Ki Chuan Do - one of the best Self Defense systems


Yellow Belt
Jun 12, 2005
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Hey, you want the real stuff? You don't like choreographed and good-looking martial arts? You are searching for self-defense that really works and that can be used in any situation? Ki Chuan Do is for you! It is also easy to learn.
I have experience in various martial arts and I found that KCD is realy what I was searching for! Easy, natural, effective and instinctive self defense movements.

I was seraching fot combat (self defense) version of Yang style Taijiquan and I found about John Perkins (he also studied with the Yang style Taijiquan master Waysun Liao). When I found it I frstly thinked that is another comercial bull**** (as are many around), but I discovered that it is an exellent self defense system. When I was searching in analized it I found that it contain only movements that works! In my prior martial arts experiences(mainly Karate and Taijiquan with experienses with Ju-jitsu, JKD, Aikido and Kickboxing) there was a lot of stuff that were not useful in real selfdefense but are practiced because they are part of that martial art.

KCD is a simple and effective self defense sistem. It has only stuff that works. In my opinion is one of the best self defense sistems if not the best! I opened also a page dedicated to Self Defense and Ki Chan Do.
Your post bought to mind a little known system called LLAP-GOCH.
It is the secret Welsh art of self defence that requires NO INTELLIGENCE, STRENGTH or PHYSICAL courage, anybody ever read about it?
I admit when I first saw the title of "Ki Chuan Do" I was thinking of an art that used the technique of "Fry-Ing-Pan" and "Mik-Ro-Wave"
Don't judge KCD too soon. Its "Attack Proof" section is dedicated for normal people (that are not trained) to teach them how to defend themselfs.
This post don't want to be a commercial! KCD is a sistem that uses Close Combat strikes, Taijiquan sensivity and energy and native American groundfighting. It uses the best of the three styles. What I realy like is that it uses movements and principles and don't have any prearanged techniques. Also Systema use similar philosophy.
I don't say that it is better than any other system, but I only want to propose that "natural flowing mowements" can be better than "fixed techniques". Also that in real life self defense some martial arts movements/techniques maybe will not work.
Perkins don't need to prove nothing to anybody, his system speak by itself! He merged together what really works!
Bullshido is a real bullshido! They are pathetic and some they videos ridiculous. BJJ and some others martial art are exellent for UFC or NHB but in my opinion Military Close Combat is more useful for real life selfdefense.
The shape of Perkins has notrhing to do with KCD! This only prove that KCD can be used by every person. And some elements of KCD are also suitable for teaching selfdefense to the children.
oldyangtaijiquan said:
Perkins don't need to prove nothing to anybody, his system speak by itself!
He has plenty to prove. He might start with his claim (I take this verbatim from him) that KCD was tested on "BJJ black belts and proffesional NHB fighters".
He merged together what really works!
How do you know what works? Has KCD ever fielded a fighter in a full contact competition?

Bullshido is a real bullshido! They are pathetic and some they videos ridiculous.
As I am a bullshido moderator, do tell me what exactly is wrong with our videos.
BJJ and some others martial art are exellent for UFC or NHB but in my opinion Military Close Combat is more useful for real life selfdefense.
And your opinion is wrong.

The shape of Perkins has notrhing to do with KCD!
It proves that he does not train hard, except possibly in preperation for hotdog eating contests.
Noone that fat is qualified to teach.
This only prove that KCD can be used by every person. And some elements of KCD are also suitable for teaching selfdefense to the children.
Question: Habla espan~ol?
oldyangtaijiquan said:
Don't judge KCD too soon.

Well, with stunning advertisements like yours, it'll be hard to restrain my judgement...

Its "Attack Proof" section is dedicated for normal people (that are not trained) to teach them how to defend themselfs.

Isn't training normal people how to defend themselves what martial arts in general is about? Why does the martial arts community need a martial art tailored for "normal" people? Are other martial arts only for "extraordinary" people?

This post don't want to be a commercial!

