Last Person Thread #4

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During class last night, one of the kids was chewing on something, so I walked over during the drill.
Me (quietly so as not to disrupt the drills): Hey. Go spit the gum in the trash.
Student: It's not gum. (munch munch)
Me: It's not? What is it?
Student: Boogers. (munch munch)

After class, I told him I wouldn't shake his hand until I saw him wash it.

Xue, this is a much, much bigger deal than a few sharks. Really.

That reminds me of another student... dont know his name, the instructor is his grandpa
Kid had a bottle of red gaterade, he wanted his grandpa to open it
The grandfather said "you be careful! If you get that on yourself your mother will angry with me"
And the kid ran off with his drink
Less than five minutes cones back with a big gaterade stain on his gi top
I find it perfectly reasonable!

But then again, I have been cleaning house, I am hurting and angry!
it's a good thing the purple dinosaur is out of fashion, or I'd punch him! :(
Looking at a friend's laptop....when exactly did Windows 8 replace 7? And when was Vista replaced? I think I forgot how to work Vista (I only miss the movie maker that came with it, and the media player was better, too!)
Windows 7 released in 2009 and it is still supported by Micorsoft
Windows 8 released in 2012 current OS of choice per Microsoft
The video maker was nice, and the media player...those two things get worsified with every 'improvement'....
Anyhow, got the machine functional again. I hope I didn't delete any expensive programs. It was a good example as to why one should never go online nekked...there are a lot of cooties around.
I can tell you, from experience, that it is no fun being up on your roof....chipping ice....when it is 5 degrees....

On the roof again this morning........ happy happy joy joy
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