Ki Chuan Do - one of the best Self Defense systems

A kickshield is necessary to practice the defense. The attacker was also kicked in his face ;-)

The use of kicking agains tknife is maybe a choice because the environment is in the elevator.
So what are you supposed to do when the attacker does get close while you're trying to kick them away from you for all eternity? I would think trying to control the weapon arm would be the best way to go (*ahem* grappling).
I watched all their videos save one - the commercial.

I'll credit them with showing how a person is really attacked with a knife (versus the "a la Jim Carey" knife attack - if you don't know, you're too young). However in the same elevator knife attack video, the attacker didn't attack nearly as aggressively as he did when the opponent was unarmed.

I'll credit them with trying to show how to defend against someone going for a takedown. However the attacker was billed as a personal trainer, not a trained and experienced grappler (which invalidates the demonstration entirely - it should be renamed "defense against personal trainers" instead).

oldyangtaijiquan - It doesn't seem to me that people here "don't like" your style of fighting... They dislike the outlandish claims that it is the system to beat all systems. No such animal exists. Since people do not fight significantly any differently today than they did 100, 200, 500, or even 1000 years ago, you would think that somewhere during the 5000+ years of recorded martial history someone would have stumbled upon the "ulitmate" way of doing something by now. There are individual techniques that are taugh nearly universally as the best representation of that kind of technique, however no single system, style or tradition has a monopoly on them all...

And that is exactly what ruffles feathers about your style and your teacher's claims. Period.

Enjoy your training. You will get out of it what you seek. Let's all just hope that it'll serve you well should you need it... Of course, the same goes for everyone else as well...
oldyangtaijiquan said:
Matt Stone - I will not try to answer to you because as I understand we disagree on this argument.

Without ripping your posts apart any further, I'll say that in my experience this avoidance tactic has most often been the defense of those who either a) knew too little about their style to form an adequate arguement in the face of their detractors, b) knew they had no real training to speak of from which to draw support for their claims, or c) knew their training was just so much smoke and mirrors and refused to expose the details of their training for fear of public humiliation.

If you are trying to form a favorable public opinion of Ki Chuan Do (since you are active on this forum and others currently fighting the same fight on every one), presenting a detailed analysis of why your training is superior to that of other styles would be a good first step.

I have every right to dislike anything I choose. However disliking something without knowledge is ignorance, and I don't like ignorance. Explain to me how your methods are better than, say, those of Kyokushin, Wing Chun, Silat, or whatever. My first impression is that your style draws its foundation from traditional training, which makes me wonder how a derivative of traditional training is somehow better than what it came from. Explain...

I don't like to commercialize anything! My Intent was only to recommend this system

Which is precisely what a commercial does - recommend a specific product over others.
Ubermint said:
As I am a bullshido moderator, do tell me what exactly is wrong with our videos.
Oh wow! I'm a member there - what's your ID on BS-Do?
NotQuiteDead - Grappling is one possibility, but what happens if you don't catch him timely?

Matt Stone – KCD is not my style but now I started to practice it and I like it. I don't know if Perkins really stated that his »system beat all other systems«, but is true that he affirm that his system could be used against any attack (also by other systems). I don't know if KCD is rally superior to other styles (I don't say that), I only think that its principles and movements are very realistic and useful. I will not try to persuade people about its effectiveness, if anybody is interested the Perkins book »Attack Proof« is a good overview of his system.

However Which RBSD or maybe Close Combat variation do you recommend (not commercialize ;-)?
How did you guys construct that elevator simulator? I saw that video a long time ago and have always wondered how you built that.
I am not from KCD team, so I know only what I seen in the video. As I see they constructed elevator simulator with pads/pillows. It is good to give a feeling of limited space and tightness.
And so if the grappler were to shoot for your legs, then what you are saying is that in your system you would kick him, as in extending your leg towards him? I am not trying to be sarcastic I am just not quite clear on this.
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oldyangtaijiquan said:
I am not from KCD team, so I know only what I seen in the video. As I see they constructed elevator simulator with pads/pillows. It is good to give a feeling of limited space and tightness.
It looked more solid than that, they were bouncing off the walls and stuff... just curious how they built that to handle the impact. A really small boxing ring?...
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Matt Stone said:
I'll admit I'm curious who Ubermint is, but that is fodder for a whole 'nother thread...

I'm still waiting for the responses to questions posed for answers of increasing detail regarding Ki Chuan Do... :idunno:
Well, the reason I ask is, he claims to be a mod there, but isn't listed, but has been posting alot of stuff that was posted there by a guy called "hedgehogey", who happens to be banned here. I wonder what a deeper check into this guy would show? If Ubermint is the same guy, seems to be rather disrespectful, as well as a violation of this forums rules concerning multiple accounts, as well as Bullshidos rules as well. Morons that do that there get stuck in their "Hall of Shame" it seems.

I would take anything he says with a grain of salt, since he's already been banned here once before. Might be why he has logged in twice since the question has been asked, yet hasn't put up a reply. No stones I'd guess.

Ok, back to beating on the make-believe stuff.
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hey, lets get back on the damn subject: wrapping our amazed minds around the sheer chutzpah of a ham disaster like perkins claiming to teach anything effective
Ubermint said:
hey, lets get back on the damn subject: wrapping our amazed minds around the sheer chutzpah of a ham disaster like perkins claiming to teach anything effective

No relation to the hedgehoggy that was banned here for his behavior?

Bester points out that multiple accounts is banned both here and at Bullshido. I do not know what kind of message it would send if it turned out that they allow their moderators to break the rules of other boards. If they let their moderators do things that they won't allow others to do on their board, that is kind of a hypocritical thing don't you think?
Look close Don. He admits it.
This guys just a troll, even brags about trolling here in a thread over in that grade-school garden.

Mr. Hoggy, you probably won't see this, being as you'll probably be banned by dinner time, but, nice try. Thanks for playing. Go back to your mud-hole, brag to the other toothless blunders, pat yourself on your low-browed back Mr. "Me Smart, Me Troll Message Board. *Grunt* Want cuddle boys, no homo kare-ate boy me. UFC real, say so on magic box." you dishonerable sewer monkey.

Pitty MT doesn't have a wall of shame for losers like this.
Bester said:
Pitty MT doesn't have a wall of shame for losers like this.
It's all about honor, man. It's all about honor.
What would someone like that know about honor?:readrules

Oh lookie, he go poofy.:jaws: Bye Bye HedgeTroll! :wavey:Back to the land of teenage angst for you!:2xBird2: :moon: :btg:

Ok, 1 Troll KIA.

We now return you to the deep discussin of this "Only system that works" malarchey.
