Last Person Thread #4

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I started my new job last week. Ive been in training there and today we took a trip to the United States Holocaust Museum. They run a program for law enforcement officers to show their roll in the how and why the Govt was able to kill so many people. We took a tour with a woman that was in a Concentration Camp then had a discussion with a lawyer from the Anti-defamation league. It was a very moving and emotional tour. Hearing the stories and seeing the pictures was hard. Def teared up a few times listening to the stories.

Have a Holocaust section in the state museum near me, likely not as intense an experience as you went though there, but it is a rather sobering experience

So, how's the new job going so far?
getting an MRI scan on my knee tomorrow..

Been there, a few times, just sit, relax and let the machine do all the work, and hopefully you won't have a tech that thinks cranking loud music into the room helps you. The first time I had an MRI of my knee I actually had to ask the guy to turn it down.

I hope all comes out ok with your knee
Been there, a few times, just sit, relax and let the machine do all the work, and hopefully you won't have a tech that thinks cranking loud music into the room helps you. The first time I had an MRI of my knee I actually had to ask the guy to turn it down.

I hope all comes out ok with your knee

Thank You! ..I'll just be glad to figure out what's going on and why it hurts so much..
Have a Holocaust section in the state museum near me, likely not as intense an experience as you went though there, but it is a rather sobering experience
Yeah I had gone before on my own but this time having an actual survivor of a Concentration Camp tall to us and tell us stories hit me like a hammer. The way the program was set up was to show what roll law enforcement played and every officer in the US should be required to attend this program.
So, how's the new job going so far?
Love it. The Chief is an awsome guy looks out for his people which is different then my last departmemt. for example Thursday the recruit class graduated. About an hour before graduation one of the recruits wives went into labor and he couldn't attend his swearing in ceremony. So after the main ceremony the chief and command staff went to hospital and swore him in during a private ceremony so his wife could see him get his badge
Yeah I had gone before on my own but this time having an actual survivor of a Concentration Camp tall to us and tell us stories hit me like a hammer. The way the program was set up was to show what roll law enforcement played and every officer in the US should be required to attend this program.

I can imagine seeing that with an actual survivor would be very intense

Love it. The Chief is an awsome guy looks out for his people which is different then my last departmemt. for example Thursday the recruit class graduated. About an hour before graduation one of the recruits wives went into labor and he couldn't attend his swearing in ceremony. So after the main ceremony the chief and command staff went to hospital and swore him in during a private ceremony so his wife could see him get his badge

Awesome, sounds like a great department to work for
It's take-your-bird-for-a-walk day:

A friend saw this down town the other day!
not directed at anyone in the LPTv4

oh goody the Shakespearean troll has returned, sent me a PM and told me I should report him.... rather sad and pathetic actually

I have a feeling I knowith exactly of whom you speak of :D

I know ive said my fair share of stupidiy before but that takes the cake and the whole bakery too! :rolleyes:o_O
Only 54F today... that's still too cold to take the roof off the Vette!
70+ tomorrow, though, and a big improvement overall, since it was snowing Saturday.
Put the sticker on the car my Sabum gave me - oh - nearly a decade ago. It's been 6 years since I last put my gi on....
But now I got my karate girl on my car, with my name! You know, the kind parents put on, to brag about thier kids! :D
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