Who's Who In Kosho Ryu

Soon you will be amazed at what is being brought out to the public...............

How will it be brought out exactly? Books, dvds?
You made a comment as to your surmising I may be Jeff Wong.
I have known Shichidan Jeff Wong for many years. He is a Pillar in the Association of Mitose's International Kosho-Ryu Kenpo Association.


Sorry, you must be Sharon.
Kenpo Dave,

Are you referring to Sharon Spremich?
Before I answer your this one of your many questions answer one for me.
Why is it that you seem to be so interested in who I am? And why haven't I heard back from Don Flatt. I have been told that the word got out. That Questions have been circulating regarding Bruce Juchnik that He would prefer that no further contact be made. I have been told that The more questions that are asked by The Juchnik Camp result in the answers to many questions that have gone unanswered and are finally being spoken.
And why haven't we been invited to the next Gathering?
First off ,Who are you?
Why must you ask such a question
don't you know who is who?
I guess I'm going to show you :jediduel:
or maybe you will show me

see you Monday "D" you still got it :mst:
glad your on our side brother :soapbox:
Here is where the who's who of Kosho will be.

This is on Both Hanshi web pages and anyone can go.

The Gathering was created as a venue for martial artists from all disciplines to share their knowledge and experience.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Many Martial Arts events focus on the teachers and masters. The Gathering is focused on exposing the students to many styles of the martial arts in order to promote unity. It is a unique opportunity for students of all ranks and styles to train with some of the greatest Martial Artists of our time.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]When you are at the Gathering, focus on the similarities,
train hard, and most importantly, enjoy.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Gathering 2007[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
10/13/07, 10/14/07
Reno NV


Kenpo Dave,

Are you referring to Sharon Spremich?

I am referring to the Sharon mentioned in this paragraph taken from www.kosho-ryu.com:

M.I.K.K.A. Members Workshop/Members Tournament
On May 19th, 2007 we will be having a M.I.K.K.A. Members Workshop/Members Tournament. At this Years event we will be honored with teachings from the very experienced and knowledgeable Shichidan Jeff Wong and his World Champion Wushu Students!! Shichidan Wong has been a part of our family since the early 1960's. We have been calling him Mr. Wong for so long that we (Debbie, Liz and Mark) cannot seem to break the habit. Hanshi and Mr.Wong go back to the beginning of their Martial Arts Days. Their names were always mentioned in the same sentence.Their Karate-Kung-Fu schools climbed and reached the top together in the Tournament Circuit. Producing Champions in all Divisions. His wife of 30 years, Sharon , is one of the Best Known female fighters of all time! She is the Power Puncher that all women competitors feared and all "smart" men respected. It has been our Priviledge to know them and to have them as a part of The Mitose Family.

Before I answer your this one of your many questions answer one for me.
Why is it that you seem to be so interested in who I am?

I have only asked one. As one who is interested in the history of Kosho-ryu, to have someone appear on a forum that knew James Mitose and has been training with his son for 28 years is a name I would want to know.

And why haven't I heard back from Don Flatt. I have been told that the word got out.

I don't know Don, you'll have to ask him.

That Questions have been circulating regarding Bruce Juchnik that He would prefer that no further contact be made. I have been told that The more questions that are asked by The Juchnik Camp result in the answers to many questions that have gone unanswered and are finally being spoken.

Don't know him. I'm not in the Juchnik Camp, I'm in the Tracy Camp.

And why haven't we been invited to the next Gathering?

Which Gathering? There are several. If you are speaking of Bruce Juchnik's, I don't know. Speakman's? I don't know. Tracy's? I don't know but I can find out.
Kenpo Dave,
Sorry, for confusing you with someone from the Juchnik Camp.
I thought you were another Juchnik follower being a smart ***.
On the other hand I was being a smart *** when I asked about not being invited to the Juchnik Gathering. "Soke" was invited to "The Gathering of the Eagles" but had prior commitments and could not attend.
Glad to know that you are interested enough in The History of Kosho-Ryu to visit The Mitose Website.

