Last Person Thread #4

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This weekend I'll be at summer camp. The camp is usually a week long but for some reason on the 2oth anniversary of the camp it will only be 2 days.
No problem I'll just go visit some friends farther up in N.H. for the rest of the week.
Love training at these camps because I get to see people I only see twice a year.
The Counter top:

It turns out that a sales person, non-Chinese told Mrs Xue this. The owner, Chinese, was not involved....but soon will be... the owners husband, Chinese, was the one that told me they would have to order we'll see if I have to pay for delivery of a counter top they never ordered......
Mosquitoes are HORRIBLE in my yard. I was trying to train the dog and counted 13 on my legs at 1 time. Has any one ever used on of the companies that spray your yard for mosquito control? I dont understand how they can keep a flying bug out of my yard woudnt my neighbors bugs just fly over and bite me?
Mosquitoes are HORRIBLE in my yard. I was trying to train the dog and counted 13 on my legs at 1 time. Has any one ever used on of the companies that spray your yard for mosquito control? I dont understand how they can keep a flying bug out of my yard woudnt my neighbors bugs just fly over and bite me?

Have you ever tried those mosquito repellent candles/touches
Well.....there is peace between China and America this morning..... but we have until Tuesday so hostilities could erupt at any moment
Was down to the last part of the molding. Was pushing to get it done, 'cause I tired and I'd like to get on to painting.

Measured twice on the wall. Measured twice on the material. Cuts went smooth, and actually was easy.

Yeah, should've known better.

Got hit by dyslexia. There is a very big difference between 35 1/2 inches and 53 1/2 inches...

And, of course, the remainder of the stock wasn't long enough to redo it.

I'll do it tomorrow...
Was down to the last part of the molding. Was pushing to get it done, 'cause I tired and I'd like to get on to painting.

Measured twice on the wall. Measured twice on the material. Cuts went smooth, and actually was easy.

Yeah, should've known better.

Got hit by dyslexia. There is a very big difference between 35 1/2 inches and 53 1/2 inches...

And, of course, the remainder of the stock wasn't long enough to redo it.

I'll do it tomorrow...
That sucks. Sadly I've been there. I still have a section of molding to fix that I cut too short. It's been 8 months. I may get too it some day. Thankfully it's in the bathroom and the sink and vanity cover it for the most part. You would have to be looking for it to notice it's a foot too short
Rode a real bike, not a stationary bike, for a mile today and it has been about 7 years since I could do something like that. A little over 2 years ago I tried with semi ridged knee brace and my knee absolutely hated it, I got out of my driveway and that is as far as I got. Today, I did it with knee braces on, but they were not as heavy duty as 2 years ago, and I got a mile in, and my knees feel great
Went to the moviess
Woodwork is done, and so is the caulking. Painting starts tomorrow...

Came up with an idea, and it worked really well. I'm sure someone out there beat me to it, and is selling them.... but I crafted some blocks to fit inside the gap on the crown molding, especially for two really short sections, and then glued them to the molding. Made it lots easier to mount 'em.

For those unfamiliar with crown molding, it's generally set up to sort of lean in the angle between the wall and the ceiling, forming the long side opposite the right angle there. And it snaps real easy when you're trying to nail it up, especially if you have short little sections (like 3/4 inch alongside a door...). My little wedges filled most of that gap, making it lots easier to nail. especially with pilot holes drilled... The only headache I see with them would be if you're going to try to run wire through the molding for a stereo system or something like that -- but that'd be easy enough to fix by drilling a hole through the wedge...
Rode a real bike, not a stationary bike, for a mile today and it has been about 7 years since I could do something like that. A little over 2 years ago I tried with semi ridged knee brace and my knee absolutely hated it, I got out of my driveway and that is as far as I got. Today, I did it with knee braces on, but they were not as heavy duty as 2 years ago, and I got a mile in, and my knees feel great
Might try using clipless pedals, if you want to ride more. They attach your feet to the pedal, cutting down on some of the wobble and letting you balance push and pull and they'll cut down on any twisting that sometimes happens as you pedal. "Serious" cyclists use them to be more efficient, so that they can push and pull on the pedals...
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