Knife vs Gun

As I said I know there are many many situations and I wasn't talking about bringing a gun to a knife fight. I been stabbed twice and shot at several times. I was stabbed once in the leg, 2 inches below the groin and one in the shoulder. Both times I was almost shocked to realize I was stabbed. The sneakiness of it was a little scary. The one in the shoulder I actually looked down to see the knife blade before it registered what had happen. I know guns can shoot through glass and you can hit your target from far off, I'm not talking about that scenario. I'm talking about you and a guy are on the verge of fighting. When I had the gun pulled on me I saw the guy reaching into his jacket to get it and I was able to react. I never saw the knives coming. I was even fighting with the guy already when he got me in the leg. Of course it's easy if someone has a knife and they are waving it at you but most don't do that. If I had a choice as an attacker I would want a gun too, who wouldn't.
As I said I know there are many many situations and I wasn't talking about bringing a gun to a knife fight. I been stabbed twice and shot at several times. I was stabbed once in the leg, 2 inches below the groin and one in the shoulder. Both times I was almost shocked to realize I was stabbed. The sneakiness of it was a little scary. The one in the shoulder I actually looked down to see the knife blade before it registered what had happen. I know guns can shoot through glass and you can hit your target from far off, I'm not talking about that scenario. I'm talking about you and a guy are on the verge of fighting. When I had the gun pulled on me I saw the guy reaching into his jacket to get it and I was able to react. I never saw the knives coming. I was even fighting with the guy already when he got me in the leg. Of course it's easy if someone has a knife and they are waving it at you but most don't do that. If I had a choice as an attacker I would want a gun too, who wouldn't.
Which reinforces my experience of knife as an ambush weapon. Most stabbings i've ever seen have resulted in the person being stabbed not even knowing there was a knife until at least the first stab wound. Knifers are ambush predators.

One of the BIGGEST lessons that should teach us between the ring and the street, of infinite importance beyond any single technique, is, while in boxing they teach us to 'Watch the shoulders' the street, you WATCH THE HANDS! WATCH THE HANDS! WATCH THE HANDS!!!! We can talk all day about what to do about the knife when we see it coming.....but you have to see it coming FIRST, as you too well illustrate!
I think you misunderstood him.....the statement 'do what I tell you to or i'll shoot you' means that you are using the gun as a warning. Pulling it out and shooting them without a request is what he meant. Most folks who are stabbed never knew there was a knife until after they were stabbed.

Sgt Mac; I'm confused, I was the one who said it, not him, my response was to him, that was my saying, but your saying I'm confused by my own saying or am I reading this wrong? Just asking.
Sgt Mac; I'm confused, I was the one who said it, not him, my response was to him, that was my saying, but your saying I'm confused by my own saying or am I reading this wrong? Just asking.

I was responding to this distinction....

Most people who pull a gun in the America I know have one intention, do what they tell you or they'll put one in you. The only ones that pull it as a warning are citizens defending their property or lifes and want to warn you, someone pulling it on you to rob you or kill you are doing just that, pulling it to use it.

A subtle distinction, but a definite one......a man who points a gun at you and gives you directions that if you don't obey he'll shoot you is using the gun as a threat, even if he's serious. That qualifies as a 'warning' even if he's trying to rob you.

If he pulls it out and immediately shoots you without pre-conditions it is not being used as a threat. I think that was the point he was making about most knife attacks.....the knife is not displayed as a threat, but used before the victim even sees the knife.

Though in pointing that out, I risk hair-splitting, though I do believe the distinction, while subtle, is important.