Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo

kelly keltner said:
I don't know if sincere is the word to describe Terry Lee, but if you say so ok. I never said Mitose wasn't a criminal


And no Kelly, you're right, you never said he wasn't a criminal but if you are willing to concede he is a con man then take it from experienced law enforcment personal.........a con man is always conning, that's his nature. There is a Daoist saying: The cat does not kill, the rat does not steal, they all act according to their own nature.
Kelly wrote: If Mitose made it all up then so what. Once again that would mean Juchnik took what he learned and turned it into to something great that makes him a genious.

I say: Or are you Kelly part of the new generation who is now being conned? Reminds me of child abuse case histories, it keeps getting passed down from generation to generation until someone gets help to stop it......makes you think, doesn't it? I'm not saying this is the case but it's something to throw in the ring to think about since the 'powers to be' have not come forward as of yet to prove this Kosho thing. I'm waiting and will humbly stand corrected if I'm off base. No problem!
Technically, he was a felon. No offense intended.

kelly keltner said:
I don't know if sincere is the word to describe Terry Lee, but if you say so ok. I never said Mitose wasn't a criminal

Hi, Some pretty rough thought's there.

One minute John is saying the Martial Artist's that went there were conned.
In awe? Tried to do what they thought was right. Try to right a wrong, we see it all the time in the system of Jursiprudence.
Next you connect it up to an on going problematic (abuse) handed down from geneation to generation...Geez... I think I have got to step back in and level the playing field here.

Terry Lee was only dupped also, killed one and hurt another? Different situation I would say. Oh wait, he was used to convict, now he is a good guy?

Sorry the thing that turned my stomach,(on the job of LEO) was to have to use snitches. Pay them, make them seem responsible, then burn the other person so the snitch can take over the territory. Help the law and order guy, sometimes you wonder who is in who's pocket. Yin and Yang?

I just finished a good book, by Robert Parker, that very subject. About a three generation family, of cops in Boston.

Good book? Well written, if you like cons and the dark side of Law Enforcement. Personally, I don't, but it is the truth, so we deal with it.
One of the students Ray Arquilla goes out and does good things, now this man is in the system (Ray) on the other side of the bars, dupped goes on to help Al Tracy, gets promoted to 10th Dan does good things all the time.

Hanshi Bruce sets up a system and spreads the word telling everyone about the great Martial arts that came out of China, Okinawa, Japan and Hawaii, dupped but was a believer, maybe in awe, spends over 25 years setting up a great system and then he is maligned like that.

Boy, pretty sad, we have dropped a couple of pegs in my book.

Oh by the way I am retired LOE myself, so there are different thoughts out there among the LOE guys, some still abide by the law, you are Innocent until proven guilty or as they say in the south (still Napoleonic laws in some of the states) Guilty until proven innocent.
One of the reasons we fought the civil war was human rights issues, why would we want to go there (south). Is it even in the US as far as proper Law and human rights issues?

Obvioulsy I am not a right winger...

If you read the 84 posts on this topic, I don't think you will find anyone saying "Terry Lee is a good guy". I know I certantly did not. In fact I always make it a point to state the truth about him. "He only trained with Mitose for 7 weeks" and that "he murdered a 69 year old man, and half killed his wife". You keep saying that your retired LAPD, well your former agency did the investigation. Use your sources and find retired LAPD detective Earl Nishimura. Last I saw him (10 years ago) he was working as a investigator for the California State Lottery.
I think Mitose was extremely lucky that they did not have DNA testing in 1974. Because the forensic technicians found Asian hairs in Frank Namimatsu's bloody hand. And the hairs weren't Frank's or his wife's. And as you probably already know, Terry Lee was black.

As far as I recall, I have never said anything derogatory about Mr. Juchnik. I have heard mostly positive things about his character and martial skills. In fact his teaching career and dedication to the arts far exceeds Mitose's.

What I have always questioned is "Kenpo History" according to Mitose. And "Kenpo Philosophy" as espoused by Mitose.

Mitose lived his life as a con man and liar. So why should we believe him when he tells the tale of the temple in Japan?

Mitose stole from people, beat people, threatened people, ordered and planned the murder of people, and possibly murdered someone by his own hand. So why push this myth that he espoused a "Peaceful Philosophy"?

