If you like arm drag, why don't you like switch hand? The switch hands is just more "abstract".
I like arm drags because they have actual applications beyond simple theory. I can actually view professional fighters utilize arm drags in a variety of positions and situations.
I can’t say the same for the switch hand scenario you mentioned earlier.
When I use the term "back hand reverse punch", MMA guy may say it's bad. But when I use the term "cross", MMA guy will say it's good. I don't understand. Both are the same thing with different terms.
One day when the striking art and the grappling art will be fully integrated, I guarantee that you will see switch hands concept be used in MMA. It's a nice bridge to link the striking art with the grappling art.
That has already occurred, and it’s called MMA. I don’t see much of the “switch hands” you’re talking about, or anyone really utilizing CMA hand techniques. The vast majority have simply incorporated western boxing.
It's a principle. Whether you use it or not, It's all over the CMA.
And that’s perfectly fine. My point is that those who do martial arts for a living, and have to utilize effective techniques to eat, sleep, and keep their lights on aren’t using that principle, and don’t believe that CMA principles are “safer” than western boxing principles.