Last Poster #6

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No, but he did what, in his time, was believed to be impossible - sailed across the Pacific Ocean from Russia to America.

Yeah but that only slightly further than what I use to drive from my old house to my If he were a Bishop...THEN he'd be famous..:D
Yeah but that only slightly further than what I use to drive from my old house to my If he were a Bishop...THEN he'd be famous..:D
He was a Prince. Isn't that good enough? AND, being over 40, he managed to convince a hot 16-year old Spanish girl to dump her young fiance and marry him instead.
He was a Prince. Isn't that good enough? AND, being over 40, he managed to convince a hot 16-year old Spanish girl to dump her young fiance and marry him instead.

Well it got a couple songs written about him.... but that's it.... NO DAY FOR HIM!!!!
you can't expect a day be named after him just because he hoped in the water to go pickup some underaged female
Well it got a couple songs written about him.... but that's it.... NO DAY FOR HIM!!!!
you can't expect a day be named after him just because he hoped in the water to go pickup some underaged female

16 isn't underaged in civilised parts of the world...

It's minimum age, but not under.
Then I am happy to be in an uncivilized part of the world if that is the case

The majority of Europe has the age of consent set at 14-16, only 4 countries set it higher.

And let's be honest here, the US is no beacon in this matter with it's own federally set age of consent being just 12 (state regulations differ, and introduce things like age gaps...)

Before you made that statement, were you aware of the fact that it's not technically (and certainly not universally) illegal to 'have relations' with a 12 year old in the US? I know most are very misinformed...
The spam bot seems to have stepped up the attacks. This is starting to seem less like spam (since it doesn't seem to have any commercial motive) than an actual attack on the forum.
The majority of Europe has the age of consent set at 14-16, only 4 countries set it higher.

And let's be honest here, the US is no beacon in this matter with it's own federally set age of consent being just 12 (state regulations differ, and introduce things like age gaps...)

Before you made that statement, were you aware of the fact that it's not technically (and certainly not universally) illegal to 'have relations' with a 12 year old in the US? I know most are very misinformed...
I don't think any states have age of consent that low. Most have it at 18. I think a few still have it at 16, and some have differential treatment by age (so 14-16 might be technically legal if both partners in that age range). The federal law is probably only used to be able to prosecute at a federal level on the more egregious cases (with younger victims). It's possible it's a hold-over from an earlier era, but updating it wouldn't be necessary unless there were states without more restrictive laws.
I don't think any states have age of consent that low. Most have it at 18. I think a few still have it at 16, and some have differential treatment by age (so 14-16 might be technically legal if both partners in that age range). The federal law is probably only used to be able to prosecute at a federal level on the more egregious cases (with younger victims). It's possible it's a hold-over from an earlier era, but updating it wouldn't be necessary unless there were states without more restrictive laws.

I haven't looked into it that much as it's not exactly relevant to me, but it's interesting that the assumption of it being 18 is pretty much never correct (well, it would be for me because I'm that much older, but still not universally so).

This is interesting: Ages of consent in North America - Wikipedia

It seems 18 is actually a minority age, with 16 being by far the most common.

As to it being historical, that's entirely likely. The basis of the bulk of US federal laws are derivatives of European laws, and before 1885 the UK age of consent was 13.

Not that it really matters anyway, especially to those it actually should affect, sadly...
Then I am happy to be in an uncivilized part of the world if that is the case
Well, do be fair to Prince Rezanov - this was all happening in the early 19th century. So, completely different standards at the time.

An old friend and I were going over the perception of age in literature and having some fun with it. He and I go back over 20 years, grew up in the same city, went to school within walking distance of one another, and went to college together back in Ukraine. So... very similar education. When "Romeo and Juliette" is staged at theaters, many middle-aged actresses come to audition for the roles of Lady Capulet and Lady Montague - forgetting these women were likely about 27-28 years old. The "old woman" Raskolnikov kills in "Crime and Punishment" is 43, he himself is in his mid- to late twenties, and prostitute Sonechka Marmeladova is something like 16 - 18. Anna Karenina is 26, her lover Vronski is 23, and her "old husband" is 46. There is an entry in 16-year old Pushkin's diary, "We were all gathered, when a very old man walked in." The "old man" in question was 36-year old Karamzin.

My friend and I are both 43 and we decided we had better not dwell on the matter too much, otherwise we might arrive at the conclusion we should both be dead by now.
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