So yes when anyone preaches the virtues of following the "Philosophy" of Great Grandmaster James Mitose, people here are going to react adversly. Men are judged by their actions, not their words.
Hi John, You are right I started with your name and then directed it towards Professor Joe.

I should have made that clearer, apparantly I have a tendicy towards that, I have been called on it by others, so where there is smoke there is fire.

Yes, I am retired LAPD, thanks for the name and location, I was just thinking that very thing. But because I have confidence in your information, I was thinking that would be a big waste of time.

I am gathering information and trying to keep a clear head on this, for me it comes in pretty clear. Others have different thoughts. I am not so sure I would have taken the path, but I am trying to understand it.

Ray Arquilla is a man involved with the prison system and yet he still went there. I figure OK, now I'll check that out, go from there, that is another person who is reliable. What did they see, that I don't.

Questioning someones intentions gets a little touchy sometimes.

Kell remarked everyone has an agenda, Yes I do, I am trying lately to find the truth, and make sense of 25 years and for????

I have other reasons, but they are not anything other then finding the history of Mitose. When I started doing that it became larger, I have found the History of Karate, many books many fine men, some not as good.

Russia had great rulers and they were are allies why did we go there knowing there reputation? Or in the Phillipines, why did we back who we did or in the Vietnam War or now in Iraq, I love the history and therefore I wanted to know more in my own mind.

Not just words, but real reasons. Read books, stories about these incidents,
you won't get wet if don't get in the water, (thought pattern) emerse like others have.

I think that is what got Hanshi Bruce, history, the knowledge, the way, the path to finding out what he was looking for.

Anyway I am not pointing fingers or worrying about Mitose he is past, what I would like to find out is why do we attack some and not others?

There is so much misinformation, when you start digging that it is hard to keep yourself from just throwing up and saying, This is all BS.

I was there because of the art to protect me and others, it is a tool like any other tool when you need it, if you don't have it, you can't get the job done.
I was very fortunate in finding Sifu Leoning when I went on my quest and then I continued on and so forth.

So, thank you for the lead. Regards, Gary
John Bishop said:

If you read the 84 posts on this topic, I don't think you will find anyone saying "Terry Lee is a good guy". I know I certantly did not. In fact I always make it a point to state the truth about him. "He only trained with Mitose for 7 weeks" and that "he murdered a 69 year old man, and half killed his wife". You keep saying that your retired LAPD, well your former agency did the investigation. Use your sources and find retired LAPD detective Earl Nishimura. Last I saw him (10 years ago) he was working as a investigator for the California State Lottery.
I think Mitose was extremely lucky that they did not have DNA testing in 1974. Because the forensic technicians found Asian hairs in Frank Namimatsu's bloody hand. And the hairs weren't Frank's or his wife's. And as you probably already know, Terry Lee was black.

As far as I recall, I have never said anything derogatory about Mr. Juchnik. I have heard mostly positive things about his character and martial skills. In fact his teaching career and dedication to the arts far exceeds Mitose's.

What I have always questioned is "Kenpo History" according to Mitose. And "Kenpo Philosophy" as espoused by Mitose.

Mitose lived his life as a con man and liar. So why should we believe him when he tells the tale of the temple in Japan?

Mitose stole from people, beat people, threatened people, ordered and planned the murder of people, and possibly murdered someone by his own hand. So why push this myth that he espoused a "Peaceful Philosophy"?

So yes when anyone preaches the virtues of following the "Philosophy" of Great Grandmaster James Mitose, people here are going to react adversly. Men are judged by their actions, not their words.

Hi Doc,

I get the idea, yes it is kind of a no brainer in a lot of respects. But I think I relayed my thoughts pretty clearly

At least you took the time to respond, I have read a lot of what you have been saying.

Yesterday I was reading SGM EP's Encyclopedia that his son finally finished.

I paid $70.00 for it on Amazon.com awhile back, when more came out in the stores(new) I bought 5 copies, I have a lot of EPs books and find them very interesting.

History I love it, of course there are many stories and opinions but they are all interesting.
But like I say, there is a lot of convoluted thoughts, that have been conveyed, picked up and carried to the goal post for the touchdown.

To bad we don't have instant replay, but then we would not have stuff to talk about, ideas, opinions, and the most important part, Kenpo!

I feel lucky, yesterday Clyde, today you.

Regards, Gary
Hi John, back real quick.

