Last Person Thread #4

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you mean the fact that they use needle sharp teeth or is that the mini samurai sword going in that creates the horribly itchy bite marks ????? ;)
almost finalised a deal for my "new to me" 2007 Smart ForTwo. had a test drive and that sequential gearbox is an absolute peach and a joy to use :) there's also enough space to put my MB kit bag in there along with my doggy :) didn't realise that it actually had a boot (trunk) thought that it was just 2 comfy seats and a cd player :):):)

i love it - it's black panels with a silver space cage and a bright red interior looks really good and nothing like what i normally go for :)

my workshop car is a Scooby turbo that is currently being rebuilt by yours truly and yup it's spent a fair bit of time on my kitchen floor too ;) kitchens were made as extra garaging facilities ;) and kitchen appliances were made for cleaning and cooking car parts ;)

sorry mom but i don't think i could ever get away from using it this way :) and besides Pud and Jake like the warmth of the kitchen and they don't get worried cos i'm in the same room as them :)

gunna watch the whole of this MB dvd again this afternoon which means that me, jake and pud all curl up in front of the telly :)

you mean the fact that they use needle sharp teeth or is that the mini samurai sword going in that creates the horribly itchy bite marks ????? ;)

It's the ones without weapons you have to worry about those are the ones that try taking your weapon

Side note// yippee its Saturday
well we all curled up in front of "the box" and we were all captivated by muay boran even my kitty -- pretty sure she'll be using some of those moves on my little boy (jake) in the near future --- really shouldn't let a cat watch full contact MB at all tbh ;)

really enjoyed my quiet day in :)

the weather man reckons that we're all gunna get flooded out etc etc....... big yawn......... how can i get flooded out when i live about 600metres above sea level ????? it's mean that most of this green nd pleasant land would be under water or not so green and pleasant ;)
Going to go practice for an hour 15 minutes of relaxed stretching then 45 minutes of constant training no breaks then sanchin kata very slow to get energy back

Or how some people here say shut up or practice :D
Isn't that supposed to be the super smart lady?

If I was that smart I'd get myself breakfast in bed without getting out of bed or needing help... Or better I'd never miss a target; go down to the shooting range and make the bullet hit the center or playing golf and get a bogey, hey what's that?! Oh wait it was hole in one how bizarre but can't argue with facts

But aside from my side jokes was it a good movie?
so much for getting flooded in/out -- we got none of this so called hurricane wtf were the weather people going on about ?????

i put off doing a load of things cos of the weather warnings so now all 3 of us are curled in nice n snug in the kitchen and i dug out an old gearbox --- can't remember what i took it off LoL --- and just started stripping and cleaning it :) whatever it came out of must have been on it's last legs cos the sprockets in the box are well chewed :(

i got the price of the little smart car and to say i was astounded is any understatement so i'm going to be looking around for cheaper one i think cos the road tax on scooby has just cost me £834 for one year :(.........still crying from finding that one out
Isn't that supposed to be the super smart lady?

If I was that smart I'd get myself breakfast in bed without getting out of bed or needing help... Or better I'd never miss a target; go down to the shooting range and make the bullet hit the center or playing golf and get a bogey, hey what's that?! Oh wait it was hole in one how bizarre but can't argue with facts

But aside from my side jokes was it a good movie?

Honestly, I can't even comment good or was just weird... Don't get me wrong - it's an interesting premise - in that, the common theory is that we - as humans - only use 10% of our
brain's capacity and the girl in the movie was implanted with this drug that forces her to use the remaining 90% ...during which time, her abilities become almost superhuman and closer to
science fiction capacity and at the end when she reaches 100%, her cells - instead of multiplying - revert back to a single cell organism and she literally disappears... then in the midst of
this, you're bombarded with Korean mobsters, multiple gun fights, Morgan Freeman detailing the scientific aspects of the brain and what the possibilities are - until he meets her.. and a
mental trip from the present to the past along with her ability to stop time.... Really, it just seemed like the whole movie was a what-if analysis that just got weirder and weirder...
yesterday was an 8 hour yard sale ( you know thats where you sell junk in front of the house). yea I must have made all of maybe 2 dollars an hour. and it was hot with no shade.
today s play games on the comp. unless I sleep.
I know I should be practicing and getting rid of the extra body weight I have recently gained
I like staying at the lake house but tomorrow gotta go home... Tomorrow is also Monday. But for today is going to be a good day, this morning last year (i forgot who I just remember it wasn't me) but one friend slept till 1pm. We put his mattress on the middle of the Lake, we shot paint balls at him till he got back to shore
i said that i'd go back and see the car dealer with smart car tomorrow morning so i did a text check on the registration number (you can see the car in the showroom from the pavement) and it came back with ---

2007 smart fortwo passion (84) --- this is the pocket rocket with the 1.0L turbo under the hood :):):) well happy and it's got the flappy paddle smt gearbox too :):):)

just got to get the financials right too --- reckoning that it's going to cost about £4000 (ish $6500) :( --- fuel returns of 50mpg make the trade off between the high sale price and the running costs worth buying it :)

also got to remember to take pud to the vets for her checks :) she's fine it's jakeyboy who's got all the problems :( still not found out fully what's wrong with him and that for me is worrying me a bit :(
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