Korea Hapkido Federation Newsletter

John A. Johnson

White Belt
The Korea Hapkido Federation is attempting to inform international masters and instructors of current KHF activities with a new multi-language newsletter. The first English newsletter is reprinted below from its original Adobe Acrobat format.

If you would like to receive future KHF newsletters, please send a blank e-mail to khfnewsletter@yahoo.com. This email address is for the newsletter only and not for inquires regarding rank or federation information.

If you have questions for or about the KHF, please contact Director Gimm June at koreamudo@korea.com.

John A. Johnson

The Korea Hapkido Federation Is Strategically Co-Operating with Korea Telecom
Korea Telecom (KT) will soon sponsor 23 websites for the Korea Hapkido Federation (KHF). In addition to the main KHF website and its English version, there will be 21 city and regional branch office websites. All 23 sites are in development and are 50% complete. Information about books and local hapkido dojangs and events will be included in the contents of the websites.

The KHF and KT have the same marketing policies, and the cooperation between the two will extend beyond online business.

The 13th Korea Hapkido Federation Master Course
The 13th Korea Hapkido Federation Master Course was held for 3 days and 2 nights from April 30 to May 2, 2005 in Pochun, South Korea at the Bears Town Resort, which is just outside Seoul.

This time, participation in the course was restricted to KHF members holding 3rd dan (degree) certification. The course generated great interest with participants and everyone involved worked hard throughout the weekend. The course was taught from 6AM to 8PM each day, and the subject contents taught were:

• Hapkido and Health Care by Dr. Lee, Hyung Koo from Kyunghee Hospital
• Chiropractics Course by the KHF Chiropractics Education Director, Master Lee Dong Woo
• Understanding the Body in Relation to Hapkido by Master Lee Tae June
• Emergency Chiropractics Techniques by Master Kang Jung Soo
• Breathing Control by the KHF 2nd Chiropractics Director, Kil Ung
• Self-Defense Course by Master Kim Nam Jae

Master Kim Nae Jae worked hard teaching his course to the 300 participants, evidence of the ever-growing popularity and expansion of the Korea Hapkido Federation.

New Appointment in the KHF Office
The KHF has appointed Master Gimm June as the KHF Planning Director. The position has been vacant since January 3, 2005.

Master Kim Bo Hyung has been appointed as the KHF Demonstration Director. Master Kim Bo Hyung was previously a member of the team, and has now assumed responsibility of it. When the appointment letter was presented, KHF President Oh Se Lim encouraged Master Kim Bo Hyung to work hard in his new position.

All 10 KHF Committee Directors Attend Conference
On April 30, 2005 all ten KHF committee directors attended a conference where they pledged to work hard, with their hearts and souls, in their departments.

Another meeting was held between the 21 city and regional branch office directors. It was decided there that the 2005 Korea Hapkido Federation Championship would be held in Busan, South Korea. The Busan KHF Branch will host the championship and all other city and regional branch offices will provide assistance.

President Oh Se Lim Meets with University Professors
On May 1, 2005, President Oh Se Lim met with 13 university professors about teaching hapkido in their institutions. These universities include the Police University, the Central Police Academy, Sun Moon University, and Yon Dong University. Ten KHF directors were also present at the meeting.

Everyone in attendance promised President Oh Se Lim they would work hard to develop hapkido. President Oh Se Lim also promised to meet with the professors on a more regular basis.

News Plans for Teaching and Grading Foreign KHF Members
The Korea Hapkido Federation is formulating plans to expand hapkido and develop teaching and rank examinations in foreign countries. The KHF will announce details and other information soon.

New Policies for KHF Members
The Korea Hapkido Federation has decided that from now on all KHF members who hold double membership with other hapkido organizations and federations will be expelled from the KHF. This applies to all Korean and international KHF members. This is a KHF order, and the federation promises to work harder with its members.

Organization of the e-Culture Team
An appointment letter will be presented to Han Shin Myung, Mr. Antonio Blanco, Miss Jade Alexandria Smith, and John A. Johnson for their participation in the new KHF e-Culture Team.

Inquiries About the KHF
All inquires about the KHF should be directed to koreamudo@korea.com.