I just got an E-mail from a very reliable confidential informant, that tells me James M. Mitose did go to Japan, studied Kenpo and it was not Motobu he got his information from but some of his students (motobu). Along with Okazaki's students, but then I've also got more to corroborate his story.

GM Al Tracy was the first I believe to talk about Mitose and Japan.
Of course Hanshi Bruce makes it pretty clear and so do others in Hawaii
How about Kimo, I thought I read where he felt Mitose did go to Japan.
(if he did or not the guy was a Major conman and criminal, I have always said many many times and scratched my head)

What about the temple and the person's, Paul Twitchell and Fusai Oshita .

Will that be enough to get a Search Warrant signed? <(8-)

I might follow up what you were saying about Earl. NV. is last known address.
Do you know what area of town or the Division? Valley or Downtown?
I can go about it several ways.
Regards, Gary
PS. Peaceful, compared to the Samuri,:-partyon:
is prof joe saying that we are getting conned by hanshi juchnik? i just want to make sure that all of the slamming is clear.
as far as the forms that we practice in kosho....as told to me by hanshi juchnik, its simply a way of preserving and passing on these forms for other students to learn from and enjoy. i have learned forms from many different styles at the encouragement of hanshi bruce, and the history of these styles. there are many practitioners out there that dont even know the basis of their art or its history. as a humble student and teacher of the arts i feel a sort of responsibility to tell people what i have learned.....not for any glory or recognition, but simply because the history behind the art is just as fascinating as the art itself.

GAB said:
Hi John, back real quick.

I might follow up what you were saying about Earl. NV. is last known address.
Do you know what area of town or the Division? Valley or Downtown?
I can go about it several ways.
Regards, Gary
PS. Peaceful, compared to the Samuri,:-partyon:
I'm not that familiar with the LAPD divisions. The murder occurred at 3787 S. Norton Ave L.A., so you would probably be able to figure out what division Earl was working out of.
John Bishop said:
I'm not that familiar with the LAPD divisions. The murder occurred at 3787 S. Norton Ave L.A., so you would probably be able to figure out what division Earl was working out of.
Gary, I looked thru some of the probation reports tonight. Earl was working out of the "Southwest" division.
GAB said:
Hi John, back real quick.

