Kosho Ryu?

You claimed that Bruce Juchnik was merely a Tracy's Kenpo practitioner, I provided some video evidence that shows what Bruce is doing is NOT Tracy's Kenpo.

Bruce Juchnik was a Tracy's Kenpo practitioner early on. I have an article/interview of him in Black Belt magazine talking about Kosho, and he says something to the effect of, "Yeah, I still do all that stuff."

Kenpo is kenpo. As I understand it, Kosho is a set of principles that can be applied to a base art. Yes, while it is true that Bruce can not be doing Mitose's physical art of Kosho (no one can), he can certainly apply the principles that Mitose taught him to the kenpo he already knew/knows. And to anything else he has learned or will learn.

As I heard it, that is what James Mitose told the men to do.
mitose, (Am I to assume this is Mark?)
The press between your Father and Bruce Juchnik is pretty well known. We have controversy and difference of opinion as to legitimacy. The only way to prove which is right in that area would be to subject Juchnik's certificates and your Father's recently discovered copy of your Grandfather's will to independant forensic analysis. Otherwise, all we have is he said vs. he said. Since that is unlikely and expensive let's present some information of value rather than regurgitating old press releases.

You claimed that Bruce Juchnik was merely a Tracy's Kenpo practitioner, I provided some video evidence that shows what Bruce is doing is NOT Tracy's Kenpo.

Your response from the video is "that stuff Bruce is doing...(must be) MMA, bits and pieces off all the training he has done." Having actually studied what Bruce is teaching and reading two of your Grandfather's books (What is Self Defense & What is True Self Defense), I understand how what Bruce is performing is developed from what your Grandfather taught. Interestingly enough - there are concepts and principles (many of which are found in James Mitose's writings) that underly what Bruce is doing in the video(mostly Onna Atemi - female percusion) as well as the escaping, locking, throwing, & the hard hitting (Otoko Atemi - male percusion) of the Kosho that Bruce teaches. If Bruce made it all up, than he is more talented and brilliant than your Grandfather in my opinion.

You were also claiming that your Father is not primarily a Kajukekenbo stylist but now it seems that the main aspect you are putting forth of your Father's Kosho Ryu is that you hit hard. How is that unlike Kajukenbo? In what way does your Father's art differentiate from Kajukenbo? As I said before, I would love to see some video demonstrating your Father's performance of Kosho Ryu so I can see for myself how what he does is unlike Kajukenbo. I'm just curious because I know that your Father is Black Belt in Kajukenbo under Joe Halburna.

_Don Flatt
" Mitose, Soke" did train and obtain a Black Belt from the late Prof. Joe Halbuna. This being just one of the many Arts and Styles that he has mastered. I have personally trained and continue to study with "Soke"
for the last 35 years.
I understand that Juchniks style is not entirely Tracy's. Juchniks is an incorporation of many other styles. From those he has made his own.
Is this what we are supposed to believe is an AUTHENTIC original from
James Mitose?
I know the entire "Jucknik Story" Where is he living? What Happened to his schools? What happened to his offices in Orangevale and Penryn?
Why does he continue to evade the Mitose's calls and my own? How come he is selling all of his Parents and Grandparents personal belongings on "EBAY?"
Another thing, It was stated somewhere that James Mitose's remains were
never claimed by the Mitose Family. Where do you think it is and in whose possession? I was there at the Prison when the Immediate family (that means "Soke") claimed the remains. I see James at least 3 times a week!:asian:
Enough for now.....................

I'll ask I'll ask my 1st question again. Who are you?

I also have another question. Your profile says you've been doing kosho ryu since 1969.
Primary Art and Ranking: kosho ryu since 1969

Does this mean you began training with Mitose before or after his incarceration?

_Don Flatt
Originally Posted by swong

I'll ask I'll ask my 1st question again. Who are you?

I also have another question. Your profile says you've been doing kosho ryu since 1969.

Primary Art and Ranking: kosho ryu since 1969
Does this mean you began training with Mitose before or after his incarceration?

_Don Flatt

Great Question Donn.
I have played Uke role for Soke Thomas Mitose.....He hits extremely hard....he didn't seam to be trying very hard to do so.
Here are a couple of short clips of Thomas Mitose. Not much, but I'll try to get more later.

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Hey guys,

I just wanted to put my 2 cents in. I started studying Kosho in 2000, when I first started studying martial arts. I was attracted to it because it seemed to be a very good merging of Buddhist philosophy and practical martial movement. Starting with this art was the smartest thing I have ever done.

Since then, whenever I study a new art, I have an advantage. I see the advanced concepts in the simplest techniques. Ideas such as aligning centers, moving in the octagon, and ways of uprooting your opponent without touching them all permeate every moment of my continued study of other arts. I can't say I use these advanced concepts all the time, but at least I see them.

I have very warm feelings for the Kosho Shorei Ryu Kai, and I am happy to see they are continuing to be successful, thanks to the help of many dedicated Shihans. Also, thanks go to Hanshi Juchnik for putting up with a lot of resistance in tsome of the martial arts community, even as he sought to bridge the gap between arts. He's a cool guy.