Last Person #5

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It's 55 degrees inside our house right now. Coffee got cold in about five minutes.
That ain't good.
My part time job in the evenings has consisted of helping two different gentlemen (through the same agency) go out into the community so they could develop better social skills. One of these guys called me recently and said he wanted to get a new assistant because, due to my day job hours, I cannot get him to night classes he signed up for. I said, "Fair enough. I understand."

Then he said, "Wanna work together next Tuesday?"

I was confused, but I said sure. We did. Then he asked if we were going to work together the next night. I said no because I had an appointment for my son. So he said, "Okay, see you next week." At this point, I was still confused because I thought he didn't want to work with me anymore!

So the next week comes. I have an appointment on Tuesday and have to cancel. I ask the guy if he wants to get together Wednesday.

He says, "I'll be out with friends Wednesday."

At this point, the writing seems to be clearly written in large block letters on the wall. So last night I text him and tell him that, due to personal obligations that have arisen, I will no longer be his assistant after February 10. (Little does he know, the "personal obligations" consist of finding a different consumer to work with who DOESN'T keep cancelling on me.)

As of this writing, I have not heard back as to whether or not he wants to work with me at all tomorrow night or next week. I'm going to text him again to say if I don't hear from him by 7:00PM tonight, I am going to assume he does NOT want to work together tomorrow. Then I will go ahead and make other plans.

Maybe I can finally get around to visiting one of the other JKD classes I've been meaning to see. :) Maybe @XueSheng will be at one! would appear I can't get the hang of the "tagging" feature on these posts. I typed in Xue's name with the @ and his name did indeed pop up. I clicked on it, but it clearly did not tag him in it.
My part time job in the evenings has consisted of helping two different gentlemen (through the same agency) go out into the community so they could develop better social skills. One of these guys called me recently and said he wanted to get a new assistant because, due to my day job hours, I cannot get him to night classes he signed up for. I said, "Fair enough. I understand."

Then he said, "Wanna work together next Tuesday?"

I was confused, but I said sure. We did. Then he asked if we were going to work together the next night. I said no because I had an appointment for my son. So he said, "Okay, see you next week." At this point, I was still confused because I thought he didn't want to work with me anymore!

So the next week comes. I have an appointment on Tuesday and have to cancel. I ask the guy if he wants to get together Wednesday.

He says, "I'll be out with friends Wednesday."

At this point, the writing seems to be clearly written in large block letters on the wall. So last night I text him and tell him that, due to personal obligations that have arisen, I will no longer be his assistant after February 10. (Little does he know, the "personal obligations" consist of finding a different consumer to work with who DOESN'T keep cancelling on me.)

As of this writing, I have not heard back as to whether or not he wants to work with me at all tomorrow night or next week. I'm going to text him again to say if I don't hear from him by 7:00PM tonight, I am going to assume he does NOT want to work together tomorrow. Then I will go ahead and make other plans.

Maybe I can finally get around to visiting one of the other JKD classes I've been meaning to see. :) Maybe @XueSheng will be at one!

@wingchun100 you forgot the space between Xue and Sheng.

It is very likely I will have no time for anything additional much before June when school is out
Well, all caught up. No phone calls to make on behalf of the kids. Got about 3000 more words to write for the only freelance writing job I have at the moment. Since there was no mail, I will have no work to do when I get back from lunch, which I intend to take in about 5 minutes.

I think I will go for a walk on the concourse. :)
I'm feeling better today. My sinuses are still jacked, but the Mucinex-D is doing its job.

I roasted a 1/2 pound of Sumatra Peaberry the other day and it is delicious. This particular bean doesn't seem to hold up to a very dark roast. But it does great at somewhere between City and Full City roast.

Makes a great shot of espresso... a little on the sweet side, not acidic and a thick crema that looks like a shot glass full of Guinness.
That walk on the concourse was great. This is such a vibrant area to work in, and I am glad that the position I accepted is in the same location.
DANG!!!! I have been trying to get that diagnosis for years....... MAN I have the wrong doctor.
That's 'cause your doc has you confuse with this guy:
A Microsoft executive makes his millions and decides he wants to move to Alaska... get off the grid, unplug and get closer to nature. So, he buys some property out in the middle of nowhere. His closest neighbor is 3 miles down a dirt road. He flies into town once each month for supplies, but otherwise, that's about it. And he loves it.

About 6 months after he moves out there, he's surprised to hear a knock at his door. He grabs his shotgun and cautiously opens the door, where he finds a huge mountain man. This guy is enormous. Maybe 6'10" and more like a grizzly bear than a man at this point. "Can I help you?" he says.

"I'm your neighbor, from down the road. My names Zeke and I've lived here a long time. Every year, we have a get together to meet the neighbors and enjoy each other's company for a spell. It's coming up, and I wanted to know if you'd be there."

The guy is surprised, and while he was enjoying the solitude of his new life, he had to admit to himself that he missed the company of other people. "Sure. I'll be there. Sounds like fun."

Zeke starts to move off the porch, but then stops, turns around and says, "I should probably tell you, there's usually a lot of drinking that happens at these parties."

"No problem," said the man, "I'm not worried about that."

Zeke said, "and some fightin'. Usually some fights. So... err.. probably better expect that."

"No problem," said the man. "I'm a black belt in Rex Kwon Do. I can handle myself."

"Great... great." Zeke started moving away and then, somewhat awkwardly said, "Hey. Yeah. There might be some... you know. Some sexual activity. Never can tell."

The man was no prude, and to be honest, he was a little excited at the prospect. "That's no big deal. I'm down."

And so Zeke started to head off the porch and down the road when something occurred to the man. "Wait, Zeke. Just a quick question. What should I bring?"

Zeke responded, "It doesn't matter. Bring whatever you want. It's just going to be the two of us."
At my second job now, at the Round Lake Library in...uh...Round Lake. This is a pretty cool, easy part-time job. I am browsing the web, posting here, and listening to Beyond the Wall of Sleep.
You ever read hp lovecraft? Isn't there a book by him called beyond the wall of sleep?
I'm feeling better today. My sinuses are still jacked, but the Mucinex-D is doing its job.

I roasted a 1/2 pound of Sumatra Peaberry the other day and it is delicious. This particular bean doesn't seem to hold up to a very dark roast. But it does great at somewhere between City and Full City roast.

Makes a great shot of espresso... a little on the sweet side, not acidic and a thick crema that looks like a shot glass full of Guinness.
Had an exhausting day teaching managers in a native American tribe. They don't talk much during training - not sure if that's a cultural thing. It's not genetic, because I share almost 50% of their genes, and I never stop talking during training.
tonight at practice, my chief Instructor tells me
to lay off jumping kicks to avoid any unnecessary
pressure on my knee... 'Yes Ma'am'.. then, the
next drill she calls has jumping kicks.. ??? o_O
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