I just got an E-mail from a very reliable confidential informant, that tells me James M. Mitose did go to Japan, studied Kenpo and it was not Motobu he got his information from but some of his students (motobu). Along with Okazaki's students, but then I've also got more to corroborate his story.
I sure hope it's not the same reliable source who told you last week that Sijo Emperado died.:whip:
Hi guys. yeah, I shouldn't have implied that you guys are getting conned by Juchnik, like I said before I have heard many positive things about him but I just get a little fustrated when this subject comes up and here's why. I was never a Mitose detractor. I took what I was told as the the histroy and passed it on to my students. Then, many began to question this history. I didn't want to be like others I knew in the arts over the years that would pass out misinformation and perpetuate myths and have my students think I was full of sh-t when the truth came out!, lol. So, I began to dig for the truth or at least as close to the truth as one can get when researching history. The reason of my fustration and why I mentioned the 'con' thing was that if you have information that can put this to rest once and for all, please let's have it! Share it! Even Gary, whom I respect, now alludes to the fact Mitose had training in Japan but it's 'secret squirrel', a reliable INFORMANT! Gary, in all due respect, this isn't a narcotics investigation, it's a search for the truth about our roots! Why be secretive about who has evidence that can clear this up? Your statement only makes us more cynical about the whole thing. If you've got something, please put it out there. John and I have pulled no punches about our sources. Everyone knows our information is connected to the A&E investigation, John was the first to break it! No mystery there. If you have something that shows Mitose studied in Japan, let's have it! If it's factual and the evidence stands undisputed I for one will be behind it 100 per cent. As a matter of fact, I still have information posted on my walls at the school that connects Mitose to Japan as the 21st decendant of Kosho ryu, i even have his picture up and why? because I'm holding out as long as I can if it can be proved that this is true! Please believe me, I won't be all disappointed if it turns out to be true. It will be a lot easier for me, I won't have to re-write everything I have posted at my school, lol. So, guys, I apologize if I offended anyone, I just got a little fustrated because John, myself and others are kept being told that you guys have the evidence but no one, none of the powers to be of Kosho, come out and simply present it! Let me go to my documents and post what I have up in my school and you will see it puts the Mitose history according to the Kosho people in a very positive light, so believe me, I'm not your enemy, I hope you guys prove it but how much longer do I have to wait? Let me go to my documents and post it here and then you can tell me if anyone thiunks I'm not being fair to the Kosho Shorei Ryu organization. Respectfully submitted, Professor Joe Shuras
Karazenpo said:
Hi guys. yeah, I shouldn't have implied that you guys are getting conned by Juchnik, like I said before I have heard many positive things about him but I just get a little fustrated when this subject comes up and here's why. I was never a Mitose detractor. I took what I was told as the the histroy and passed it on to my students. Then, many began to question this history. I didn't want to be like others I knew in the arts over the years that would pass out misinformation and perpetuate myths and have my students think I was full of sh-t when the truth came out!, lol. So, I began to dig for the truth or at least as close to the truth as one can get when researching history. The reason of my fustration and why I mentioned the 'con' thing was that if you have information that can put this to rest once and for all, please let's have it! Share it! Even Gary, whom I respect, now alludes to the fact Mitose had training in Japan but it's 'secret squirrel', a reliable INFORMANT! Gary, in all due respect, this isn't a narcotics investigation, it's a search for the truth about our roots! Why be secretive about who has evidence that can clear this up? Your statement only makes us more cynical about the whole thing. If you've got something, please put it out there. John and I have pulled no punches about our sources. Everyone knows our information is connected to the A&E investigation, John was the first to break it! No mystery there. If you have something that shows Mitose studied in Japan, let's have it! If it's factual and the evidence stands undisputed I for one will be behind it 100 per cent. As a matter of fact, I still have information posted on my walls at the school that connects Mitose to Japan as the 21st decendant of Kosho ryu, i even have his picture up and why? because I'm holding out as long as I can if it can be proved that this is true! Please believe me, I won't be all disappointed if it turns out to be true. It will be a lot easier for me, I won't have to re-write everything I have posted at my school, lol. So, guys, I apologize if I offended anyone, I just got a little fustrated because John, myself and others are kept being told that you guys have the evidence but no one, none of the powers to be of Kosho, come out and simply present it! Let me go to my documents and post what I have up in my school and you will see it puts the Mitose history according to the Kosho people in a very positive light, so believe me, I'm not your enemy, I hope you guys prove it but how much longer do I have to wait? Let me go to my documents and post it here and then you can tell me if anyone thiunks I'm not being fair to the Kosho Shorei Ryu organization. Respectfully submitted, Professor Joe Shuras

Okay, here's what I have posted at my school originally, I did add a last paragraph later that stated Mitose also received training form Nabura Tanamaha of the Choki Motobu lineage of Okinawan Kenpo.

Great Grandmaster James Masayoshi Mitose

21st Descendant Kosho Ryu Kempo

As many of you know, I have been doing a pretty comprehensive background check on the history of James M. Mitose and his contributions to our Kempo/Kajukenbo systems. I have been trying to be totally objective and I was never, originally, a Mitose detractor. I became disenchanted with the Mitose history when it just wouldn't hold up to scutiny, not in the least bit. In my quest, I have found some answers. Nothing will ever be totally clear and objective when it comes to the history of any martial art but what I am looking for is some factual evidence, some circumstantial evidence, a little logic and a basic framework of the man's legacy that makes sense. I have had my ups and down on it and my investigation is still not complete but here is what I feel is reasonable so far:

Let's start with Jinshi Eison, fact or fiction? Well, yes and no. Don't get me wrong I have a definite answer on that but it has a little explaining. Jinshi Eison lived in just the right time period we are looking at, circa. 1200. He studied in China, his Buddhist name was Kosho Bosatsu. So, it looks legit, right? Wrong. The Kanji used for Kosho in this case did not mean 'old pine tree'. It's like the kanji used for kara in karate. It can mean China (Tang) or empty. Eison's life was extremely well documented and nothing lined up and matched.

