Last Person Thread #4

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Is it just me or has there been an influx in Trolls and practically Trolls on MT of late

Personally no, I try to avoid threads I dont know anything about nor understand... I get very confused when trying to readcthe responses so theres a lot of threads I never open. I have noticed one (on a different thread afcoarse)
Once again the troll post does not apply to any regular posters in the LPTv4

Not sure, I am staying under the bridge, didn't see anybody but the immediate family!

It seems there are more than a few and a couple resident who push the limits in trying to start an argument, or at least that is how it appears to me

Personally no, I try to avoid threads I dont know anything about nor understand... I get very confused when trying to readcthe responses so theres a lot of threads I never open. I have noticed one (on a different thread afcoarse)

Not referring to anyone that posts regularly in the LPVv4
Once again the troll post does not apply to any regular posters in the LPTv4

It seems there are more than a few and a couple resident who push the limits in trying to start an argument, or at least that is how it appears to me

Not referring to anyone that posts regularly in the LPVv4
LOL. That could be me, but I try not to. We all have personalities that get under our skin.
LOL. That could be me, but I try not to. We all have personalities that get under our skin.

Well I didn't want to say but..... :D

Nope, it ain't you, you've been here to long so we accept what you do :D

Actually 1 possibly 2 have been banned already, but the others, 1 may be a troll and the others I guess I shouldn't label them trolls so much as highly annoying with comprehension issues
And now for something completely different

Either tonight, or tomorrow night, I am going to watch Enter the Dragon again. For some reason I am in the mood to watch it
Today in history class I was nervous about the exam (a week before the exam the professor said we would have 150 questions on the exam) both tests before that had 100 questions... when he said 150... I was sitting there thinking "hees dead serious... this exam is going to be awful!" Then today of the exam I hear people say things like wow! Amazing! And I flip through the exam happy to notice theres only 35 questions :)
I am absolutely positive it is his foozhalator valve that is the problem...... and yes I did send someone to a parts store for one once in my misspent youth, when I was a mechanic.... but then he was a self professed car expert .

OMG - I used to work with a self-professed 'car expert' who got completely shut down when
he had the audacity to tell a garage owner that the shop used to be called something other
than the shop name 'Manny's' - this argument when back and forth for a few minutes when
finally, the shop owner said 'I can tell you - without question - that you're mistaken Sir'...when
my co-worker asked how - the guy said, 'because I"M MANNY!!!' #best moment ever!!!
OMG - I used to work with a self-professed 'car expert' who got completely shut down when
he had the audacity to tell a garage owner that the shop used to be called something other
than the shop name 'Manny's' - this argument when back and forth for a few minutes when
finally, the shop owner said 'I can tell you - without question - that you're mistaken Sir'...when
my co-worker asked how - the guy said, 'because I"M MANNY!!!' #best moment ever!!!

I told the guy his foozhalator valve was bad but I could get the car running for him. Told him to get in the car and then put the positive cable on the positive post of the battery and the negative on the negative and his car miraculously started. He had the cables reversed and it was sparking like crazy every time he tried to connect the cables. He got out and asked me again what the part was and I said his foozhalator valve.

A couple of days later I walked into the local parts store to get a part for my Buick Land Ark and the parts guys were laughing like crazy. When I asked why they told me some guy was just inhere asking for a foozhalator valve.
OMG - I used to work with a self-professed 'car expert' who got completely shut down when
he had the audacity to tell a garage owner that the shop used to be called something other
than the shop name 'Manny's' - this argument when back and forth for a few minutes when
finally, the shop owner said 'I can tell you - without question - that you're mistaken Sir'...when
my co-worker asked how - the guy said, 'because I"M MANNY!!!' #best moment ever!!!

That's the best kind of mechanic!... hees so good at what he does he can reconize bis own professional handy work. "because im manny"... sounds legit to me... why argue? States his profession, his skill level Nd even who he is; manny, the best in business!!! :D
Speaking of mechanics. Siting at the dealer now. My car's radio wouldn't turn off. The damn thing is haunted. Modern cars have so many hooger haws and control modules that it's impossible to figure out what's what. I pulled the fuse to make sure I didn't kill the battery, but what a strange way to start the day.
Speaking of mechanics. Siting at the dealer now. My car's radio wouldn't turn off. The damn thing is haunted. Modern cars have so many hooger haws and control modules that it's impossible to figure out what's what. I pulled the fuse to make sure I didn't kill the battery, but what a strange way to start the day.

Yeah but you have one of them thar new fangled electric cars or is it one of them new fangled hybrid cars..... they just ain't right...

I was a front end, suspension, muffler and brake guy, a Honda mechanic, a used car mechanic, a Jeep Mechanic, and a Volkswagen Mechanic. And there is not a new car out there today that I recognize as even having an engine :D
Yeah but you have one of them thar new fangled electric cars or is it one of them new fangled hybrid cars..... they just ain't right...

I was a front end, suspension, muffler and brake guy, a Honda mechanic, a used car mechanic, a Jeep Mechanic, and a Volkswagen Mechanic. And there is not a new car out there today that I recognize as even having an engine :D
I had an all electric but am currently driving a plug in hybrid. I'm WAITING for someone to build an all electric car with a practical range of over 225 miles, that costs less than $40k.

But in the meantime, I get like 2000 miles per tank of gas, and could probably get more, except I worry about the gas sitting in the tank for that long.

Overall, it's great... until it doesn't work. And then it sucks! :D
I knew you had one of those new fangled electrified whatsyamahoozit cars :D

That is the problem with electric at this time, they simply do not have the range and they are expensive, if they get the range and the price goes down I too will look at them
I had an all electric but am currently driving a plug in hybrid. I'm WAITING for someone to build an all electric car with a practical range of over 225 miles, that costs less than $40k.

But in the meantime, I get like 2000 miles per tank of gas, and could probably get more, except I worry about the gas sitting in the tank for that long.

Overall, it's great... until it doesn't work. And then it sucks! :D

I get 30MPG on the highway in my Vette. About 600 miles on a tank, although I always stop every 200 or so, to walk around.
I know, cars are just transportation to some. But they're a toy for me. So I'll stick with my economy car, even if it's gas. There are a couple hybrids that do appeal, like the Porsche 918.
But that's purely in the realm of fantasy car.

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Really.
I get 30MPG on the highway in my Vette. About 600 miles on a tank, although I always stop every 200 or so, to walk around.
I know, cars are just transportation to some. But they're a toy for me. So I'll stick with my economy car, even if it's gas. There are a couple hybrids that do appeal, like the Porsche 918.
But that's purely in the realm of fantasy car.

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Really.
I get it, DD. Finances permitting, I will always have a 'fun' car to drive, even if it's not fancy. There's something about a stick shift that just makes driving fun. I picked up a 2013 Fiesta for my kids to drive. Under $12k out the door. Not a lot of HP, but it's very responsive and handles pretty darn good for an "economy" car. Fun to drive. I'm seriously considering picking up the ST once the kids are gone. Things a rocket and I can get one brand new for under $22k fully loaded.

But, I'll tell you what. Not having to buy gas is a really nice thing.
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