Last Person Thread #4

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Football in the rain, receiver catches 30yrd pass then makes it the the 10 yard line then the 5 hees going to make a touchdown... No wait he slipped on a mud puddle
But the best part the tackles
Football in the rain, receiver catches 30yrd pass then makes it the the 10 yard line then the 5 hees going to make a touchdown... No wait he slipped on a mud puddle
But the best part the tackles

Band Show, buddy....:)
Kid plays brass, so it ain't bad, but the woodwinds and drums don't need to get wet....or the indoor only Marimba....
I like band 7 yrs trumpet in band, hated most of the people in band mostly whiney complainful people. Good luck to the kids, hopefully all will go well. I know in my experience there has been rainy days but none the less band usually still plays but if I can remember i think the woodwind put there instruments back in there cases I don't remember been two years since played
reminds me, need to go and see if they got those clear emergency ponchos back in stock. A couple of years ago we hunted high and low and nobody had any....not from here to Disneyworld....
Bookmarked for future reference.
I found some, bought 5 at $1 each, so we are set for tonight. Might skip going though, not eager to take my 2k camera equipment out in the rain.

you mean to tell me that you paid 2k for a camera and it's not even showerproof ????? for 2k i'd be wanting the darn to be taking the pictures for me without me being there ;)
I carry 2 :) Overachiever, I know, but I am too lazy to swap lenses in mid event.

i must be an under achiever then cos i got one that fits in my pocket and is of the 10megpix variety and is about 5 years old :)

wouldn't know what to do with an SLR camera maybe tape it to my bag and treat it like everything else that i don't understand ;)
i must be an under achiever then cos i got one that fits in my pocket and is of the 10megpix variety and is about 5 years old :)

wouldn't know what to do with an SLR camera maybe tape it to my bag and treat it like everything else that i don't understand ;)

You mean, like kick it til it cries 'Uncle'? :lol:
Well, at 4 it looked like we were going to get a storm form hell, thunder rumbling off in the distance, skies 6 the sky was as clear as can be.
You mean, like kick it til it cries 'Uncle'? :lol:

kick / punch / elbow / knees etc..... and anything else that i care to throw at it till it gets the message that it's far too complicated to be in my house :)

i like simple :) simple is easy to understand and simple is normally very user friendly too :)
Well, at 4 it looked like we were going to get a storm form hell, thunder rumbling off in the distance, skies 6 the sky was as clear as can be.

that's pretty much how the weather here is -- like hell one minute but hang on for a few more minutes and it'll all be different again :)

you just gotta love mother nature - one minute she's scary and the next it's as though she actually gives a damn ;)
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