However, according to Mitose, Kosho ryu is a sect of Zen Buddhism based on the Rinzai Zen which was introduced into Japan in 1191 by the priest Eisai. Mitose considered Eisai, and for that matter Rinzai (lin chi) and Daruma himself as being his ancestors. This is something he prided himself on. Jinshi Eisan was a misinterpretation of Mitose's words (his English was poor). 1191 was when the religious Rinzai sect (lin chi) Kosho Shorei Ryu was founded. The martial art, Kosho Ryu wasn't developed until about 350 years later, around 1560. The Tracy's begin their lineage (which I will get to shortly) at 1232 AD with Zenko Yoshida. Not only is that the wrong clan but you couldn't possibly have 21 descendants to Mitose in that time period. Martial art ryus weren't developed that early on, those were the religious rinzai sects that started around circa.1200, the martial art came much later. They're about 350 years off!

The Yoshida lineage leads to dead ends and where did Kosho come from? Mitose had three grandfathers. Records provided to Shihan Michael Brown, the Sei Kosho Shorei Kai historian, shows three families from Japan. 1) the Mitose family (his father's side), 2) the Yoshida family (his mother's biological father), and the Kosho family (his mother's biological mother). Mitose's maternal grandparents were not married. His mother was raised by her biological father (Mr. Yoshida) until she was 17 years old, then she was adopted by her biological mother who had married into the Kosho family. Besides the obvious connection with the name Kosho, this was the only grandfather alive when Mitose arrived in Japan in October of 1920.

James Mitose's maternal grandparents were Yoshida Sakuhei (the father of Mitose Kyoka).
Kosho Toju (the mother of Mitose Kiyoka). Mitose's grandmother was not the wife of Mr. Yoshida. Kiyoka was the result of an affair. This is in the family record.

The Tracy Yoshida lineage to Kosho ryu has no merit. They do not go back to the family art of Kosho. Thje Kosho art goes back 21 generations. Mitose's grandfather that he learned the family art from was Kosho Kyohei. This is recorded in the family records although there is no written proof that he trained at the Shaka In Temple as of yet and may never be. There are records there mentioning the term Kosho ryu. A local historian, whom I do not have his name as of this posting, stated martial arts was being practiced there up until just before WW2. The Tracy's are barking up the wrong tree, lineage tree that is! They traced the wrong grandfather, Yoshida Sakuhei. He wasn't even alive when Mitose was 4 years old.

Shaka In temple. Kosho monks and martial arts: truth or fiction? Documents provided and further research to confirm this on the internet into historical records shows that in October of 1588 the warrior monks of Shaka In clashed with the forces of Konishi Yukinaga. The battlefield is perserved to this day.

I gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Shihan Mike Brown, historian of the Sei Kosho Shorei Kai for his tireless and unselfish efforts in researching this' tangled web'. All that I have learned in this post came from Shihan Brown's research and I take no credit for it other than my continuing efforts in a search for the truth on this enigma. Respectfully, Shihan Joe Shuras

*More information and further confirmations will be posted when made available.
Hi John,
Thanks for the information regarding the incident, been going on over the last few decades.:idunno:

Lets see, S/W, I was there in the middle 70's, Working Metro. Nice area. Especially if you are into crime fighting. The name was changed to protect the image, you can't have one of the highest crime rates and do the Olympics twice. Bradley was a smart fellow.

The information came from a different source, LOL..
Quick and so early? Must be normal for you?

Regarding the information on Sijo, It came out of the Tracy Camp.
Does that surprise you? LOL...:)
I am glad it was wrong, I was feeling bummed.

Thanks, Regards, Gary
Hi Professor Joe,

I was using that term to bring up memories from a place faraway and a term only, "cop talk is understood here". Who else would put that to a Narco bust or a Vice caper? Well now wait, there are a lot of cop shows, so maybe I need to think differently.

Good pick up Joe:), I was going to say you are up early like John but, Hey, three hours ahead of us, heck it is almost time for brunch. Or in Vice we were working the bars and having our second beer and talking about women, placing a bet on the track or sportsbook.

Now it is all going strong, the rage and then some. Do they still do that, "Arrest" for just having a good time?

Chinatown, now that was a crime free area. Why do you think LAPD dropped the height limit from 5' 8" we needed people to work Ctown.
Trivia, and it is the truth.
Plus the fact that we needed women to come on to the job, at that time 5' 8" was pretty tall for the opposite sex.
Did they have height requirements when you went on Joe?

We did, so many things, that it was very narrow, unable to find anyone to fit the mold, or someones thoughts as to what was needed.
Now you talk like that and people think you are a bigot.
Back then, Webster said "bigot" was a man with a mustache. Hmmm lots of them on the street, no wonder they made me?