You can also post to "MITOSE" that is Hanshi Mark, Soke's son.
Can somebody tell me who Hanshi Richard Buchan is? And how come I can't find him on the Mitose family tree? On his sight he says he's a Kosho Master and all?
Sorry about the delay. I have been unable to post for a few days.
As previously stated my name is S. Wong. I did not say that I was taught by James Mitose. I have been training under his Son, Thomas Mitose, Soke since 1969.
Ok. I've checked all the posts you've made so far and I don't see anywhere you stating your name is S. Wong. People's user id's are a nickname/handle for the site and don't always correspond to their real name. Hence, why many people, myself included, sign their names to their posts. This also the reason for a profile. I didn't realize we were supposed to gather that "swong" stands for "S. Wong." What does the "S." stand for? I wanted to know who was making the claims you were. You have to admit they're very bold claims and shouldn't be made anonymously.
I did know his father "James Mitose" and visited him in Prison very often and accompanied "Soke" to Los Angeles for training under his father. I was there when James Mitose refused to sign the certificates for Bruce and Arnie.
It's very surprising that no one else has heard of you being there before now. Training under Thomas, well that makes some more sense. It said in your profile that you've studied Kosho Ryu since 1969. I'd find that surprising since James Mitose testified in court that from 1954 to 1973 when he took Terry Lee as a student that he had not taught Kempo to anyone.
Who am I ? Do you mean my Credits and Credentials in Martial Arts? or was that meant sarcastically?

I have been training since 1969. I am Listed in The Encyclopedia of Martial Arts among the Top 5 Women Fights in the Nation. I have trained with and as long as The greats of Martial Arts Skip Mullens, Joe Lewis, Benny Urquidez, John Nativida, Frank Ramirez, Phil Cornin, Bill Wallace, Al Dacoscos to name a few. I have competed against and beaten great women fighters such as Janice Miller, Marion Bermudas, Mary Starks, Karen Shepard, Malia Dacoscos and so on.... I started my traing in San Francisco and presently train and teach in Sacramento and Concord Ca.
My questioning who you are was not meant to be sarcastic. I wanted to know who I was talking to. You seem almost insulted because I did not know who you are. I appologize. Your credentials are impressive.
In reference to having to show you something of substance regarding Mitose's Art.......That is a bit disrespectful. James Mitose is who Bruce Jucknik is Representing after all.
I meant no disrespect. I genuinely would like to hear what Mark and Thomas have to say the family art is all about but if all Mark wants to do is talk bad about Bruce Juchnik behind his back then I'm not interested. Wouldn't coming to a public forum and throwing all kinds of insults and accusations around behind someone's back be considered disrespectful? That's called slander. How does that reflect the teachings of James Mitose?
As far as asking Who I am on the same page Who are you?

I have noticed in your dialog you find it necessary to talk down to people as if everyone else is ignorant on every subject.
I am just a humble student. No major accomplishments. I love to study the martial arts. I always like to learn more and share what I learn with others. I'm sorry if it seems that I've talked down to anyone. That has never been my intent.
Soon you will be amazed at what is being brought out to the public...............
I look forward to it.

As I've said before, I really think it would be much more productive for Tom & Mark Mitose as well as those under them to come here and share their knowledge and communicate what their veiw of Kosho Ryu is rather than degrade to the old lineage debate. Since, it seems that the debate is what they're really after I'll thow them a few bones.

1. Since James Mitose testified in court that he did not teach anyone Martial Arts from 1954 to 1973 with the exception of Terry Lee. And Since Thomas Mitose also stated in an interview in a 1982 Kosho Shorei news letter that he never studied with his father. How can he change his claim recently?

2. In regards to the blood line. Do we still follow the bloodline in the event a Master has no children? What about cases where a Master has decided for some reason to not teach the art to his children? In the case of James Mitose, which bloodline do we follow? Thomas was the 4th of Nine children(that we know about) that James fathered. Thomas was the 2nd son born to James' 2nd wife in Hawai. James had 2 others in Japan by his 1st wife. James had 2 with his 3rd wife in California and 3 illegitimately with his neighbor. James was not a fighter but a lover.

Have fun guys!

_Don Flatt

I am well aware of James Mitose's Love of the women. The Mitose family is well aware of the these facts although yours are not entirely accurate. I have been present for many of the reuniting of the brothers and sisters of James Mitose. Some went very well and some were bitter towards James.
All in all you are not telling me or the Mitose Clan anything new.

