This is a serious question
@Martial D (and don't get bent outta shape and all your being got at personally) would you recognize in a fight any Aiki ? ...or any of the techniques contained within Aikido (not being nasty) as you are basing everything on what you are seeing in the demo and dojo vids... if the opponent is a trained MA then you are very unlikely to see the flowing classical things you are basing all your comments on as that will not work at all. To complicated in part and require a heck of a lot of set up.
Think on this if you go for say a tech that require you to have full control of the arm elbow wrist etc etc etc (doesn't matter what really) and the opponent resists you relax somewhat and don't meet that resistance with a trial of strength (as in if you are stronger than your opponent -and yes I have been in situations when in normal everyday life I would and knew I was stronger and would be able to overpower the person that way but when the person was all wound up and the blood was up and the adrenaline flowing he did have extra in the locker so to speak- ) you redirect that use his resistance against him and flow into another tech then that is Aiki, you have blended with him not met force with force and used what he was doing against him,
Now again in fights would you be able to spot that as you think and have a very closed off mind towards Aikido, There is very little in Aikido that involves just pure strength as if it did then even in a dojo with a compliant partner a little guy would not be able to throw the big guys the way they can (and you will say oh the uke is flipping over on purpose helping nage and literally jumping and in public demos you are prob right up to a point) it is he is redirecting the force used against him (yes the turns and the pivots etc) to allow him to throw (if you really know what you are looking for then you can spot a mile of when that is happening and uke is not just flipping over - the ukes feet give that away - that said he as he knows what is coming will try to get into a position of least resistance for (a) to be a good uke and (b) cause he doesn't want to get hurt - again you can if you know what you are looking for tell if it the nage who is throwing or the uke that is flipping -that is all dojo classical stuff ) In a real situation it is unlikely you will see the big flow and the impressive throws and flip overs as those only happen in dojo set up and if both uk and nage know what they are doing.
Also and yes this a bit Hollywood but hopefully it will illustrate a point ... a guy comes semi head down running at you in say a bar while you standing there he gonna try in effect rugby tackle you you are stationary and he has momentum thereby he has built up some form of "power and strength" yes you could meet that head on if you are wanting engage him and roll with him (that could actually be described as kinda Aiki depending how skilled you are and that I would say no Aikidoka necessarily will be, a JJ, Bjj guy may well be an Aikidoka does not want to go to ground as that is not his/her strength) however if you pivot move of his line redirect him (and redirect doesn't always mean different direction) and assist him head on into the wall or the bar or even the folks behind you then that is Aiki you have blended by moving and not met force with force and used his force against him ( also on the way past you can apply atemi) that leads me on to the randori vid lol that exercise is not only to do with putting folks on their behinds or slamming them or hammering them down it is to build up the Aiki as in the blending the moving the redirecting of force and also the looking for the openings if they are there and when they are there to apply any tech and that could be just to move out the way (yes simple but effective) or to redirect into one of the other dudes coming at you from the other side ... and there by as well as building up the Aiki side it is building up your spacial awareness and the total scene.
Yes to most the many running about like idiots, trying to grab etc the nage looks like to some as the palour tricks in vids (like you see Ueshiba do and Shioda do) that has nothing to do with them trying to look like super beings at all absolutely not lol all it is showing is if you know how to apply Aiki and blend and redirect then you can throw off many and not by pure strength ...also the demos you see with Ueshiba with a jo and folks holding on to it then he throws them ...that is not fighting tech lol that is again Aiki principles and allowing him to throw ...nothing to do with a real life situation just showing what is possibly if you apply Aiki and not ever intended as the look of the super human. Also the vid when Shioda made RFK's bodyguard look a dork ...all Shioda did was drop his centre use the position of strength he was in use the weakness of the body guard (he was in socks and pants on mats there by his purchase was not ideal he was bigger than shioda so to get the leverage he was looking for from pure strength he had to try and go low and that was his downfall Shioda dropped his centre and merely used what he was given to his advantage big secret mystery at all he blended with what he was given and achieved the result.
Aikido is and never was an Art that meets things directly head on and the peace love and harmony bit is rooted in oomoto but with slightly different ideas of what all that means than the normal westerner would take it as ...jee even I 35 years ago thought hmmm how can slamming a person into a mat show any of that or how can trying to break an elbow be close to that , but from the founders outlook and his philosophy it is lol, also do note that latterly he really did go deep into oomoto hence why his early deshi have a different take on things and even they in later life changed as Ueshiba kinda intended you can practice Aikido from 10 to 100 and still get Aikido and to take the ideas into everyday life , ok many do not want to do that or miss that bit or gloss over it but it there Aiki is not just about combat lol it is about way more ... and that is up to the student if he or she chooses to go the whole path or not.
Every person everyday uses Aiki at some point it is just called different names and it is assumed that Aiki is purely martial arts isn't and never was lol just it is associated with them almost exclusively and especially in the west