Last Person Thread #4

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Today I got to break things with a sludge hammer. Me and my friend Jackson took sledge hammers cause we were supposed to tear down a old shed and the stuff inside was old we broke that too. I BROKE 5 windows jumped through one bashes one with a hammer broke a fourth one with a kwandao it made a perfect clean cut and accidently fell and hit my head on the fifth we also broke a table a chair a tv a lamp made holes in the shed then eventually it fell down
I also went to weapon class today and home now jack is probably upset wondering when he is going to get his snacks but I'm going to do it now
It all depends on what the heap is made of though :D got that right!! :) For us - it will be generations of English, German and Irish descent layered through the professions of law,
education, business, finance and rodeo and of course - an uneven mix of Democrats and Republicans.....what could go wrong? :lool:

did you not know that most countries have already gone to the dogs ????? the power and greed sums it all up nicely - every one is just lining their pockets and to hell with the rest.

there are some good ideas out there but cos they interfere with someone else's business they'll never get a fair hearing :(

today is going to be a very good day :) i got finished with the old gearbox - what a mess but really good fun :) not seen anything that old and still surviving for a long long time so it was good to give it a new lease of life :):):)

i've got 4 Ginetta G55 gearboxes coming in for total overhaul :) love working on these cos they're so light and beautifully crafted plus they use titanium sprockets --- which means that cos i'm doing the rebuilds with new sprockets i get to keep the "old" ones in my shed :) got lots of racing stuff in boxes and bags just doesn't worry me -- i could prolly rebuild them using stuff i got here and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference ;)

me and jake are off to 3 sisters racetrack in wigan not from from warrington for a test day on saturday which should be a blast :) i'd take pud too but she doesn't really like noise :(
as you know i give my doggy painkillers and anti inflammatories by injection well today this happened ----

i went and did some errands this morning and jake was just in pure pain all the time - he just couldn't use his back legs at all so i've just come back from the vets cos jake kept on falling over cos his back legs kept on collapsing :( so not good :( vet give him some sleepy type stuff but don't what to do :(

also saw 11year old border collie Spot while i was in there and spot got "to go to sleep" :( which i found difficult :( cos the owners are really nice people :)

we were in the country park a few days ago and one of the "regulars" was telling me about all the collies that had been "put to sleep" --- there's not one that's older than 11years :( Tess 11year old collapsed and passed away in her owners kitchen :( Taffy 9years old totally blind, back legs keep going but doing ok on metacalm :) Jet put to sleep cos of cancer in his back end and spine age 7years, Mollie 6 years old spinal damage after being severely attacked by another dog - owners had no option but to put her to sleep :( Iklo 3 years old severe displasia in his front legs - unable to stand, total pain all the time :( Benji aged 4 severe displasia in both front and back legs plus rear spine now put to sleep cos of the constant pain he was in :( and quite a few others too --- it's just shocking that everybody i know that got a collie --- we had a collie club going for a while where only collies and collie owners could join in and it was really good - all the dogs were well behaved and played nicely enough with each other and now it's like no point going cos there aren't enough collies to keep it going :( am sure that my collie school will have a few more in the next few months or so :) a few of the owners of the dog listed above are going to go and get another one so there's hope yet :)

as for jake i think it'll get to the point where i end up keeping him alive for me rather than what's in his best interest.............. :(

dunno :(:(
it's difficult cos i took him to the park across the road before so he could have a mooch and he was limping and collapsing and then somehow he just started running and then collapsed :( i just don't know what i'm supposed to do :( we're due back in the vets 2morow evening but am not sure what the course of action will be -- more painkillers etc.... maybe stronger stuff ????? :(
it's difficult cos i took him to the park across the road before so he could have a mooch and he was limping and collapsing and then somehow he just started running and then collapsed :( i just don't know what i'm supposed to do :( we're due back in the vets 2morow evening but am not sure what the course of action will be -- more painkillers etc.... maybe stronger stuff ????? :(

Seems like you need to keep him off his legs for a while.
Swimming is usually a good way to exercise, because it's low impact, but you probably should keep him from running for a week. The heavy pain meds are not without side effects.
I don't smoke but every once and a while I like saying guess what day it is (usually on my birthday or some important holiday but sometimes because it's Wednesday) I'm going to say it when I go to karate but only before cause i don't want to do pushups during :D

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I almost said it in class but forgot

Just when I got home from karate i hear noises from the next room (not jack but another person)
I was certain it was a robber so i grab my pudao from out my weapon bag (weapon in right hand slowly open the door with the left... It's just my sister on the couch watching tv... I forgot she was staying for the rest of the week cause she needed a place to stay for a few days
jake ate 2 full bowls of biscuit plus 2 doggy burgers (chopped up of course ;)) and black pudding sausages chopped up plus some chicken internals that he really likes :)

gotta go the vets later on cos he's trying not to use his back legs - for example he crawled to his water bowl this morning but when i let him outside to go do his stuff he was running round the garden --- wtf is that all about ????? :)

got 3hours with scotty this afternoon :) should be much fun cos i've changed my gloves for 7oz ones so that it's me hitting the pads rather than the big heavy glove --- i just gotta feel something i guess ;)

the muay boran seminar is in about 3 weeks and we're working through the mae mai and mae luk forms --- total nightmare and so different to anything else that i've ever done.

number 1 --- left jab, straight right, left jab, right elbow, slip, right knee :)
number 2 --- left jab, straight right, left hook, right body kick :)

etc, etc, etc...........
I was actually able to do a workout last night (aerobic, abs, yoga based body weight stuff) that was 40 minutes long and I have some muscle stiffness today (which to be honest is a really good feeling) and I have no joint pain at all. That was the first time in a long time I have been able to do that. However prior to all this injury mess it would not have been enough, but for now it is awesome.
Practicing white crane... Honestly these names are confusing and sound similar (forgot full names but I remember hearing them called so, Cho, tan, hoku Cho, one of them meant dragon fist (i bet I spelled it wrong too) yeti there fun to do. :)
It's called white crane but in my opinion the 6th form looks more like a snake...
the significant other decided to over rides what I said with the oldest, without knowing the details, only to find out I was she is going to have to tell the oldest it is no after all.... and that is only ONE of the things that REALLY annoyed me tonight.... I need to go do taiji
the significant other decided to over rides what I said with the oldest, without knowing the details, only to find out I was she is going to have to tell the oldest it is no after all.... and that is only ONE of the things that REALLY annoyed me tonight.... I need to go do taiji

Sounds like you get to tell someone I TOLD YOU SO
??? Random question... No

Side note/ some guy was cussing at these people outside,it was was weird he had a weird high pitch almost feminine sounding voice. But the two guys didn't like it, they beat him up across the street and i had an almost front row seat
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