I watched all their videos save one - the commercial.
I'll credit them with showing how a person is really attacked with a knife (versus the "a la Jim Carey" knife attack - if you don't know, you're too young). However in the same elevator knife attack video, the attacker didn't attack nearly as aggressively as he did when the opponent was unarmed.
I'll credit them with trying to show how to defend against someone going for a takedown. However the attacker was billed as a personal trainer, not a trained and experienced grappler (which invalidates the demonstration entirely - it should be renamed "defense against personal trainers" instead).
oldyangtaijiquan - It doesn't seem to me that people here "don't like" your style of fighting... They dislike the outlandish claims that it is the system to beat all systems. No such animal exists. Since people do not fight significantly any differently today than they did 100, 200, 500, or even 1000 years ago, you would think that somewhere during the 5000+ years of recorded martial history someone would have stumbled upon the "ulitmate" way of doing something by now. There are individual techniques that are taugh nearly universally as the best representation of that kind of technique, however no single system, style or tradition has a monopoly on them all...
And that is exactly what ruffles feathers about your style and your teacher's claims. Period.
Enjoy your training. You will get out of it what you seek. Let's all just hope that it'll serve you well should you need it... Of course, the same goes for everyone else as well...