Last Person Thread #4

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1/4 inch... that's a dusting here.... and tomorrow I think the temps go back to the new normal for us...... I think we may be looking at 0 again...good thing....those 27 degree heat waves are just to hard to handle
1/4 inch... that's a dusting here.... and tomorrow I think the temps go back to the new normal for us...... I think we may be looking at 0 again...good thing....those 27 degree heat waves are just to hard to handle

I know, but it's all that is needed to briefly blanket the yard, etc, and shut down the state! Snow day 2 tomorrow. Then again, it could be worse, I could be stuck with real snow and a 4yo with a Frozen obsession!
It's 28F here and there's 3" of snow on the ground!
You'll join the Shunn Club!

Nah...he's trying to hard, besides, he was sissified by going on vacation someplace warm :D

it is 12 degrees here (not counting wind-chill...and I don't want to count wind-chill) and we still have 2 feet of snow on the ground from the last couple of storms
we still got snow, too. It was nice and crunchy last night, not it's only a wet mess though. I think it will stick around for a few days (like one more....)
Just the right amount of winter....
Hey it made it all the way to 16 degrees....... and for once that is actually the wind-chill..... but not to worry...tonight they're talking 5 degrees, windy with a bit of snow
wrote my essay for englsih class :bored:.... two hours of writing im finally finished. i need to go do something! like go outside and practice karate, shutup and train! :D
13 degrees today.... also said it was the 2nd coldest February in my area since they start3ed tracking such week they are forecasting temps in the mid 30s....not sure how I'm going to handle the heat.....possibly try and get a tan :D
It was 14F while driving to work tonight. And snowing so hard you could barely see the dividing line between lanes on the interstate! I actually thought (briefly) that I might want to put the Jeep in 4hi...
Snow tomorrow...3 to 6 inches..... snow Tuesday, don't know how much yet.....and Wednesday...40 degrees....that is just wrong.... Thursday....back to the 20s...... ok that is still to warm....but its closer to what I have grown use to
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