Last Person Thread #4

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today is a sort of rest day cos i've got bucket loads of work to do :(

i've got a ford focus gearbox sat outisde my back door :) and a VW golf gearbox freshly cleaned and stripped on my kitchen floor :)

top tip --- dishwashers are amazing for cleaning stripped engines and gearboxes ;) beats the ancient way of a bucket of suds and sponge LoL ;)

One day we need to talk......

Wednesday..... oh goody.......

I am really tired of not enjoying Monday though Friday during the is too short for this
Gloomy overcast day most likely it will rain again before the day is over. Oh well, just one more reason not to mow the lawn
welsh border collies love hills -(being welsh that stands to reason LoL:)) and running is just like a fun game for them :)

my doggy has displasia in his shoulder so although he runs like wind, is more stealthy than a stealthy thing, and doesn't like much with 4 legs and fur (apart from my persian cat called pud cos she's a puddy cat ;)) he just lives in his own little world :)

It seems that way with a lot of dogs, walking around looking around constantly almost like it's in its own world
One day we need to talk......


is it really that bad ????? - i've been using my dishwasher for washing car parts for years :):):) also some of the plastics can get a bit brittle over time -- all you gotta do is wrap them to maintain their shape, put a smear of glue down the creases in the plastics and either put them under the grill if they're small or in the oven if they've a bit bigger ;) works wonders this one :)

i've been using my kitchen floor for stripping gearboxes and motors for nearly 20years - beats being out in the cold shed any day :) also if you're just washing small parts - then you can fill the sink (hot water and fairy liquid) and sit on the floor next to the sink and just "toss" the small bits into the sink and put the larger bits in the dishwasher without having to get up off the floor --- now that's genius ;)

and you thought that kitchens were for cooking and eating in LoL :)
i want my doggy to be a bit more "cat" LoL ;) my persian cat just lies in wait on the window sill and just doesn't do anything apart from tell me when it needs food and to go out for a stretch and that really is a cat's life :)

my doggy on the other hand is a proper hyperactive nutcase :)
Went to visit David and talk to a few of his relatives, and brought jack along for the ride. Today he didn't want to put his head out the Window he sat there calmly looking around. It was a nice visit his uncle is hilarious can make jokes left and right even if he is talking about work
One eye 20/20...almost...the other 20/40....almost its been an interesting summer.........and bright sunshine.....the vision in one eye goes completely white.... surgery the end of this month for the bad eye..... and a couple weeks later the other eye...happy happy joy joy
Yes, we need to talk! ;)

Yeah. right....

Wie der Herr, so's Geschirr....:D
yep, I just called you a hyberactive nutcase!

In the best meaning of the word of course! :angel:

^^^LoL^^^ :)

well they say that dogs are like their owners --- need i say more ;)

as for the kitchen comment -- my old house wasn't that big so everything got done in the kitchen and now i've just carried it on and got a few mods cons like a dishwasher and built in oven/grill type thingy :) apparently it's for food but hell food comes from the store down the road ;)

so mom what exactly did you have in mind when you said "we need to talk" :)
I got my name in the news paper :) not once in the newspaper, twice in the article.

Visited grandpa today, he watches weird movies; lone ranger, magnum pie, Charlie angles, and a couple random comedy shows (they weren't funny)

I'm exhausted from class today i got home and woke up 45 minutes later on the floor next to the couch and jack was on the couch eating doggy treats (i remember cause he left crumbs and i had to clean it)
^^^well done :) enjoy your 15minutes of fame ;)^^^

got practice with scotty in about an hour or so :):):) love going training :) the suns out :) the skies blue :) and my doggy's asleep - yippee :)

had a creatine stack for breakfast which picked me up ;) thought i'd busted a toe when i tripped over ford focus gearbox that i brought into the kitchen last night for it's initial scrubdown --- thank GOD that dishwashers don't you to be there to physically wash the engine parts ;) and they work over night when i'm in bed too ;)

todays food --- dunno ????? --- what's food (not eaten yet) cos i had a supplement load last night - not hungry at all ;)

thankyou mom be nice to have a talking to from someone who knows about these domestic type thingys ;)
I got my name in the news paper :) not once in the newspaper, twice in the article.

Congratulations, I was in the newspaper once for a Taiji demo, there were even pictures...many many years ago....about 20.

Visited grandpa today, he watches weird movies; lone ranger, magnum pie, Charlie angles, and a couple random comedy shows (they weren't funny)

Oh man...first you call me old and now you tell me the shows I grew up with are weird...and it is Magnum PI my the way ..not Magnum pie :uhyeah:

I'm exhausted from class today i got home and woke up 45 minutes later on the floor next to the couch and jack was on the couch eating doggy treats (i remember cause he left crumbs and i had to clean it)

I woke up on the floor once...... luckily there were not any pictures..... but I don't think I'll go there :D
I woke up on the floor once...... luckily there were not any pictures..... but I don't think I'll go there :D

many a time i've pulled my friends up off the floor ;) unfortunately for them with the advent of instagram, youtube and facebook they got splashed all over the show ;)
woke up on the floor, in the back yard, and a few places I would rather not mention a few times.
Oh and I still watch some of the shows mentioned once in a while but then Im old
many a time i've pulled my friends up off the floor ;) unfortunately for them with the advent of instagram, youtube and facebook they got splashed all over the show ;)

Ya see... RIGHT there is a GREAT example of why being old is a good thing....YouTube and Facebook didn't exist then :EG:
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