Last Person Thread #4

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Going to be one of those days, I think.
Fortunately, tonight is TKD, and that always helps.
Well grocery shopping today for three growing boys, two dogs, a cat, snake,turtle and a pet rat

is that all the pets you've got ????? ;)

i got my assistance dog (my hearing dog jake), my cat (pud) and a pink toed tarantula and a goliath tarantula --- i'm just looking after the spiders :) but wouldn't mind having my own at some point cos they're really cool and they look happy in their heated boxes and the webs that they've spun are a complete work of art :)
October not here and some store are putting up Christmas decorations

wtf ????? already xmas seems to start earlier and earlier with every passing year :( summers not even fully over and winter is quite a long way off and autumn has not even been let alone gone yet.
i've still not heard back as to whether i can have my ford fiesta or not :(

the car is going to be adapted with hand controls before i get it cos although i can manage to fight and train i can't walk far without a stick and quite often after training my right foot looks like a balloon but only for a day or so :(

i've had the problem with the soft tissues in my legs for a long time but i worked out a plan to get them to a stage where i could train and fight without too much difficulty and then sort the offending tissue out later :)

so i get to train and fight but with the adaptation that i've asked for it'll mean that i have a bit less to worry about unlike now where i have to worry about how i get back from training and stuff -- it'll allow me to train harder for longer and with fight standard intensity too which i'm looking forward to although i'm not planning on fighting for quite a while yet :)
i've still not heard back as to whether i can have my ford fiesta or not :(

the car is going to be adapted with hand controls before i get it cos although i can manage to fight and train i can't walk far without a stick and quite often after training my right foot looks like a balloon but only for a day or so :(

i've had the problem with the soft tissues in my legs for a long time but i worked out a plan to get them to a stage where i could train and fight without too much difficulty and then sort the offending tissue out later :)

so i get to train and fight but with the adaptation that i've asked for it'll mean that i have a bit less to worry about unlike now where i have to worry about how i get back from training and stuff -- it'll allow me to train harder for longer and with fight standard intensity too which i'm looking forward to although i'm not planning on fighting for quite a while yet :)

or in proper English terms: You are quite mad, my dear lady! (Suke would be so proud of me!)

You get your car adjusted, because you can't walk well, so you can train harder, do the things that make you more gimpy.....only you! :lfao:

Since you already walk with a cane, I suggest you find an instructor in the art of using it as a weapon!
For when you are too gimpy to kick or run (even it it is toward the fight!) :D

Keeping my fingers crossed. The Fiasco, I mean Fiesta is a nice little car!
Well today was a cheap shopping day $482.37 not bad for a couple of weeks
Almost time to head over to Garland for TKD, my wife and youngest so (16) will be running the school tonight
or in proper English terms: You are quite mad, my dear lady! (Suke would be so proud of me!)

You get your car adjusted, because you can't walk well, so you can train harder, do the things that make you more gimpy.....only you! :lfao:

Since you already walk with a cane, I suggest you find an instructor in the art of using it as a weapon!
For when you are too gimpy to kick or run (even it it is toward the fight!) :D

Keeping my fingers crossed. The Fiasco, I mean Fiesta is a nice little car!

it is a nice little car but it won't take much to get it to race track standard ;)

i know i'm nuts --- think i've said it before :) --- but yup figured that if i had it adapted early enough and got used to it then i would be able to fight and train as hard as i liked cos i wouldn't need my legs to drive it --- see method in the madness ;)

oh nad as for the gimpy bit --- i use tramadol (a lot of) and it means that i can "walk" fairly normally :boing2: and so no one really knows whats going on plus it means that i can train harder cos i just won't feel it :)

you win some, you lose some -- who really gives a stuff so long as you're enjoying yourself whilst destroying parts of yourself at the same time ;)

as for using it as a weapon no one will come near me now and i've had zero training :) imagine how dangerous (dodgy) i'd be with some training --- hold on mo i might fall over ;)
Does anybody understand anything that most young people do

you're not supposed to :)

that's why you're the adult setting the example :) by teaching him to play golf you would be telling how to conduct business through discussion out on the course thereby setting a good example :)

failing that give him an xbox and then he can tell you how to use it ;)
morning terry and the rest of the LPT4 crew :)

for once the sun is actually shining ;) shock horror :idunno: dunno what to do today cos i already tried kicking my bag and that failed in spectacular fashion :( still got 40 kicks at it though which i was really pleased with although i can only just stand up now :(

dunno what's gunna happen on the 24th -- thought that i'd be further along the recovery trail by now :( all my knees / elbows / punches / left kicks are all there - the movement is all there the weight transfers and shuffles and steps are all there just got to get my right kicks to play ball and get with the programme ;)
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