Ah, but when your sum total of posts are in a thread like this, it is difficult to take it any other way... And it does little to shine a favorable light on your school in the process. You come across as another zealot for a particular school, making claims that defy logic and demand proof, proof you aren't terribly forthcoming in providing. Perhaps "commercial" isn't appropriate, but "infomercial" may be...?

KCD is a sistem that uses Close Combat strikes, Taijiquan sensivity and energy and native American groundfighting.

So, pray tell, what are "close combat strikes?" Aren't all strikes you employ against an aggressor delivered in "close combat?" You certainly don't punch someone in "far combat" now do you?

Taijiquan sensitivity and energy... Hmmm... :idunno: Not quite sure what you are referring to here. Care to elaborate?

What precisely is "native American groundfighting," and where did this individual learn it? I'm curious to know, since I have a friend who is working with members of the Nisqually reservation to invigorate native tribal traditions. I'm sure the tribal elders would be quite interested in learning of such things...

It uses the best of the three styles.

And what is the "best" of those three styles? What is "best" anyway? Isn't that dependent upon the many variables of a given situation, the body composition of the fighter in question, the skill of his opponent(s), etc.?

What I realy like is that it uses movements and principles and don't have any prearanged techniques. Also Systema use similar philosophy.

So now you are trying to link yourselves to Systema as well? That's like saying apples and oranges are both fruits, they both have juice and seeds, so they are alike. Hardly, hence the phrase "comparing apples and oranges."

It sounds more to me like you move about without direction, you move as you like, not necessarily in the way that is most efficient. That's what most "we don't have prearranged techniques" neo-styles really mean to say anyway... It's a way for them to say "I have no skill nor understanding of traditional forms and training methods," without actually admitting their lack of skill and knowledge and still managing to impress ignorant potential students.

I don't say that it is better than any other system, but I only want to propose that "natural flowing mowements" can be better than "fixed techniques".

Which means you are saying it is better than any other system that employs whatever it is you refer to when you say "fixed techniques." So indeed you do say it is better than other systems.

Also that in real life self defense some martial arts movements/techniques maybe will not work.

Thanks for the stunning announcement. I'll alert the media directly. The idea that some movements or techniques are not applicable to every situation is revolutionary... In the 5,000+ years of martial history I'm sure no one has ever explored that concept before.

So what can you actually tell us about this style that isn't just fluff and marketing hype?
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Geez, old dude, you're over here too?

I'll repeat myself from MAP. The claims made by Perkins are specious at best. Native American groundfighting with no elder named as an instructor. Or tribal affiliation. Ancient Greek boxing through some unbroken lineage spanning over 2000 years. Get over your bad self, Perkins is a fraud.

YOU CANNOT TEACH PEOPLE SELF DEFENSE FROM A VIDEO. Never. And if Mr./ Perkins claims his style style is so fab that it's better than REAL MA, he better be able to talk the talk and walk the walk. Which he hasn't done. Surprise, surprise.

For the Admins: This loser is posting all over MA forums with the same stuff, can't we just ban his butt and be done with it?
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BaiKaiGuy said:
For the Admins: This loser is posting all over MA forums with the same stuff, can't we just ban his butt and be done with it?

I was reading some of the threads from B U L L S H I D O, and the thing that stuck out most was how when Omega decided to take Perkins up on his standing challenge, Perkins withdrew the open invitation from his website and backed out of the deal...


I'm still reading into it to get caught up. While the videos look "interesting," I've noted that there are a few discrepancies with how things are done that tend to keep KCD portrayed well, and fail to adequately represent their contradictory arguments.

Reality based self defense systems are not made for the competitions, but for the real life street self defense. To compete in this sistems is a nonsense!

Bullshido members attacked Attack Proof staff without any reason so (as I understand) they (to have peace) closed they forum. In Bullshido forum attacks also systems that works.

