Last Person Thread #4

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I wanna see those mug shots!

me too :EG:

i remember when i was really little going into my local park with my cousin and his friend with i think a 2 iron --- i hit the ball about 100yards or so but it hooked left bigtime and hit the park keeper on the head and i just dropped the club and cos we were next to the swings and stuff i never got shouted at for it and my cousin bless him got banned from the park LoL :)

it payed handsomely to look as though i was just stepping off the swings :)
Got back from the dog park, jack likes running around and making friends with the other dogs. I think jack is a puppy at heart.

But time to go home and make deli sandwiches one for me and one for the dog :)
That is enough for today, I just realized how incredibly tired my eyes are from looking at computers all day... actually the eye that has not had the surgery yet is so tired it is sore and the one with the surgery is just a little tired... and it is all beginning to give me a headache

Good night MT wherever you are
pulled into the gas station, pre-paid for gas and left without pumping gas...turned around after 1/2 mile, came back - proceed to pump gas into my car.. true story..
I got David and his bride gifts early cause I know if I still have the money later I might have been tempted to buy something. To be honest I was looking at the cheap gifts but David is one of my best friends so I got the higher price got $55 dollar coin cuff links for David, $55 dollar mezuzah necklace for his future wife(still can never remember her name and probably never will) and $40 left over will be in a card that says congratulations (i liked the card cause it had a picture of a dog in a really big hole and the dog has a dinosaur bone) :)
Well grocery shopping today for three growing boys, two dogs, a cat, snake,turtle and a pet rat
Got back from the dog park, jack likes running around and making friends with the other dogs. I think jack is a puppy at heart.

But time to go home and make deli sandwiches one for me and one for the dog :)

my assistance dog - jake's my hearing dog - just goes to the free running dog area in our local park to stamp his authority and test the sharpness of his teeth LoL ;)
I think I am going to seriously cut back on reading things on the Web and posting in forums until after the surgery.

Last night my bad eye was very sore and the good one was very tired after a day of looking at a computer screen (and PC screens are more problem than Mac screens by the way). And right now after only a little while I am getting a headache.

So I'll be around, but not posting as much until after next week....
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