Last Person Thread #4

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Which point were you talking about; the gas station snacks or the suv? Your right... I should have took the convertible and some sweet sun glasses.
Which point were you talking about; the gas station snacks or the suv? Your right... I should have took the convertible and some sweet sun glasses.

Yup... that is it exactly...the whole being 18 again.....and entirely clueless bits
Doctors don't run on regular time, do they....
Spend a good hour driving to that big city to the hospital, to pick hubby up.
Only to be told an hour later, that this won't happen.
Because Doctor was dawdling around, put in the orders when the folks he was ordering around were going home.
And they won't be back until 9 or so in the morning.
Nice nurse had gotten the paperwork ready, so maybe by noon he can actually leave?
Too bad I have to go to work (because having only 2 days and 51 minutes on the week is gonna hurt my pay check something fierce....)
Can I bill that idiot, for driving time, time wasted sitting around, and missing my son's Christmas parade (senior!) not to mention taking my life in both hands, driving to the big city?!
And for lost time should I need to leave early from work tomorrow to get him?
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