) bullying, and I have utterly lost all respect for you as a person after your refusal to ask for the cessation of a topic in an adult fashion.
It is (attempted) bullying, and I have utterly lost all respect for you as a person after your refusal to ask for the cessation of a topic in an adult fashion.

You have also yet to acknowledge the post I made as to why I found this offensive and not taken ownership in your part of this escalation as well.... and we can jab at each other all day...but let me leave you with this

From the book - Zen in the Martial Arts by Joe Hyams

Chapter Title “Do Not Disturb”

This is from a conversation between Joe Hyams, Sterling Silliphant and Bruce Lee

On one such occasion we talked about the difference between wasting time and spending time. Bruce was the first to speak.

“To spend time is to pass it in a specific manner” he said. “We are spending it during lessons just as we are spending it now in conversation. To waste time is to expend it thoughtlessly or carelessly. We all have time to either spend or waste and it is our decision what to do with it. But once passed, it is gone forever.

“It is the most precious commodity we have, “agreed Sterling. “I always view my time as divided into infinite moments or transactions or contacts. Anyone who steals my time is stealing my life because they are taking my existence from me. As I get older, I realize that time is the only thing I have left. So when someone comes to me with a project, I estimate the time it will take me to do it and then ask myself, ‘Do I want to spend weeks or months of what little time I have on this project? Is it worth it or is it wasting my time?’ If I consider the project time-worthy I do it.

“I apply this same yardstick to my social relations. I will not permit people to steal my time. I have limited my friends to those people with whom time passes happily. There are moments in my life - necessary moments - when I don’t do anything but what is my choice. The choice of how I spend my time is mine, and it is not dictated by social convention”

After Sterling finished talking, Bruce looked into space for a few moments. When he finally spoke, it was to ask if he could make a telephone call.

When he came back, Bruce was smiling. “I just cancelled an appointment.” he said. “It was with someone who wanted to waste my time and not help me spend it”

I have wasted enough time with you on this

....I will end this now...this is why there is an ignore list
You have also yet to acknowledge the post I made as to why I found this offensive and not taken ownership in your part of this escalation as well.

I'm not going to acknowledge it because it had already moved past that, plus it was accompanied by more childish threats.

I find very little more insincere than the "I'm sorry about xyz, but" thing, so I won't do it.

Now, had it been more like "I have personal reasons for being offended by this and would prefer you to stop please" I would have gladly obliged.

But your wording was much more akin "you shut your face before I smack you", which is entirely unpleasant and something I previously would have thought to be beneath you.

Now I know better.
I killed a printer...
Then I brought it back to life....
Sadly, it is not a Zombie and is refusing to eat all the other printers...
The spam bot seems to have stepped up the attacks. This is starting to seem less like spam (since it doesn't seem to have any commercial motive) than an actual attack on the forum.
Must be personal!!

Alright, group meeting everyone!

Did ANYONE do, or say ANYTHING which would have offended or insulted any robot spammer (this includes real life robots, ATMs, computers etc) at any time in the last couple of weeks? No judgement, just after some conflict resolution :D
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