Last Person Thread #4

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And now...its almost over..... but we still got Sunday...... and more snow is coming..... you know, I like winter...but I am sooooo over it now..... so much that I would almost be jealous of Dirty Dog's trips to warm places.....almost
It was -3F when we left work this morning!
It was -3F when we left work this morning!

Welcome to my get that for about a month and you got it......oh and several has to be between -11 and -15 with wind-chills in the dangerous range -20 to -40........enjoy......but today it is warm....its 16...BUT...we have 3 to 6 inches of snow coming.......
third highest grade on sociology quiz(92) either i'm doing significantly higher than anticipated, or everyone else is doing significantly worse...
I suggest to go back and proof read.....
its a working progress... :D its gonna get there eventually
Well whaddaya know..... only got an inch of snow..... its 30 degrees...and with wind-chill it is 21....another warm day in paradise.....seriously... that is warm compared to what it has been the last month..... but we got another storm coming tomorrow evening...snow/freezing rain/rain/snow..... I can hardly wait
What a fun day.....not
Spent much of the day on the roof trying to break up an ice damn that was a foot thick, 3 feet wide and 10 feet long. It was causing a water leak in my living room. Got that done just in time to find my garage flooded. because of this last month of temps that were generally below zero....all of my drains were frozen solid..... and today it was 39 degrees so stuff was melting and my garage was that fixed just in time to collapse in my chair....I think I have been up and down a ladder 50 times today......
What a fun day.....not
Spent much of the day on the roof trying to break up an ice damn that was a foot thick, 3 feet wide and 10 feet long. It was causing a water leak in my living room. Got that done just in time to find my garage flooded. because of this last month of temps that were generally below zero....all of my drains were frozen solid..... and today it was 39 degrees so stuff was melting and my garage was that fixed just in time to collapse in my chair....I think I have been up and down a ladder 50 times today......

You need to relax and take it easy for a while! Go spar or something!
I can't go spar, my wife will freak out, she is still being overly protective because of my, since I can't do that... I think I will just sit and drink tea...and then go do some taijiquan
During class last night, one of the kids was chewing on something, so I walked over during the drill.
Me (quietly so as not to disrupt the drills): Hey. Go spit the gum in the trash.
Student: It's not gum. (munch munch)
Me: It's not? What is it?
Student: Boogers. (munch munch)

After class, I told him I wouldn't shake his hand until I saw him wash it.

Xue, this is a much, much bigger deal than a few sharks. Really.
sleet and freezing rain.
I take a foot of snow over that crap.

But so far we (in the South) are in a holding pattern. The north of the state has already some of the mess on the ground.
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