How I sayd, this is only my opinion, maybe I am wrong. KCD is only a derivate of WWII Close Combat (as many other masters developed they own system: Sammy Franco, Richard Dimitri, Carl Cestari, Kelly McCann, Peyton Quinn, Marc Macyoung, Richard Ryan, Tony Blauer, Geoff Thompson). Maybe it is also a "marketing hype", but if was not so mr. Perkins will now continue to practice his system alone in peace in his garage.
oldyangtaijiquan said:
Reality based self defense systems are not made for the competitions, but for the real life street self defense.

And your direct evidence to the efficacy of this style is what, precisely? And when I ask this, I mean demonstrable, verifiable (by disinterested third parties or video tape), and quantifiable. Your word is simply insufficient...

To compete in this sistems is a nonsense!

The idea that a "street effective" method of fighting can't be used for competition is garbage, plain and simple. It can be logically stated that a sport art is ineffective for combat (as they do not train for that), but saying that a combat art cannot be scaled back for competition is just so much bovine fecal material. Do you then, in class, injure, debilitate, cripple and maim each other? Hardly. You scale back your techniques, do you not, so that your training partner remains uninjured? If so, then you are certainly capable of entering a competition to prove the value of your training...

Bullshido members attacked Attack Proof staff without any reason so (as I understand) they (to have peace) closed they forum. In Bullshido forum attacks also systems that works.

As a proud member of the Bullshido community, I'll say that they don't attack systems, just outlandish claims. They want proof of claims to invulnerability, proof of the superiority of any given style. I've trained with quite a few of the folks from that website, and they are willing to believe things so long as you can back them up. Period.

They were willing to send someone to your style's founder in order to verify the style's utility, accepting an invitation to challenge published by the founder on his website. When that happened, the challenge was removed from the website and from what I understand he avoided the issue entirely... Why might that be?

How I sayd, this is only my opinion, maybe I am wrong.

There is a great likelihood of that being the case...

KCD is only a derivate of WWII Close Combat (as many other masters developed they own system: Sammy Franco, Richard Dimitri, Carl Cestari, Kelly McCann, Peyton Quinn, Marc Macyoung, Richard Ryan, Tony Blauer, Geoff Thompson). Maybe it is also a "marketing hype", but if was not so mr. Perkins will now continue to practice his system alone in peace in his garage.

Whatever Ki Chuan Do may be, the issue remains that claims are being made that need to be supported or dropped. There are people training in martial arts all over the world whose teachers pump their heads full of nonsense that will inevitably cost one of the students their lives... They will be injured, crippled, maimed or killed because they genuinely believed their teacher's propaganda. Who is to blame? The student who accepted the instruction on good faith, or the teacher who was criminally negligent by making statements that were false?

That's the issue, nothing more.
That's right, Matt. Just go on playing the good cop. I'll bang my fist on the table and glare at him from under the harsh light.
Ubermint said:
That's right, Matt. Just go on playing the good cop. I'll bang my fist on the table and glare at him from under the harsh light.

Not sure if you mean to imply a proposition for partnership or if you are sarcastically criticizing my approach to this gentleman's posts.

I work in the legal field. I find that people will hang themselves quite nicely if you allow them the opportunity. I don't need to do the work; they'll often quite gladly slip the noose around their own necks, and heave themselves off a balcony, all the while thinking it was their idea in the first place.

I look forward to his explanations. I doubt they'll be forthcoming, but I look forward to them nonetheless.
Matt Stone - I will not try to answer to you because as I understand we disagree on this argument.

What I like in KCD:
- the emphasis of awareness in self-defense
- the use of simple, natural and instinctive movements for self-defense (no difficult and complicated movements)
- the use of yielding and internal energy (no need of brute force)
and so on.

However you could like it or not. Also not all practice the same martial art. KCD is without doubt a valuable self-defense system. It is only one possibility and there are also other excellent self-defense systems.
It seems to me that, given the intent of your very first post here, you are more interested in commercialization of the art than learning, sharing, or otherwise discussing things. To me, this speaks volumes. Believe me, you aren't the first salesman of a "created" art to visit this community.
I don't like to commercialize anything! My Intent was only to recommend this system, but as I underdtand many of you don't like it.
Which RBSD or maybe Close Combat variation do you recommend?