Last Poster #6

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Got my new coffee grinder today, super psyched!!!

Also got my crutches for my damaged ankle. After much research decided on the forearm crutches as opposed to the underarm crutches. People seem to say it's better for mobility, easier to maneuver around with, doesn't hurt the armpits (which apparently alot of nerves around there..), and also doesn't compromise your posture like the underarm variety can.

Tried it out for half the day today.. it's gonna be a very challenging month or two..
Holy moly...

A LOT of different spammers now....... :s

Perhaps new people wanting to sign up should be required to write a short sentence as to why they're joining, or something only a human can come up with..
Holy moly...

A LOT of different spammers now....... :s

Perhaps new people wanting to sign up should be required to write a short sentence as to why they're joining, or something only a human can come up with..
It's all the same spammer. The weird thing is, if I remember correctly, I had to do that before I had permission to post. I asusme these people are lying before they start posting.
7 pages when I click "new posts" and only one single thread - the very last one - is a real thread and not spam...

I hope it gets sorted before the mods give up and the forum dies...
Had a good day today. Busy, but helped three people definitively decide to get help for their alcohol use. I'll never (hopefully) find out if they succeed, but I helped them take that first step, which is the toughest one IMO.
Helping them make that initial decision that they need help is huge, man.
Just discovered this website Meerkatsu "Surfing Turtle" Rashguard $39 on BJJHQ. One Great BJJ Gear Deal A Day. Gonna stalk it and see if they offer any cool gis
@Steve turned me onto that site some time ago. They regularly have very cool gis. I keep trying to convince myself I need a new gi. I only have about 5 right now, so I should probably get another before the situation gets critical. Might also want to keep an eye on their sister site, MMAHQ. I've picked up a good deal on hand wraps there, and they sometimes have deals on gloves and such.
Got my new coffee grinder today, super psyched!!!

Also got my crutches for my damaged ankle. After much research decided on the forearm crutches as opposed to the underarm crutches. People seem to say it's better for mobility, easier to maneuver around with, doesn't hurt the armpits (which apparently alot of nerves around there..), and also doesn't compromise your posture like the underarm variety can.

Tried it out for half the day today.. it's gonna be a very challenging month or two..
I've never tried the forearm variety. I just know I can move fast on the underarm kind, so that's what I've always gone with. Still have a pair in the attic from my broken leg a few years ago (wow...actually almost 8 years ago, now...................)
Holy moly...

A LOT of different spammers now....... :s

Perhaps new people wanting to sign up should be required to write a short sentence as to why they're joining, or something only a human can come up with..
A lot of sites moderate the first post on any account. If it weren't a violation of TOS, I'd create a throwaway account to see what the process is.
7 pages when I click "new posts" and only one single thread - the very last one - is a real thread and not spam...

I hope it gets sorted before the mods give up and the forum dies...
When I see them, I immediately "ignore" the spammer, then refresh the page. All the spam posts are gone.

This has to be a bot - can't imagine an actual person putting in this much effort. Apparently the enforced delay between posts is no longer slowing the bots down enough.
When I see them, I immediately "ignore" the spammer, then refresh the page. All the spam posts are gone.

This has to be a bot - can't imagine an actual person putting in this much effort. Apparently the enforced delay between posts is no longer slowing the bots down enough.

The ones I saw earlier appeared to be a selection of user names, so that immediately circumvents the inter post delay.

Also kills the ignore function...
The ones I saw earlier appeared to be a selection of user names, so that immediately circumvents the inter post delay.

Also kills the ignore function...
There were several user names, but many posts under each name. I'm wondering if this is going to lead them to doing an IP block.
There were several user names, but many posts under each name. I'm wondering if this is going to lead them to doing an IP block.

I'm sure you're as aware as I am that in the case of a real targeted attack an IP restriction is nothing more than a slight delay...

Does anyone use any of the 'sister' sites, and if so are the same things happening on those?

It may be a wider issue than MT.
In other news:

My home internet connection was broken for much of yesterday and last night, and my mobile network has had a countrywide outage for most of today (and suggestions are that the same fault is causing disruption around the world).

Tech is rising against us!
Being a prince couldn't have influenced her just a little bit, could it...
Actually, it's a bit of a misleading title, when it comes to Russian nobility. See... a prince is not just a child of a monarch. A prince is a title that could also be granted - along with some land. So, there were a lot more princes in Russia than one might imagine. It's really closer to being a duke or an earl. Also, this guy invested everything he had into the ships and supplies for the American campaign. So, he wasn't terribly wealthy by the time he got to San Franscisco. It must have been wildly romantic though - this heroic traveler from a distant land.
Yes, yes I do then about 25% of my headaches would be gone. Sadly early in my IT career our outside vendor, printer repair man decided he liked me and taught me an awful lot before he printers fall under my watch as well
One of my former managers used to call it "a success penalty".
Must be personal!!

Alright, group meeting everyone!

Did ANYONE do, or say ANYTHING which would have offended or insulted any robot spammer (this includes real life robots, ATMs, computers etc) at any time in the last couple of weeks? No judgement, just after some conflict resolution :D
Wasn't me - being an alien mutant myself I have utmost respect for strange and freaky things, including robots.
I'm dirty, mean and mighty unclean
I'm a wanted man
Public enemy number one

You know folks....I'm particularly ornery of late....don't have my usual ability at ignoring and dealing with those that annoy me. And I did not enjoy much of today on MT. Much because I let it get to without further adieu...I think I will take a short break from MT...someone else will have to let the mods know about our new pet spammer......later

We'll miss you!
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