What The Mitose Family has chosen to keep to themselves for all these years is their business. You stated that you are just a humble student with no major accomplishments, yet you have the balls to question Mitose's BLOODLINE.........Bottomline Thomas Mitose is the only child from James Mitose that chose to carry on with the family art.
By the way where do you come off plastering on a forum, Mitose's private business. Talk about disrespect..................
In that case Juchnik is living with a friend because he is homeless, is being monitored for Alcoholism and I won't go into details but has suffered his share of problems with women leaving him penniless..... You mentioned slander. It is not slander when you are speaking facts.
By the way the answer to question Number #2. I know that is a Lie, I personally accompanied "Soke Thomas Mitose along with others to Los Angeles, Ca. for Soke's training. I at this time cannot go into details because
I have not yet received permission to discuss these issues on this forum.


I think the only thing in kenpo that would suprise me is if all the politics and in-fighting and the "my kenpo is the real deal" attitudes went away.

I think the only thing in kenpo that would suprise me is if all the politics and in-fighting and the "my kenpo is the real deal" attitudes went away.

I know that I'm sick of this thread with the bickering and name calling...

Ain't nobody gonna know the truth that isn't already aware of it. This sort of bickering is just going to convince outsiders like me that NONE of you know how to play nice with each other... which suggests to me that your style is doomed to stagnate as nobody shares any knowledge.

Please, keep the conversation polite and respectful.

-Mike Slosek
-MT Asst. Admin-
Personally I agree with those that have stated the bickering and name calling is useless. I appologize for throwing fuel on the fire in my last post. I guess I was a bit frustrated as I was seeking to elevate the debate for several posts prior to that. I will post no further on this matter. I'm going back to the other forum areas where people are actually interested in discussing their arts and other people's in a civil manner.
By the way where do you come off plastering on a forum, Mitose's private business. Talk about disrespect..................
Is it just me or is this the pot calling the kettle black.
In that case Juchnik is living with a friend because he is homeless, is being monitored for Alcoholism and I won't go into details but has suffered his share of problems with women leaving him penniless..... You mentioned slander. It is not slander when you are speaking facts.
What is it that Juchnik was learning from this weary soul? It is a crime to use and abuse the Elderly..........
Sorry, for confusing you with someone from the Juchnik Camp.
I thought you were another Juchnik follower being a smart ***.
I know the entire "Jucknik Story" Where is he living? What Happened to his schools? What happened to his offices in Orangevale and Penryn?
Why does he continue to evade the Mitose's calls and my own? How come he is selling all of his Parents and Grandparents personal belongings on "EBAY?"
By the way, I didn't feel it was my place before but regarding the above slanderous statements about Bruce Juchnik- you don't have the facts straight.

_Don Flatt
We support you and Soke Mitose, Hanshi Mark, KyoshI Debbie.
I have been friends with them for many years.
Rick Buchan had both Juchnik and Mitose for seminars. He earned no rank from Mitose. He claims that the Kosho Ryu Crest is public domain and that anyone can use it. I'm not sure about his 30 years experience, but I know he achieved a black belt in 1994 along with Ken Relf, a personal friend of the Mitoses.
Rick Buchan had both Juchnik and Mitose for seminars. He earned no rank from Mitose. He claims that the Kosho Ryu Crest is public domain and that anyone can use it. I'm not sure about his 30 years experience, but I know he achieved a black belt in 1994 along with Ken Relf, a personal friend of the Mitoses.

Thank you for the Infomation. On this person.

at the unity seminar on of GM Mitose's students did a form, with very impressive skill i will add. I would like to know the name of the form, if it is taught in any other styles and perhaps a little of what it teaches.

Howdy Marlon,

I do not know much about this topic or who might have done the demo. but I have seen and competed against Sifu Tim Bowles (Tony Bowles son?) and he was AWESOME. He and Rodney Alo (Related to Ron Alo I think) were always the guys to beat in the "Kenpo" or "Kenpo / Polynesian" forms divisions.

I know this is pretty far from the thread topic but I was motivated thinking about Sifu Tim's forms.


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