Orange Belt
What do you mean by resistance? Putting all of your strength in order to stop the aikidoka from applying a technique? That would be a huge mistake for two reasons.I have spoken to Paul Cale about it. His issues kind of reflect MMA vs Aikido guys issues which seem to be consistent with any Aikido guy who can actually demonstratively make any martial art work.
Shibucho Paul Cale – Kudo Australia
I would have to see something work before I invest time and money in it.
Can you make aikido work? Can anybody do it on video and then explain it.
I mean there is no shortage of aikido video. These guys are not hiding out. It is just the lack of demonstrated with resistance that makes me not want to put the day in day out no Sundays.
And potentially get no result.
Firstly because if the attacker (Uke) does that the technique is actually applied easier, I've tried it millions of times...
And secondly, because it is very dangerous to do such a thing, something will be dislocated, broken or worse.
If on the other hand, by resistance you mean relaxing in order to be able to re-attack or apply another technique as a counter technique, then that's fine and we practice that every day, although I wouldn't call it resistance (it's actually kaeshi waza).
The reason that we do not often see kaeshi waza in demos is probably because most Aikidoka want to demonstrate a set of clear techniques. Or at least that's my conclusion, I don't do public demos and I don't film myself because I don't think it accomplishes anything... It's not something bad, it's simply not my cup of tea...