I am 6' 2" weighed 190 on the job for many of the years, now I am a petit 223 lbs. my wife reminds me it is the additonal muscle mass. (muscle is heavier than chubby, so why isn't my waist still 35",) wives are very one sided, Love ain't it grand:rolleyes: . Going on 42 years now, who would of thought when kicking doors and other objects?:idunno:

Okey back to today. No problem Professor, I like your spirit, and your information, we are coming up with a file on the perp, back in a few.:)

Everyone else is using smily, so why not me?
Regards, Gary
Karazenpo said:
Kelly, you definitely misunderstood my post when I said SINCERE! Where the heck does Terry 'The Killer' Lee come into this???? I'm talking about the guys who made those prison visits and who I had foremost in mind was Professor Eugene Sedeno who I have the utmost respect and admiration for!! You're telling me that Terry Lee visited Mitose in prison? If so I never heard that one before.
"Also, in the back of my mind I was thinking the same thing John Bishop had posted when he said Mitose's Kosho Ryu thing when he was in prison was another scam of trapping some honest and sincere people into doing his bidding as he did with Terry Lee back in 1971! "
Prof Shuras

I've been away from the computer for a couple of days and I did not realize this was going to cause that much controversy. At first glance when I read this statement. I thought it was written in such a way as to say that Terry Lee was being duped by Mitose. After rereading I believe You were trying to say He was complicent with mitose in committing the crime. Holding with my personal policy of appologizing when I am wrong, I apologize.
As far as Mitose being a con man and a felon(thankyou Mekugi) as allways I could not agree more. As far as the statement of sounding cocky I know your not Joe. I also am a little familliar with fraud and con men as I spent a couple of years in the private investigation field specializing in worker's compensation cases. I spent a lot of time sitting in the back of a van shooting video of poeple doing things they said they Physically could not do. On occasion I would run on to cases where the claimant was actually injured. While this does not make me an expert on the level of you, John, and Gary. I do believe it gives me a basis of knowledge from which to draw some conclusions from.
As far as the statements that you made Joe about what "you guys say" and about the evidence "we" have "we" being Abregana, Bishop, and yourself. Since when did you stop being objective and start being part of the "we". I have always stated that If it was proven Mitose never went to Japan I wouldn't have a problem with it.
As far as the Shotokan lineage issue. The emphasis of my statement was that although the lineage goes back to China it was shaped by the culture when it hit Okinawa. I appologize if I did not make that clear. I figured you'd know that considering our phone conversation where you told me that proffesor Cerio told you about Parker changing things to suit a specific enviroment(same concept). Im sorry, I guess it's my fault I did not explain it better. As far as The Kosho group having to prove it's claims I don't agree the story of Mitose's going to Japan and comming back has been around for many years. I believe that it is the people making the claims of the opposite that have something to prove. I have yet to see the alleged proof that Mitose never left Hawaii. All I have seen so far is inuendo based on Mitose's Criminal activity. So let's see the proof that shows otherwise and if it shows Mitose never left Hawaii I'm right there with ya.


Are you a gambling man? I wouldn't bet agains't me in being able to prove Mitose went to Japan.
Hi Kell! Hey, believe it or not I agree with 99 per cent of what you said and I know sometimes things are miscontrued, so shi-t happens, lol, no problem but what I still disagree with and have a problem with is the Kosho people make the stand that Mitose studied in Japan, why is it not proper to ask you to show us? I have been asked over the years in conversations on different forums in the past when I used my signature as: 'Shihan' Joe Shuras, as if I self annoited myself the title, 'Shihan'. I had no problem with giving the exact date of my title and rank, a copy of my certificate and the current head of Nick Cerio's Kenpo to back it up and I can do the same for my title of 'Professor'! I use titles in correspondence only out of respect to the grandmasters that awarded me such! No ego involved! I didn't give it to myself but received it ( Professor) through the Hawaiian Martial Arts International Society, I didn't pay to get it, I didn't ask for it, I didn't misrepresent myself to get it, I didn't kiss butt to get it and I can back that up, so why is it so difficult to get a straight answer about Mitose from the Kosho people? Why? C'ome on guys, it's getting pretty thin, I honestly don't believe you guys even believe it and if you do, fine, give some proof and if not, well, as they say in court, CASE DISMISSED!