Last Person Thread #4

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The person (I'm not sure if it's male or female) keeps yelling at its eggs trying to make them cluck like "the chicken you could have been"
Oh, that kind of detail!
I got a couple of rooms on 'my floor' that have 'visitors' sitting in all the time.
Took me two days to realize those were hospital security staff.
One guy was just talking incoherently, and without a tooth in his head, really hard to understand, and the woman gout rowdy with the nutrition gal, but calmed down when the security lady began feeding her breakfast (she was very sweet with that woman!), but once the food was gone, the peace was too (and I. I was done cleaning)
Grrr. Hospital prisoner detail for the day. At least they have WiFi

A story from my security days. They brought in a prisoner complaining about severe pain in his, well, testicles. The doctor ran multiple tests but found nothing and the prisoner still complained and moaned and groaned about having severe pain. So the Doctor took the LEO who was stuck guarding him aside, and just out side the curtain, he then talked, surprisingly loudly, to the LEO, he said "Well we found the problem and we must amputate his gonads...I am calling in the OR staff and we will get this going ASAP" It was about 2 seconds later the prisoner came walking out from behind the curtain saying that the pain just seemed to vanish and he was feeling great. The MD said "Miraculous can return to jail now:" and off they went back to prison.
A story from my security days. They brought in a prisoner complaining about severe pain in his, well, testicles. The doctor ran multiple tests but found nothing and the prisoner still complained and moaned and groaned about having severe pain. So the Doctor took the LEO who was stuck guarding him aside, and just out side the curtain, he then talked, surprisingly loudly, to the LEO, he said "Well we found the problem and we must amputate his gonads...I am calling in the OR staff and we will get this going ASAP" It was about 2 seconds later the prisoner came walking out from behind the curtain saying that the pain just seemed to vanish and he was feeling great. The MD said "Miraculous can return to jail now:" and off they went back to prison.
This reminds me of a buddy in the USAF. We were stationed at Kelly AFB in San Antonio and he was having severe pain in his testicles. This was a tough guy, but he was almost crying it hurt so bad. I drove him over to Wilford Hall and they took him back. According to him, they had decided that one of his testicles had twisted and they were going to remove it. Everything was happening really, really fast, because I guess in cases where this happens, it's really dangerous. Of course, my friend was anxious about losing a testicle, and just before he went under he says, "could it be a kidney stone?" And they all stopped. Turns out that's what it was. Military doctors at their finest.
This reminds me of a buddy in the USAF. We were stationed at Kelly AFB in San Antonio and he was having severe pain in his testicles. This was a tough guy, but he was almost crying it hurt so bad. I drove him over to Wilford Hall and they took him back. According to him, they had decided that one of his testicles had twisted and they were going to remove it. Everything was happening really, really fast, because I guess in cases where this happens, it's really dangerous. Of course, my friend was anxious about losing a testicle, and just before he went under he says, "could it be a kidney stone?" And they all stopped. Turns out that's what it was. Military doctors at their finest.

Color me skeptical...
The physical exam for someone with a torsion and someone with a kidney stone is quite different. For example, a torsion will generally cause loss of the cremastic reflex. Kidney stones will not. Nor is it likely that someone would do an orchiectomy without doing any testing. It takes maybe 5 minutes to do an ultrasound. If this happened in a primitive third world setting, then it's possible that the surgeon might elect to open the scrotum with a small incision (as in, less than .5"...) and check for torsion.
I suspect this story has been embellished a bit...
Color me skeptical...
The physical exam for someone with a torsion and someone with a kidney stone is quite different. For example, a torsion will generally cause loss of the cremastic reflex. Kidney stones will not. Nor is it likely that someone would do an orchiectomy without doing any testing. It takes maybe 5 minutes to do an ultrasound. If this happened in a primitive third world setting, then it's possible that the surgeon might elect to open the scrotum with a small incision (as in, less than .5"...) and check for torsion.
I suspect this story has been embellished a bit...
Maybe so. Good stories are often embellished. But, I don't think ultrasound was very common in 1991, and the competence of the medical staff at Wilford Hall was questionable. :D I think that the comparison to a third world setting is pretty apt.
Maybe so. Good stories are often embellished. But, I don't think ultrasound was very common in 1991, and the competence of the medical staff at Wilford Hall was questionable. :D I think that the comparison to a third world setting is pretty apt.

Work in hospitals long enough and you find that embellishment is not necessary...truth is stranger...and sometimes funnier...than fiction :D
Last time I went to the hospital I was sitting next to some sleeping old guy and snored louder than the construction crew working outside just down the street. The old man fell out of the chair and looked like he stopped breathing. The nurse had to walk over and check on him. A few seconds later still snoring and still sleeping except he now had a bruise on his forehead. There was a little kid there too he was hiding from the nurse and when they found him they found him stuck under a table and they had to get someone to help move the table.
cullsern no good no account rassin frasin cheatin' sales person....
Looking at new counters for the kitchen
Go to look at the warehouse because the sales person sent me there, 15 miles away from their showroom
They show me something I never ever said I wanted,
I had a piece of what I was there to look at
They bring in a small 4 x 4 piece and tell me they do not have a big piece and they will have to order
I tell them, no, I don't like it, don't bother
Mrs Xue goes to the store today to look at other samples and the sales person tells her we need to pay for the order of the other one since we told them to order it

My response....well.... MTs profanity filters would probably not allow me to type it so.... suffice to say Mrs Xue told me that whe will go talk to them to see what happens...before loosing me on them
cullsern no good no account rassin frasin cheatin' sales person....
Looking at new counters for the kitchen
Go to look at the warehouse because the sales person sent me there, 15 miles away from their showroom
They show me something I never ever said I wanted,
I had a piece of what I was there to look at
They bring in a small 4 x 4 piece and tell me they do not have a big piece and they will have to order
I tell them, no, I don't like it, don't bother
Mrs Xue goes to the store today to look at other samples and the sales person tells her we need to pay for the order of the other one since we told them to order it

My response....well.... MTs profanity filters would probably not allow me to type it so.... suffice to say Mrs Xue told me that whe will go talk to them to see what happens...before loosing me on them

The only thing you need to talk to them about is where they can shove it and how far up!
No <censored> way would I deal with them!
they are Chinese, so they would understand....if they do not listen to Mrs Xue.... I guess I need to get set to go have a talk with them

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