Some that I can think of, based on my observation and criticism from students are:
boxing as a striking system (but modified to WC concepts)
60/40 weight distribution which is same, but they're not rooted. moreover, they do not believe nor know why we are rooted.
technique over concepts
body structure is less emphasized
Let me go over the ones I mentioned. First of all, boxing, one thing I noticed was that they were able to stand toe to toe with the boxer (boxer's not all that good though). Boxing as implemented in their system gave them a good and easy to pick up offensive.
On the rooted concept, I was criticized on it yesterday when I was practicing inch punches. JKD guy's mind was blown about why we are rooted and the concept of dispersing a person's energy to the ground was scary to him. He really doesn't like getting hit so it could have been just him and not the system.
About the body structure. I can see why it's less emphasized for them because even though they practice economy of motion, they are still more 'jumpy' than WC. My impression is that it's because of their striking system, it gives up more energy to be more mobile to deliver their strikes. The JKD guys have gassed out often, the boxer praises himself over his conditioning however no one has realized I haven't gassed out and I know what it feels like to gas out after doing P90x lol
Just a disclaimer, these guys aren't high level or anything, I think they're level 2 from what I can remember but they've been studying for about a year and a half.
boxing as a striking system (but modified to WC concepts)
60/40 weight distribution which is same, but they're not rooted. moreover, they do not believe nor know why we are rooted.
technique over concepts
body structure is less emphasized
Let me go over the ones I mentioned. First of all, boxing, one thing I noticed was that they were able to stand toe to toe with the boxer (boxer's not all that good though). Boxing as implemented in their system gave them a good and easy to pick up offensive.
On the rooted concept, I was criticized on it yesterday when I was practicing inch punches. JKD guy's mind was blown about why we are rooted and the concept of dispersing a person's energy to the ground was scary to him. He really doesn't like getting hit so it could have been just him and not the system.
About the body structure. I can see why it's less emphasized for them because even though they practice economy of motion, they are still more 'jumpy' than WC. My impression is that it's because of their striking system, it gives up more energy to be more mobile to deliver their strikes. The JKD guys have gassed out often, the boxer praises himself over his conditioning however no one has realized I haven't gassed out and I know what it feels like to gas out after doing P90x lol
Just a disclaimer, these guys aren't high level or anything, I think they're level 2 from what I can remember but they've been studying for about a year and a half.