Originally posted by Seig
How can you call this crap? This technique is around most arts that I have studied in one form or another. When you drop your elbows onto the forearms, you should be aiming for the radial nerves, this in turn will cause them to loosen their grip at the worst and to flail their arms at best. Either way, as you twist the foot, they should not be able to fall properly, causing further injury. As you twist the foot, you can be damaging the foot, the ankle, the knee and the hip. What can be bad about that? As you shift forward, a slight foot push drag can stike the testicles. As you grab the wrist and pull up it places reverse curvature of the spine which makes the stomp all the more devastating. Have you thought about "Marriage of Gravity" while doing the stomp?
That's all very well until you consider the multitide of better alternatives, which get major strikes in faster and therefore, IMO, put you in a safrer position more quickly.
If someone attacks you, you move from a position of safety into a position of danger, now, my interpretation of kenpo is that you do some major damage as soon as possible, in order to minimise the time before you move back into relative safety again (when the personal has been effectively disabled). Whilst most of the techniqes manage this, I don't think Squatting Sacrrifice does.
Firstly, whilst the foot comes up easily enough when it's a bare foot on a polished wood floor, I think the friction between the tarmac in the street and a rubber boot sole would be such that it would be very hard to bend down and pull someone's foot out from under them. This problem applys to drag style sweeps outside as well, the foot almost seems to 'stick' to the floor.
If you do get them down, then I don't think they're going to lay there all placid as you try and turn them over with the foot, because apart from the impact of them falling down, there's still no major strikes gone in. With adrenalyn pumping though the body, I don't think the pain of this would be sufficient to stop the person kicking out at you as you've got hold of there foot, which is going to make i hard to do the end of the technique.
If you do manage to turn them, you've got the groin kick, which fair enough is your major strike, but it took some getting to. After that you're supposed to snap the spine and kill them, landing you with a lovely life sentence in gaol. I don't see the merits of practising that.
My personal opinion, if you like it then bully for you! I'm glas someone does.
If you ask me it looks like bad slapstick