Last Person Thread #4

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My 5 year old fell off a swing yesterday broke his wrist. Poor kid all he was worried about was how can he eat with only one hand. Oh well 4 kids oldest is 11 and this is the first broken bone out of the bunch so we are doing pretty good so far
My first lawn mowing yesterday between the rain drops. A lot of rain and a little sun makes the grass go crazy. :)

Today as Xue Sheng has mentioned, "it's raining"...


We're off to Cancun for ten days of booze, babes, beaches and boats starting Tuesday.
Xue, I'm going to find a shark just for you.

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Really.
I must admit - I rarely get angry, but one thing that sets me off is deliberate stupidity...I went to the mall today
and saw a tiny dog in a car - owners nowhere in sight and the window barely cracked open - when I returned to
my car 2 HOURS LATER - the dog was still there!!! Hope they saw the note I wrote and I really hope the dog took
a dump in their car!
I must admit - I rarely get angry, but one thing that sets me off is deliberate stupidity...I went to the mall today
and saw a tiny dog in a car - owners nowhere in sight and the window barely cracked open - when I returned to
my car 2 HOURS LATER - the dog was still there!!! Hope they saw the note I wrote and I really hope the dog took
a dump in their car!

Back when I was a dispatcher one of the the townships that we covered had some really strong anti-abuse laws. I can remember dispatching officers (non-emergent) to a dog in a similar situation (temps in the 90's and the dog was obviously in distress). The owner of the vehicle could not be located but, his window could. Animal control came out and took possession of the animal. Never did hear the aftermath of that decision. I know that they contacted the Patrol Sergeant but, that conversation was by cell phone.

All I can say is that must have been a real....interesting....encounter with owner later on that warm summer day. Most people don't realize how quickly a car can heat up. It is literally a quick heating oven on wheels.
We're off to Cancun for ten days of booze, babes, beaches and boats starting Tuesday.
Xue, I'm going to find a shark just for you.

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Really.

Sure, great, just tell it to stop by my office...150 miles from the ocean. :D

Enjoy your trip
I want to post here that this past week that the vision in my left eye seems to have gotten much worse rather fast and the right did the same to a much lessor degree. I have to make an appointment to see the eye doctor to see what is going on. But until I do that I want to apologize for any errors in my posting. It is taking forever to read a post and much longer than usual to write a response
I want to post here that this past week that the vision in my left eye seems to have gotten much worse rather fast and the right did the same to a much lessor degree. I have to make an appointment to see the eye doctor to see what is going on. But until I do that I want to apologize for any errors in my posting. It is taking forever to read a post and much longer than usual to write a response
Hopefully it's just a new pair of glasses. Let us know how the appointment goes...
I want to post here that this past week that the vision in my left eye seems to have gotten much worse rather fast and the right did the same to a much lessor degree. I have to make an appointment to see the eye doctor to see what is going on. But until I do that I want to apologize for any errors in my posting. It is taking forever to read a post and much longer than usual to write a response

Are you having any eye pain or headaches? Please let us know how the appointment goes. Rapid changes in vision should assure that they open up a spot for you ASAP!
I must admit - I rarely get angry, but one thing that sets me off is deliberate stupidity...I went to the mall today
and saw a tiny dog in a car - owners nowhere in sight and the window barely cracked open - when I returned to
my car 2 HOURS LATER - the dog was still there!!! Hope they saw the note I wrote and I really hope the dog took
a dump in their car!

I offer, absolutely FREE, a broken window to anyone who does this.
As much as this sort of thing has been in the news over the years, people are just dumb. As humans we should learn from others mistakes. But, we just keep making the same ones over and over again.
some people couldn't care less about their furry friends (mines my avatar pic - he's called jake and he's a red/white border collie)

people that leave their dogs in cars tin ovens should be locked away in corrugated iron box --- for sure they'd leave it a thinner, would be the end of obesity possibly ?

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