Last Person #5

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like what? I've been reading a lot of articles about the current round of protests, and haven't seen any signs of violence or rioting. Can you point to some examples?

I'd also caution against painting with too broad a brush. Some are certainly hypocrites. But all? Or even most?
Well... you posted a rant/vent with an implied pondering in the title -- then deleted what made the title meaningful. It's taken on a life of its own...

Yes, I am kind of like the Andy Kaufman of MT.

I will find a way to make that make sense later.
The problem I'm seeing isn't that people are protesting -- it's that they're apparently oblivious to the hypocrisy of rioting to shut down opinions they don't like while crying "Free Speech!"

But that's getting awful heavy for this thread... So...


(That's what my son would say! Apparently potatos are awesome.)


or even...

Oh no, not the damn Narwhal! My girlfriend's daughter did this Odyssey of the Mind competition last year. I had to hear that thing all the time for a month or so.
Getting a little frustrated with some folks. Apparently, it's OK for the anti-Trump crowd to use violence against people they feel might be so-called Nazis or even who counter demonstrate against them. But it damn well wouldn't be OK for those same folks to stomp into their demonstration and hit the anti-Trumpers.

Not a fan of Trump. Not a fan of a lot of his actions that seem not to have been thought through. Was even less a fan of Clinton. Honestly, wasn't a fan of anyone running. But -- just because I disagree, that doesn't justify me initiating violence when the only provocation is words...
Without getting into my politics, violence in supporting political dissent (short of the need to overthrow a government) is not justified, regardless of how "wrong" you view the other side.
Is there any such thing as thread drift in a "last person" thread?

I thought he was referring to another thread, not this LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! Quit picking on me...its not my fault you don't have coffee and dark chocolate...sheesh....if you were around when I had it.... I would have shared.....well.... actually I would not have shared.... I only had one cup and one piece of chocolate....but I would have felt bad and wished I could have shared....well...umm no.....I would not felt bad either or even thought about sharing...I'm generally pretty ornery in person..... umm well..... jeepers is that the time...I gotta go
The ache in my side is gone...for now. Still, I am going to wait a few more days until I try starting over from day 1 with the workout routine.
Went to the Doc today. Two plane rides and two bus rides of an hour. (nice that I had a good book)
Good news - I'll live.

"Your old and beat up" he said. I'm thinking, "You went to school for that, Doc?"

There's a blender full of fresh orange, guava, strawberry and raspberry that my wife left for me. There's a big, honking bottle of Grey Goose in the freezer. Hmmm, might be time for some of that new math.

And I ain't even going to mention the box of dark chocolate raisinets in the fridge.
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When our guys go to the doctors to get blood work done for fights you can either pay to get it done. Or get a STI check for free. Which has the blood work on it.

So instead of telling the doctor we are going to do a boxing match. We have to tell them we have been sleeping with hookers.

Between that and needles to drain cauliflower ears the local doctors must have a pretty low opinion of us.

Otherwise a lot of our doctoring (stitches and the like) is done by our local vet.
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddddd....the pain along the ribs came back. DAMMIT! Oh well. I got my ice pack and a nice cushy office job.
By the time I got home last night, the pain was gone. I was thinking, "Maybe my prediction of not getting back to exercise until the weekend was wrong, and I can start sooner." This morning my body told me, "Nope!"
Help a 30 something guy, show works in construction, unload his truck last night. He was picking up 75 pound bags, flipping them on his shoulder and running down the stairs with them. Picking up sheets of drywall (for a shower) 2 at a time and going down the stairs. I of course, not to be out done tried to keep up, I failed, but I tried...... I can't move well at all today, everything hurts..... and I am pretty sure that I am now at least 30 years older than I actually am.
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