Koo Self Defense?

still learning

Senior Master
Hello, Last year I was surfing the net looking for other martial art schools. Then I found this site (Koo Self defense). I was impress with there training program.

Lost them and there name. Today looking under Kick boxing I found them again.

Koo Self Defense are the most physcial train students anywhere and there workout program is intense. Check them out (Under- Kick boxing; Koo Self Defense.

Mr Roger Koo believes his students needs to be in there best condition, and trains with high levels of punches,kicks and so on. To be good martial artist.

Isn't it true ? When you know you feel in the best shape of your life...you will have more confidense in your self as a Martial artist?

How many feel you are in top form? .......for myself....need to push myself more.........Aloha

Could you please post the link to the school, sir?
Still Learning being in top shape is a place all of us need to be in, but the problem with that statement is some people may be in top shape but have a few extra pounds. Top shape is what you need to be in so you can handle every stituation that comes your way.
I personally know Budy buildrs that could not fight for anything yet they are in top shape, then I know overwieght individuals that could kill you inless than a second. so it is up to each individual what they need to make themself feel better.
Hello, You are right...as you age...the body changes. MR. Bruce Lee once said, he didn't want to live long because of his training regiment (he was joking when he said that). He was training for over 8 hours a day at that time and try many variety of excerises.

But physcial excerise should never stop, age will slow you down and the amount will decrease. But you can still be in top form for your age? or age group.

One has to be impress with MR Roger Koo and his training regiment of his students. for BB test-one of them is punching bags for 30 minutes? How many of us can do that? .......Aloha
Alot to read, so perhaps I missed it, but it seems to me that his main focus is more on the cardiovascular area, while still having people throw strikes, kicks, SD moves? I almost get a Tae Bo impression, but I may be wrong.

I'm certainly not disputing the fact that its good to be in shape, but time still needs to be spent on how to properly execute moves, proper stances to execute those moves, etc.

One thing that really turned me off was when I saw the section with the youngest Black Belts, ranging in age from 5 and 6 yrs old.

MJS said:
Alot to read, so perhaps I missed it, but it seems to me that his main focus is more on the cardiovascular area, while still having people throw strikes, kicks, SD moves? I almost get a Tae Bo impression, but I may be wrong.

I'm certainly not disputing the fact that its good to be in shape, but time still needs to be spent on how to properly execute moves, proper stances to execute those moves, etc.

One thing that really turned me off was when I saw the section with the youngest Black Belts, ranging in age from 5 and 6 yrs old.


There training program is the hardest I ever seen! and harder than tae bo? as for the kids BBs', 5 & 6 years old, I agree to young to understand the meaning. (NO standard rules and anyone can do there own ranking).

Even adults with BB's...at some schools just show up and pay the tutitions. So what is the right thing here?

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