Last Person Thread #4

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22k, you can get a real car for that money! :)

But I agree, stirring the gasoline while driving makes for a lot of fun. I hope I have not forgotten how to!
(I hope the kid can practice stick when he goes to the motherland!)
I get it, DD. Finances permitting, I will always have a 'fun' car to drive, even if it's not fancy. There's something about a stick shift that just makes driving fun. I picked up a 2013 Fiesta for my kids to drive. Under $12k out the door. Not a lot of HP, but it's very responsive and handles pretty darn good for an "economy" car. Fun to drive. I'm seriously considering picking up the ST once the kids are gone. Things a rocket and I can get one brand new for under $22k fully loaded.

But, I'll tell you what. Not having to buy gas is a really nice thing.

James May (Captain Slow from Top Gear ) once commented that something like the Fiesta (he was speaking specifically about the Fiat Panda, but it still applies...) can be more fun than a supercar. And there's some truth to his opinion.
What makes a car fun is driving it close to the limit. Driving a Corvette, especially a modified one like mine, it's actually pretty rare that I can push it anywhere near the limits without risking serious tickets and/or jail time. Driving something like the Fiesta, you can get pretty near the limits without even bending the law, let alone completely destroying it.
The flip side (as Jeremy Clarkson pointed out) is that they're more fun because they're easier to crash...
The Fiestas and cars like them handle very well. I agree about the pushing the limits. I don't have to go fast to have fun. I would rather spend a few more seconds getting to 65 or 70mph and never have to slow down. Taking a cloverleaf onramp at speed, or buzzing around twisty roads

Course, the tesla can get to 60 in under 4 seconds....

As an aside, I'm proud to say that both of my driving aged kids can handle a manual transmission. My son drives a 72 super beetle, and my daughter now drives the Fiesta. I'll be giving her that car as a graduation gift, but she doesn't know it yet.
All my cars are used. You gotta take what the market gives.

I buy used cars too. Mostly because I start modifying them immediately, so it makes no sense to buy brand new. When I picked up the Vette, I had already ordered a CAI and Corsa exhaust. They were installed within 3 days of buying the car.
Use to only buy used cars.... but Mrs Xue is much happier in with new cars only, and I am much happier not fighting about it so we now only get new cars and we don't modify them.

The last vehicle I modified at all was a 96 Jeep Cherokee 2 door Sport Mrs Xue hated that Jeep. I can't imagine what she would have thought of my 1976 CJ5 I modified... ok I can imagine....
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LOL, my cars don't warrant modifying! :D

Those are the ones that need modifying the most!

Let's face it. If I could afford a $900,000 car like the Porsche I mentioned earlier, I probably wouldn't modify it. Much.
Use to only buy used cars.... but Mrs Xue is much happier in with new cars only, and I am much happier not fighting about it so we now only get new cars and we don't modify them.


The last vehicle I modified at all was a 96 Jeep Cherokee 2 door Sport Mrs Xue hated that Jeep. I can't imagine what she would have thought of my 1976 CJ5 I modified... ok I can imagine....

The last vehicle I modified was... well... every vehicle I've ever owned. :)
I'm trying.

On a lighter more creepy side, I was out for a walk, my Cell phone rings, the caller says Hi this is Don. I go WHO!? they say Don..... I say aaa ok and he starts talking. Then I realize it is John not Don, but damn he sounded just like my cousin Don....who died 15 years ago....
not directed at anyone in the LPTv4

oh goody the Shakespearean troll has returned, sent me a PM and told me I should report him.... rather sad and pathetic actually
I started my new job last week. Ive been in training there and today we took a trip to the United States Holocaust Museum. They run a program for law enforcement officers to show their roll in the how and why the Govt was able to kill so many people. We took a tour with a woman that was in a Concentration Camp then had a discussion with a lawyer from the Anti-defamation league. It was a very moving and emotional tour. Hearing the stories and seeing the pictures was hard. Def teared up a few times listening to the stories.
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